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Grade 3

Language class
I am not currently teaching but hoping to start next academic session. So for my hypothetical
lesson, I have chosen Media Literacy. The Media Literacy strand gives media education the
same focus as the traditional strands included in the curriculum: Oral Communications,
Reading, and Writing.
Overall expectation:
1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;
2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with
them are used to create meaning;
3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms,
conventions, and techniques;
4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for
improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media

Learning goals:
In this lesson, students will be asked to pick an advertisement of their choice and present in the
classroom their understanding of the effects of that advertisement. This ad could be in print or
digital form, it could be from years ago or from recent times.
1. identify the purpose and intended audience of some media texts
2. use overt and implied messages to draw inferences and make meaning in simple media texts
3. express personal opinions about ideas presented in media texts
Assessment for learning:
This presentation should get the students excited and will encourage them to think how brands
use young minds to advance their profits. The students will think about who the target
audience of that particular advertisement is. Students focus on using apt vocabulary and
correct tenses and connecting words to bring their finding and observations across. Their
classmates are given an opportunity to ask questions which brings the conversation ahead and
a healthy discussion takes place.

For this project, students will need constant support from the teacher and some preparation in
advance. The teacher may have some brainstorming sessions in the class to ease the students
into attaining the goal. Another way could be to pair students or create groups and have more
minds work together.

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