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Assignment (A)

Power System Analysis (KNR3513)

Power Flow Solution and Fault Analysis [15 Marks]

The bus data and load schedule of 31-bus interconnected power systems are given in Appendix A (Table 1). The branch
data are illustrated in Table 2 (Appendix A), with a system base of 100 MVA.

1) To apply the basics of using PowerWorld Simulator to model the power system with the data given in Appendix A.
2) To examine various load flow solution techniques,
3) To evaluate the impact of fault on the power grid.

To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the following tasks should be carried out:

1) Design the one-line diagram of the power system using PowerWorld Simulator and set the parameters of the
system such as the bus voltage and power line limits.
2) Analyze the test system when load increases and line outage occurs. Accordingly, flag the violated (high/low)
bus voltage (0.95pu ≥ ≤ 1.05pu), and any lines or transformer flows that exceed normal ratings.
Explain the changes that you have made to correct the deviations and maintain the base case.
3) Select three buses on the system to conduct a fault analysis in each bus. Here, consider the four different types
of faults that could happen. Determine the fault current contribution in each transmission line or transformer to
the bus fault.

Report Writing and Submission:

Write a short report that provides a step-by-step account of the procedure which has been followed and the obtained
results. The work of each group should not be like the works of other groups (avoid similarity). The group report must
adhere to the following format:

1. Title Page: must also include the names of students, numbers, PKEE group, and the name of the coordinator
should be highlighted.
2. Abstract: Summarize the concept of the related study by highlighting the main objective, methodology, and the
used software. You can also shed the light on the obtained outcomes. (Should be no more than 350 words).
3. Introduction: Write a brief introduction about the study supported by relevant references that should be
consistent with the objectives. Cite all references when explaining the design and its application.
4. Methodology: The modeling should include the mathematical analysis and its implementation using
PowerWorld Simulator.
5. Results and Discussion: Each Figure has to be discussed; the results obtained from the PowerWorld Simulator
can be compared with those obtained from the calculation.
6. Conclusion: Write a concise overview of the work done and highlight the significant results.
7. List of references: Each paper cited in the text must appear in the reference section.
8. Submission: Only the soft copy of the work using the e‐learning platform, the hard copy is not needed at all.
9. Evaluation: The marks will be allocated to members of the group based on the progress that will be monitored
every week before submission.
Table 1: The bus data and load schedule (The system base is 100 MVA)
Table 2: Brach data
Assignment (B)
Power System Analysis (KNR3513)
Transient Stability Evaluation [15 Marks]

Transient stability evaluation is part of the dynamic security assessment of power systems, which involves the evaluation
of the system’s ability to remain in equilibrium under credible contingencies. The test system of Assignment (A) can be
modified by including the synchronous machine data of the IEEE 9-bus tests system as given in Appendix A.

To evaluate the transient stability of the system as a whole when the power grid is subject to a variety of disturbances.

To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the following tasks should be carried out:

1) Redesign the test system used in Assignment (A) by including the dynamic parameters of the synchronous
machine given in Appendix A.
2) Assess the power system's condition after several disturbances occur at different times and durations at various
locations of the power system. The types of disturbances that can be considered are balanced and unbalanced
faults including generation outages and line outages.
3) Discuss in the report the main findings. Note that the structure of Assignment (B) should be prepared using the
same guidelines as mentioned in Assignment (A).
Appendix A

Figure 1: WSCC 3-generator 9-bus test system

IEEE 9-Bus Test System Data

Bus Data
Bus Bus Voltage Initial voltage magnitude Initial voltage phase
number (kV) (per unit) (radian)
1 16.5 1 0
2 18 1 0
3 13.8 1 0
4 230 1 0
5 230 1 0
6 230 1 0
7 230 1 0
8 230 1 0
9 230 1 0

Line Data
Primary and secondary
From To Voltage Resistance Reactance Susceptance
voltage ratio
bus bus rating KV (per unit) (per unit) (per unit)
9 8 230 0 0.0119 0.1008 0.209
7 8 230 0 0.0085 0.072 0.149
9 6 230 0 0.039 0.17 0.358
7 5 230 0 0.032 0.161 0.306
5 4 230 0 0.01 0.085 0.176
6 4 230 0 0.017 0.092 0.158
2 7 18 0.07826 0 0.0625 0
3 9 13.8 0.06 0 0.0586 0
1 4 16.5 0.07174 0 0.0576 0
Load Data
Bus Voltage rating Active reactive Max Min
number KV power power voltage voltage
6 230 0.9 0.3 1.2 0.8
8 230 1 0.35 1.2 0.8
5 230 1.25 0.5 1.2 0.8

Breaker Data
Power Frequency Second
Line Bus Voltage Status intervention
rating rating intervention time
number number rating boolean time
MVA Hz second
KV second

1 8 100 230 60 1 1.083 4

Fault Data
Power Voltage Frequency Fault Clearance
Bus Fault Fault
rating rating rating time time
number resistance reactance
MVA kV Hz second second
(per unit) (per unit)
8 100 230 60 1 1.08 0 0.001

Swing Bus Data

Max Min
Voltage Voltage Reference reactive reactive Max Min
Bus Active
rating magnitude angle power power voltage voltage
number power
(kV) (per unit) (radian) (per unit (per unit (per unit) (per unit)
MVar) MVar)
1 16.5 1.04 0 99 -99 1.1 0.9 0.8

Generator Data
Voltage Voltage Max reactive Min reactive Max Min
Bus Active power
rating magnitude power power voltage voltage
number (per unit MW)
(kV) (per unit) (per unit MVar) (per unit MVar) (per unit) (per unit)
2 18 1.63 1.025 99 -99 1.1 0.9
3 13.8 0.85 1.025 99 -99 1.1 0.9

Synchronous Machine Data

Mechanical starting time (2 _ inertia constant),
D-axis open circuit transient time constant, s

Q-axis open circuit transient time constant, s

d-axis additional leakage time constant, s

Q-axis synchronous reactance, p.u.
D-axis synchronous reactance, p.u.

Reactive power ratio at node, [0,1]

Active power ratio at node, [0,1]
D-axis transient reactance, p.u.

Q-axis transient reactance, p.u.

Leakage reactance, p.u.
Power rating, , MVA

Frequency rating, Hz
Voltage rating, , kV

Machine model
Bus number


1 100 16.5 60 2 0.0336 0.146 0.0608 8.96 0.0969 0.0969 0.31 47.28 1 1 0.002
2 100 18 60 2 0.0521 0.8958 0.1198 6 0.8645 0.1969 0.535 12.8 1 1 0.002
3 100 13.8 60 2 0.0742 1.312 0.1813 5.89 1.258 0.25 0.6 6.02 1 1 0.002

Base power rating MVA=100

Frequency rating Hz = 60
Loss participation coefficient =1

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