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It has always been said that men are from Mars and women from Venus . Yes, we are
different and think differently. nowadays the theory of science are based on the behavior of
our hormones and , of course, cultural factors. However it seems that neuroscience has

The biology of the brain

Understanding the biology of the brain of men and women is a key to understanding other's
behavior. The basis of most of our problems is that we couple the other thinks and
understands the world the same way as us ... and this can not be more false . We perceive
life and primary objectives in our brain circuits programmed before birth . Another thing is
that our social and cultural development have much minority sphere these aspects
throughout the history of mankind .
Frontal lobes

Our brains are different. The basic structure of our brains is not the same as
previously thought . Scientists recent studies using functional magnetic resonance
imaging support this assertion. A study was found that the frontal lobes of women
are larger than those of men . The frontal lobes are responsible for how we decide
to process and solve the issues that concern us every day. They are the emotional
center of our personality. There memory, the spontaneity , the use of language ,
our value judgments , impulses and our social and sexual behavior asilan .

different emotions

Men and women understand their emotions very differently . What men seems
enough , women seems indifferent. What us anguish us to them seems charming.
Our different biology directly affects our perception of reality and, therefore , the
way we understand and process all around us. Both sexes perceive things
differently, as illuminating different parts of the same scene and leaving others in
shadow possibly your partner have decided illuminate while unmade what seems
essential to us. The fights in a couple are more often remembered by women by
their partners. Males tend to be much more active and evident in its explicit sexual
thoughts .
I can show you some differences between men and women

This picture shows how the woman takes a long time to go somewhere this is a reality women take
much to dress but men do not take anything to be ready to leave

This figure shows that we do not care as we see fat or thin we are always in good condition and women are in
good condition but they believe they are fat
when man goes to the barber it is because you really need it and it costs a lot of money but the
woman when she goes to the beauty salon comes and goes just as when he left his home and cost
a lot of money

In the world there are nations that consider women inferior beings making just have rights being
neglected and abused constantly are Islamic countries that are at the top Europeans where there is
more equality being . Let's see what the 5 countries most chauvinistic world .


Ivory Coast is an African country that has about 22 million inhabitants. This nation has totally discriminated
against women by only half of girls into primary education reaching only one in ten secondary ; with little
representation in parliament is believed to charge half the women than the men.


Mali is an African state which has about 17 million people. It is one of the few countries in the world where
life expectancy of women is lower than the man making half live only 48 years, most are forbidden to have
little education and freedoms.

Iran is an Asian country with 79 million inhabitants. This Islamic republic requires all women to be covered ,
neglected by their sexual condition is believed to charge less than half than men for the same work ; the
radical sharia law forbids them to leave the country , they have to ask permission to do anything.


Afghanistan is a country in Asia which has about 31 million inhabitants. One of the most unequal places on
the planet , the most radical Islam is applied so that the woman is locked in her house ; They are prohibited
from working , leaving home unaccompanied undergoing constant physical abuse.


Saudi Arabia is an Asian state which has about 30 million residents. It is considered the most macho country
in the world because the woman is always obliged to cover her entire body in a black robe , you can not move
freely, they can not drive , try on clothes , talking to men or anything else under penalty hard physical
punishment or even death.

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