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The provided picture presents different stages of a salmon fish’s life, starting from its

egg until adulthood.

Overall, a salmon will go through seven phases to completely grow in three distinct
locations, from its hatching period to maturity.

In detail, the first stage starts in river where adult salmons lay their eggs there, then
incubate the eggs to emerge. After arising from the eggs, these baby salmons have a
formation of body and head. Afterward, the infant salmons stay in fresh water to
keep transforming/evolving.

After a few days, these salmons swim to river estuary where rearing continues and
continually rearing. In this second place, their size is getting bigger, but they are not
mature yet. Therefore, they enter the ocean, as the third place, in terms of having a
maturation pace. In the bay, as soon as the salmons reach their adolescence, they
start migrating to spawning area to river to regenerate. In this location, the salmons
reproduce, and their life cycle repeats in the same way.
Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful
educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having
an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the
drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

It is considered that playing video games has two sides of impacts. Some people
argue that digital games are beneficial for human’s growth, otherwise a group of
people believe that video games will distract both human’s behavior and mind. Even
though video games have some negative outcomes, I personally agree that they
offer result in more benefits and will provide further explanation to support my

For a number of reasons, playing video games is entertaining and it can release
people’s stress. This condition and feeling can make people addicted. They overly
enjoy the games, which will affect their personalities and thoughts. The latest
research reported by WHO stated that one of bad impacts of having digital games
too much is gaming disorder. This mental disease produces some negative
consequences in many aspects, such as low self-care, highly individual and social
anxiety, attention problem, aggression, and so on.

However, it is often thought that digital games are educative. They can trigger the
players to be more imaginative, creative, and cooperative. Furthermore, gaming can
increase someone’s concentration and memory as well as gain a better motoric
progress. Eventually, these essential outputs influence people to attain a greater
performance, both in working and studying. A study revealed that a doctor who
regularly played games demonstrated a better result in surgery and could always
remember his patients in detail, compared to others who were not doing this.

To sum up, video games have its own positive and negative outcomes. Nevertheless,
the facts that gaming is useful in people’s growth and achievements clearly outweigh
its drawbacks.

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