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What drives

us to do the
things we
What is it
that pushes
us to
The act of doing something that does not have any obvious
external rewards.

You do it because it’s enjoyable and interesting to you, not

because of any outside incentive or pressures, like rewards or
What is deadlines.

Intrinsic Motivation?
In short, intrinsic motivation is performing an activity for its own
sake rather than the desire for some external reward or out of
some external pressure. Essentially, the behavior itself is its
own reward.

Intrinsic motivation is more about personal growth, a sense of

duty, and the recognition of purpose.
Intrinsic Motivation Examples
• Playing sports because you enjoy how they make
you feel
• Staying longer at work because you believe in your
• Using positive affirmations because you want to
change your mindset positively
• Investing money because you want to become
financially independent
• Traveling because you want to explore different
• Working in a team because you enjoy
• Learning about personal development because
you want to improve yourself
• Going to the playground with your children
because it makes you happy
• Studying because you are curious about the
• Trying to be a good leader because you want to
What is Extrinsic Motivation?
the behavior of individuals to perform tasks and learn new skills because
of external rewards or avoidance of punishment.

In this case, you engage in behavior not because you enjoy it or because
you find it appealing or satisfying, but in order to obtain something of
value in return or avoid something unpleasant.

extrinsic motivation is more about financial incentives, status, and public

Extrinsic Motivation Examples
• Going to work because you want to
earn money
• Studying because you want to get a good
• Helping others because you hope for praise
• Volunteering because it looks good on a
• Going to the same store because you benefit
from loyalty programs
• Cleaning your apartment because you do not
want your partner to get mad
• Going to new places because you want to post
it on social media
• Paying taxes because you want to avoid a fine
• Pursuing a certain degree because you want to
make your parents proud
• Going on a business trip because you were
ordered by your boss to do so
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation
You are motivated to do the Your goal comes from within,
activity because it is internally and the outcomes of your goal
Intrinsic Motivation: rewarding. You choose to do it satisfy your basic psychological
because it’s fun, enjoyable, and needs for autonomy,
satisfying. competence and relatedness.

Your goal is focused on

an outcome, and does not satisfy
You are motivated to do the
your basic psychological needs.
Extrinsic Motivation: activity in order to gain an
Rather, it involves external gains,
external reward in return.
such as money, fame, power, and
avoiding consequences.
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Participating in a sport in order to win a reward or get physically
Participating in a sport because it’s fun and you enjoy it.
Learning a new language because you like experiencing new
Learning a new language because your job requires it.
Spending time with someone because they can further your
Spending time with someone because you enjoy their company.
social standing.
Cleaning because you enjoy a tidy space. Cleaning to avoid making your partner angry.
Playing cards because you enjoy the challenge. Playing cards to win money.

Exercising because you enjoy physically challenging your body. Exercising because you want to lose weight or fit into an outfit.

Volunteering because it makes you feel content and fulfilled. Volunteering in order to meet a school or work requirement.

Going for a run because you find it relaxing or are trying to Going for a run to increase your chances at winning a
beat a personal record. competition.
Painting because it makes you feel calm and happy. Painting so you can sell your art to make money.
Taking on more responsibility at work because you enjoy being Taking on more responsibility at work in order to receive a raise
challenged and feeling accomplished. or promotion.
Which is Best:
Extrinsic or
Each person is different, and what motivates us and our perspectives of rewards are also different.
Some are inherently more intrinsically motivated by tasks, while others see the same activities

While both can be effective, most agree with the idea that extrinsic rewards should be used less in
order to minimize the overjustification effects. This phenomenon refers to the findings that offering
excessive external rewards for what is already an internally rewarding behavior can lead to a
reduction in intrinsic motivation.

This is not to say that extrinsic motivation always presents negative outcomes. In fact, it can be
extremely beneficial in some situations, those where someone needs to complete a task that they
find unpleasant. Excessive rewards may be problematic, but when used appropriately,
extrinsic motivating factors can be a useful tool.

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