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Functions in Excel
Basic functions:
Name of function What the function does Example
SUM Calculates the sum or total =SUM(B2:E2)
AVERAGE Calculates the average value =AVERAGE(A2:A7)
MIN Calculates the minimum value =MIN(B2:B10)
MAX Calculates the maximum value =MAX(C2:C12)

Functions that can count:

Name of function What the function does Example
COUNT Counts the number of cells in a =COUNT(B2:B20)
range that contain NUMBERS
(including dates)
COUNTA Counts the number of cells in a =COUNTA(C1:C100)
range that contains values (text
or numbers)
COUNTBLANK Counts the number of empty =COUNTBLANK(A1:A10)
cells in a range.

The COUNTIF function

Name of function What the function does Example
COUNTIF Counts the number of cells that =COUNTIF(C3:C7,”>5”)
comply with a specific criterion

Cell range, e.g. C3:C7 Criteria can be numbers, text or an

expression, e.g. 12, “Pretoria” or

Other useful functions:

Name of function What the function does Example
RAND Returns a random number =RAND()
(fraction) between 0 and 1. E.g.
number between the two
numbers you specify (endpoints
MODE Returns the value that occurs =MODE(A2:A15)
MOST frequently in a range.
MEDIAN Returns the number in the =MEDIAN(A2:A15)
MIDDLE of a set of sorted
numbers. If there’s an even set
of numbers , the average of the
middle two numbers is
TODAY Returns the current date. =TODAY()
NOW Returns the current date AN =NOW()
D time.

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