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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies
can make a difference.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

You should write at least 250 words.

It is argued that people can not contribute in enhancing the environment and the major
difference can only be done by governments and large corporations. This essay completely
agrees with this statement because these organizations have the most authority and can recruit
the right scientists to improve the earth planet.

The main reason that makes governments and big companies able to positively impact the
environment is that because of their great potentials. To illustrate, they can create regulations
and legislations which are applied and followed by all individuals with no prejudice to preserve
the planet. For example, in Saudi Arabia, there is a new law that imposes a 1000 Riyals fine for
littering trash in public parks.

Moreover, states and well-known companies can allocate a budget and experts to maintain and
develop our mother nature. In other words, state-of-the-art technology can be utilized by
environment professionals to search for non-harming solutions and methods to solve existing
issues and promote our way of living. For example, the famous organization ARAMCO have
established a programme of clearing the Gulf and the Red Sea from toxic materials which
endanger the sea life.

In conclusion, I totally agree with this conception as higher authorities have the full potentials
and the requirements to reserve the environment and they are able to devote their workforce to
achieve this goal compared to single individual who can barely makes a change to the

Word Count: 236

This is an excellent effort! Keep up the good work.

Your estimated score is: 6.5

Cohesion and
Overall Task Response Vocabulary Grammar

6.5 7 7 6 6

What you have done well:

1. You have attempted to include key ideas and relevant supporting points.
2. Paragraphing is properly managed.
3. You have used cohesive devices well.
4. You have used the template correctly.

What you can improve:

2. Improve your grammar, especially mistakes related to prepositions.
3. Avoid run-on sentences.
4. Recheck your work for careless mistakes, and keep practising

All these points have been explained in comments. So, revise all the related comments.
Finally, always remember that practice makes you perfect! So, keep it up!


Dalilk4ielts writing examiner

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