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A. Background information
Auguste Comte is one of the founders of sociology. He was the first person who invented the
word of sociology around 1840. He originally used the term ‘social physics’ to describe sociology.
In Comte version of sociology he said sociology should apply the same scientific method. He
wanted that sociology to become a positive science that would use the same methods as
physicists, chemists do. He think of positivism which is concerned about with only observable
entities known as directly to experience. A positivist approach in sociology aims to produce
knowledge about society based on evidence drawn from observation, comparison, and
experimentation. Comte argued that to understand the world passed three stages: theological,
metaphysical and positive stage. In theological stage thinking was guided by religious and the
belief that a society was an expression of Gods will. In the metaphysical stage society came to
seen in naturel not supernatural term. The positive stage encouraged the application of
scientific methods to study society. He regarded that society as the last science to develop but it
was the most complex and significant.

Another founder of sociology was the French sociologist Emile Durkheim. He has the most
lasting impact on sociology than the Auguste Comte. He saw the sociology as a new science
which can explain philosophical question by examine them. He argued that we must study the
social life with the same objectivity as scientists study the natural world. Durkheim explains that
social facts are all those institutions and rules of action which constrain or channel the human
behavior. His writings include the three main themes: importance of sociology as empirical
science, rise of individual and formation of new social order and sources and character of moral
authority in society. He also discussed about the division of labor in society. In this discuss he
point two type of solidarity one is mechanical solidarity and the other is organic solidarity.
Durkheim focused on the forces external to the individual.

Based on Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim theory the functionalism occurred. Functionalism
holds the society is a complex system whose various part work together to produce stability and
solidarity. Comte and Durkheim both used the organic analogy comparing the operation of
society to a living organism. They argue that the part of society work together for the benefit of
society as a whole. Both Comte and Durkheim theories share the same perspective of religions
beliefs and institutions in the evolution of humanity.

B. Thesis statement introducing the purpose of the paper

After reading the whole paper people will understand the founders of sociologist view, how they
constrain the society in their sociology theory, what is sociology actually, how social facts
constrain about human behavior etc. In this whole term paper we try to focused on the major
theory of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim who are the main founders of sociology. People
will understand the focus on the theory, how one theory is different from the other sociologist
perspective, what are the main differences of the Comte and Durkheim and what are the
similarities in both of the sociologist theory.
In this term paper we try to analysis the Comte and Durkheim theory based on their structure
and try to examine through our perspective and example and our social structure. We try to give
a clear documents through this whole term paper.

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