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Athaya Zhafiralianty Aushaf

Sub-topic 3: English and the World: How English Have Provide Convenience to Connect People
in the Digital Era


Hello. Good Morning Viewers

Encompass News is back on the sidelines of your activities, with me, Athaya Zhafira, who will
provide the latest and most up-to-date news from all around the world, on …..June, 2023.
Today's news headlines are The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy said digital skills
and English are key to achieving global competitiveness in the tourism industry.
This was revealed by Mr. Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the
Republic of Indonesia, at the Cambridge Talkshow with the theme "Leveraging to Maximize
Global Opportunities for Indonesia," which was held on the campus of Mercu Buana University.
During the event. He stated that for this reason, mastering digital skills and English language
skills are the key to better empowering communities and vulnerable groups, and creating decent
jobs while protecting the environment.
Sandiaga Uno's viewpoint was supported by invited speaker Dr. Nick Saville, Director of
Thought Leadership for Cambridge University Press & Assessment, who emphasized that it is
true that English is a vital key in achieving worldwide association. English is employed in many
areas of daily life, not only in the workplace.
The event was officially opened by Prof. Dr. Andi Andriansyah, M. Eng, Rector of Universitas
Mercu Buana, who spoke about the theme of the event and stressed the value of digital skills and
English as the key to succeeding in the global tourism industry in the midst of the current VUCA
(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) situation.

As we know, The reach of this digital platform is undeniably bigger, as it provides a lot of
information from various countries throughout the world. Even after covid-19 was declared no
longer a global pandemic, the influence of this digital platform did not reduce but rather spread
even further.
Because of the rapid dissemination of knowledge from overseas, the digital era has genuinely
made the world appear to have no geographical and time constraints as if we are all in the same
We know that English is the most widely used International Communication Language on a
global scale. In the digital age, English is the default language and plays an important role in
promoting communication between individuals from different countries and cultures.
It enables people to interact simply and quickly with people from various backgrounds and
geographical regions, and it serves as a bridge that allows people to exchange ideas, collaborate,
and connect on a global scale.
For instance, is the availability of online platforms that enable daily human activities. English is
widely utilized in online forums, social media, and video conferencing programs, considerably
simplifying cross-border communication. People from different language origins can easily
engage, exchange ideas, and make connections in the present. English serves as a common
language, fostering a sense of inclusion and belonging among online communities.
As an example, when a pandemic after COVID-19 is declared a worldwide pandemic, everyone
will surely adhere to follow a single WHO-established protocol. Because English is an
international language that is widely spoken around the world, it is an important communication
connection in the distribution of awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowledge of the
English language enables the rapid publication, translation, and global dissemination of
information regarding viruses and immunizations.
Therefore, English plays a crucial role in providing abroad travelers with up-to-date information
on international quarantine laws, travel protocols, and other restrictions. Overall, English
encourages collaboration, communication, and global recovery in the pandemic era.
Due to the major contribution that English contributes to the supply of online educational
materials including webinars, virtual conferences, and distance learning platforms, almost all
educational activities are moving online. These resources are essential for the education sector’s
diffusion of knowledge about viruses and vaccines.
Through English, Scientists, medical professionals, and health experts can communicate with the
rest of the world and share their expertise and experiences. Regarding the progression or most
recent information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
English has long been a language that has made communication with others more comfortable
and simple, especially in the digital era and during pandemics. Being able to communicate
effectively across a range of digital platforms is made possible by the unifying nature of English.
English proficiency opens doors to educational, professional, and personal opportunities in the
quickly-expanding digital era of today, fostering growth and fostering global connectivity.

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