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Our objective is to make science education engaging and exciting for the children,

focusing on hands-on experiments that enhance their understanding and retention of

the concepts. Alongside textbook learning, we will conduct experiments in the
classroom to provide a practical and enjoyable learning experience.

It is important to ensure that the students comprehend the lessons and grasp the
underlying principles behind each experiment. Please note that while the
experiments listed below are suggestions, you are encouraged to explore additional
experiments that align with the topics.

Please ensure that you have the necessary materials and conduct a practice run of
the experiments at home to ensure a smooth demonstration in the classroom. It will
be your responsibility to bring the required experiment materials as they will not be
provided by us. Let's make this a fun and engaging classroom experience!

Proposed Experiments:

1. Magnetism and Magnetic Fields:

❖ Learning Objective: To learn how magnets work and interact with each other. The
impact of magnetic fields interacting and the role of the different poles on
❖ Equipment: Magnets, compass, iron filings, paper clips, staples and blank sheets
of paper.
❖ A review sheet along with questions and a word search based on the experiment
will be given at the end of the experiment.

2. Electricity and Circuits :

❖ Learning Objective : To learn how electricity and currents flow. To learn how to
safely make a simple electric circuit.
❖ Equipment : Crocodile clips, battery, switch, LED
❖ A review worksheet will be given along with MCQs to reinforce learning

3. Lung Model:
❖ Learning Objective: To learn about ventilation, the movement of air into and out of
the lungs. Gas exchange, gases are exchanged between tiny sacs called alveoli
and the blood. Under the lungs is the diaphragm, a muscular sheet separating
the lungs from the abdomen.The diaphragm moves up and down to increase the
space in the chest like the balloon at the bottom of the model.
❖ Equipment: Empty plastic bottle, Straws, Elastic band, Scissors, Two balloons
and Play dough,
Action & Reaction
❖ Lung model diagram review sheet along with exercise will be given at the end of
the experiment.
4. Use of Tie-Dyed Milk to Observe Homogenization:
❖ Learning Objective: To understand about surface tension and how the small drop
of dish soap breaks the surface tension of the milk by dissolving the fat
molecules, and causes the milk to move.
❖ Equipment: Milk, Dish soap, Small bowl and Cotton swabs
❖ Review sheet will be provided at the end of the experiment.

5. Chromatography:
❖ Learning Objective: To learn to separate the various soluble substances
that make up a mixture and simultaneously observe how black ink consists of
other colours.
❖ Equipment: Plastic cups, Filter paper, Black markers, Skewers, and Binder paper
❖ An instruction video will be shown after which students will conduct the
experiments and fill out a review sheet to tally their results with the explanatory

6. Elephant Toothpaste:
❖ Learning Objective: To learn how chemical reactions can occur faster when a
catalyst is added. A catalyst reduces the amount of energy needed for the
❖ Equipment: Empty Plastic bottle, Dry yeast, Warm water, Liquid dish soap, and
Hydrogen peroxide.

7. Self Inflating Balloon:

❖ Learning Objective: Understand the meaning of a reactant and a product. Identify
indicators of chemical change in a chemical reaction
❖ Equipment: Empty plastic water bottle, Baking soda, Vinegar, Funnel, and

8. Lava Lamp:
❖ Learning Objective: To understand how density and polarity, when they are
powered by the release of a gas, cause a reaction between oil and water - the
chemical reaction between acids and bases.
❖ Equipment: 2 Plastic cups, Water, Vegetable oil, Food colouring, and Vitamin C

9. Gravity and Acceleration of Freefall:

❖ Learning Objective: To learn and understand the concept of gravity. Understand
that the magnitude of gravity on every object is the same regardless of
❖ Equipment:
❖ measuring Ruler, stand, balls of different masses, and stopwatch.
Below is a supplementary list of topics to consider in case you run out of ideas. It is
important to be adaptable and cater to the specific needs and interests of the
children. For the younger groups, please ensure that the lessons are appropriately
adjusted to their level of understanding. We recommend preparing weekly lesson
plans in advance, ideally over the weekend, and clearly assigning tutors to specific
lessons. We will be requesting this list from you.

Plants and Animals:

Parts of a plant and their functions
Life cycle of a butterfly or frog
Habitats and adaptations of animals
Basic classification of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.)
Importance of plants in our environment

Weather and Seasons:

Different types of weather (rain, snow, wind, etc.)
Seasons and their characteristics
Water cycle and its importance
Weather patterns and predicting weather

Earth and Space:

Earth's layers (crust, mantle, core)
Rocks and minerals
Solar system and planets
Moon phases
Day and night, seasons, and the Earth's rotation

Matter and Materials:

States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
Properties of different materials (hardness, flexibility, conductivity, etc.)
Changes in matter (melting, freezing, evaporating)
Recycling and the importance of reducing waste

Simple Machines:
Types of simple machines (levers, pulleys, inclined planes, etc.)
Examples and functions of simple machines
How simple machines make work easier

Human Body:
Parts of the body and their functions
Senses and their roles (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell)
Healthy habits and personal hygiene
Basic understanding of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
Energy and Electricity:
Different forms of energy (kinetic, potential, light, heat, etc.)
Sources of energy (renewable and non-renewable)
Basics of electricity and circuits
Energy conservation and sustainability

Environmental Awareness:
Importance of conservation and protecting the environment
Endangered animals and their habitats
Recycling and waste management
Renewable energy sources and their benefits

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