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ICC Coaching Session Note Template

Name of Coachee Coaching session number

Date Duration
Content summary
What was/were the main topic(s) that were explored in the session? To what extent did a clear topic get clarified for the
session, how and why? What insights, learning, opening for action did the client appear to achieve about their topic?
Important to include details on the goal discussed in relation to the interaction of person, role and organisation.

Reflections on the coachee

What did the coachee bring into the session, ie how did they seem initially, emotionally, motivationally? How were they
during the session? Which emotions did you notice in them during the session? How did they seem at the end of the

Reflections on self in role of coach

How did you feel at different stages of the coaching session, including before and after? What do you notice about
yourself in terms of thoughts, feelings and metaphors as the client was speaking? Where did you feel stuck, confused or
otherwise uncomfortable during the session, why?

Relational characteristics of the session

What dynamics between you and your coachee might echo the dynamics between them and elements in their coaching

Reflections on overall process

Which metaphors, images or associations arose in the conversation, or in your own mind before and during the session?
In what way did you make use of this data.

What do you think is important to bring into your next session with the coachee? What further associations, hypotheses
and metaphors can you share in the next session? How can you help your coachee to test out hypotheses in behaviour in
a safe way?
ICC Coaching Session Note Template

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