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Business forecas-ng assignment

Term paper specifica-on:

a. There are three ques,ons.

Q1: Solve Case 1A & 1B (Murphy Brothers Furniture) [Hanke Textbook: Page 48-50]
Q2: Check out the sta,onarity level of Apple stock’s daily return data. Use adjusted close
price. [Data link:
Q3: Check out whether interest rate Granger causes Apple’s market return and vice-versa.
Use adjusted close price. [Data link:

b. Use Calibri, 12 font, 1.15 line space [jus,fied]

c. Put the calcula,ons in the appendix.
d. In the first page, put the group member’s name and ID properly.
e. Upload a PDF copy of your assignment.

Ppt & presenta-on specifica-ons:

a. S,ck to your original group. If you do not have a group, Do it by yourself.
b. Total slide: Max 20.
c. All the members will present. Max presenta,on ,me: 15 minutes.
d. Record your presenta,on through zoom. There will be only one Zoom recording for
the group.

Key date: Last submission ,me- 16 August, 11.59 pm. For each-day delay, You will lose 20%

Your package: Upload three packages through Google classroom by 16 August, 11.59 pm.
The packages are:

I. PDF of your assignment

II. Your ppt slides
III. Zoom recording of your presenta,on

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