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Love Rising A Courtship in Romance - Part I

Love Rising
A Courtship of Romance - Part I
Ricardo Sal LaRosa XXVI AUGUSTUS MMXI - Long Island, New York

painting credit: Inspired by The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha Soliloquy
MMXI by Ricardo Sal LaRosa

Love Rising A Courtship in Romance - Part I

Part One: Jadline Defends Herself I. Once upon time In Old Spain in the providence of Andalusia in its rural lands There lived an extraordinary county lass Whose awesome beauty and mystical charms are legendary And are still remembered and still talked about by folks Even though she lived seven hundred and twenty-two years ago Her story rivals any of the classical romances, known and unknown II. What is love? She asked herself A pastoral maiden living alone By choose not by fate Accused of causing the death of a soldier Whose flirtations she did not reciprocate For she was not interested in him Nor was she looking for romance That soldier left sad, disillusioned and he was very heart-broken He reenlisted to forget about her and he was killed in battle His friends pointed their fingers at the country girl They blamed her for his untimely death The gentle summer winds blew over the field and log cabin
MMXI by Ricardo Sal LaRosa

Love Rising A Courtship in Romance - Part I

Belonging to Jadline the protagonist of this epic And the birds - her friends - told her of the rumors about in town She saddled up her mule and headed towards town: This is sheer nonsense, but, my name has been blemished and I must defend myself! III. As she arrived riding her mule the town folks were in bewilderment In awesome awe of her natural beauty for she wore no make-up Her clothes were simple and homespun Her brown leather boots bartered for the corps she sowed Her pearl necklace made from the pearls she hunted herself in the ocean The golden bracelets and rings she wore were left to her by her parents who were killed in an invasion by the Moors when she was ten Those who had seen her before having known of her beauty were still left spellbound Those who had never had the privilege to behold her were mesmerized by her beauty - her sheer beautifulness par excellence An angel from above IV. She walked right into the small church were the wake of the fallen solider was been held As lips whisperer and murmured, thats the one whom Fernando loved, She stood before them alone in all her mysterious splendor Her long dark brown hair wet from the suns midday heat

MMXI by Ricardo Sal LaRosa

Love Rising A Courtship in Romance - Part I

Her soft white skin tanned by working too many hours in the sun Her hazel eyes sparkling as the lights of the candles bounced off of them Her plump rosy lips slightly ajar moments before she spoke And then she interrupted the service being conducted by the pastor: Ladies and gentleman, pastor My name is Jadline des Fleurs Please allow me to speak and say my words I shall not be long I have been accused of causing Fernandos demise But this is not true I beg of you all good people let me address you And then to everyones amazement the pastor said: Speak your mind young lady for nobody will dare interrupt you End of Part One

MMXI by Ricardo Sal LaRosa

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