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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 10

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to::

1. Know the different basic steps of hip-hop.
2. Demonstrate a simple hip-hop dance routine with confidence and rhythm.
3. Appreciate the significance of hip-hop dance.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Active Recreation (hip-hop)

Subtopic: Basic Dance Step
Reference: Physical Education and Health 10. Learner’s Material. Pages 114-11
Materials: Picture, Visual Aids, Projector, White Screen, and Speaker

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

 Opening Prayer

“Class, let us all stand and let us pray.

Who wants to lead?”
“Let us pray. In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit”

“Lord our God, Father of light with your

assistance, I will study patiently and
perform my duties conscientiously, for
Your greater honor and glory. Grant me a
bright intellect, a sound judgment, and a
retentive memory, Amen.”

 Greetings

“Good morning, class! “ “Good morning, Ma’am!”

 Checking of Attendance

“Is there any absent for today? “None ma’am”

“Okay. Thank you”

B. Warm-Up

“Class, please stand up and let’s have a

warm-up exercise.”
First, let us do the:

1. Head rotation
2. Forearm rotation
3. Arm rotation
“The class will stand up and perform the
4. Shoulders rotation
warm-up exercise”
5. Wrists rotation
6. Torso swings
7. Torso bends
8. Hips rotation
9. Knees rotation
10. Feet rotation
(10x each side)

“Last meeting, we have discussed the

history of hip-hop. Can someone tell me
what is hip-hop?” “Hip-hop is a cultural movement, best
known for its impact on music in the form
od musical genre of the same name.”

“It is originated in Bronx, New York City in

“Very well said, any other idea?” 1970.”

“It is composed of the four pillars which is

the DJing, rapping, breakdancing, and
graffiti art.”
“Okay. Very good. “

C. Review

D. Motivation

“Before we start the discussion, let’s have a

short game. This game is called “Celebrity
name game.”

“ I will flash some pictures that is related to

our topic and all you have to do is to guess
the name of the dancer, rapper or the
dance group.”
Vhong Navarro
- A dancer. A member of the dance
group “Streetboys” in the

- An American hip-hop dance crew,
they’re known for being the
winner of the first season of
America’s Best Dance Crew in

Francis Magalona
- The First Rapper in the Philippines
- The pioneer of Pinoy hip-hop

AC Bonifacio
- Dancer
- First ever grand champion of
Filipino TV dance competition
Dance Kids along with Lucky
Ancheta in 2016. The duo was
called “Lucky Aces.”
E. Lesson Proper

“Now, we are going to discuss the basic

steps of Hip-Hop.”

1. Touch step- is the basic step

in Hip-hop dance. It is a step
touch in side to side.
“There are three types of touch step and
those are the touch step in motion, slide
step, and close step.”
(The student will repeat the
(The teacher will demonstrate) demonstration of the teacher)

2. Locking-locking- locking your

body into a position holding it,
and continuing it at the same
speed before.
(The student will repeat the
(The teacher will demonstrate) demonstration of the teacher)

3. Body Drop- is the combination

of hand and body motion.
(The students will repeat the
(The teacher will demonstrate) demonstration of the teacher)

“ That’s all for our discussion for today. Do “None ma’am”

you have any question?”

F. Generalization

“Now, enumerate the three basic steps of

“The three basic steps of hip-hop are
touch step, body drop, and locking.”

“Very Good! Next, what do you call the

steps that uses both body and hand?” “Body drop, ma'am”

“Very Good! What is the most basic step of

“The touch step”

G. Application

“Okay class, In a one whole sheet pf paper,

write a short essay about the importance of
knowing how to execute the basic dance
steps of hip-hop. I will give you 10 minutes
to finish your essay Here are the rubrics for
your essay.”

Understanding and Content- 40%

Grammar- 30%
Conclusion- 30%

“For a total of 100%. Is there any

“None ma’am”

“Okay class, you can all start now” (Students started making their essay)

IV. Evaluation

“Time’s up! Now that you’re done making

your essay, please pass it in the front of
you. I will be the one who will check it.”
(Students will pass their paper in front)

V. Assignment

“For your assignment, create your own hip-

hop dance routine and perform it in our
next meeting. Are we clear?

“Yes, ma’am!”

“That’s all for today class, good bye. “

“Good bye, ma’am.”

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