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Movement name Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Root Nerve supply Synergist Antagonist Action ROM

Scapular abduction and Ribs 1-8 Superior angle upper and lower Rhomboid major upward rotation of
Serratus anterior C5-C8 long thoracic n.
upward rotation Intercoastal fascia of scapula trapezius Rhomboid minor scapula

Scapular adduction and Rhomboid major T2-5 spinous process upper vertebral border scapula Scapular adduction
C5 Dorsal scapular n. levator scapulae Seratus anterior
downward rotation Rhomboid minor C7-T1 spinous process lower vertebral margin scapula or retraction
occipit protuberancee Middle fibers of acromion Elevates the scapula,
Rhomboid major pectoralis major
Trapezius upper fibers C7, T1-T12 spines process, upper lip of crest C3, C4 Accessory XI n. as in shrugging, extend
Scapular Elevation ligamentum nuchae of spine of scapula the neck
Rhomboid minor pectoralis minor steadies scapula during arm
levator Scapulae C1-4 vertebrae Superior angle of scapula C3-C4 Dorsal scapular n.
Trapezius middle
and upper Same as above Same as above C3, C4 Accessory XI n. pectoralis major Same as above
Scapular depression and
fibers Serratus Anterior
T7-T12 spine floor of intertubercular Dorsal scapular n. pectoralis minor Adduction, extension, and
levator scapulae C3, C4
Inferior angle of scapula sulcus C5 medial rotation of shoulder
Rhomboid minor,
Trapezious Same as above Same as above C3,C4 Accessory XI n. Rhomboid major Same as above
Scapular Adduction levator
scapulae, trapezius
Rhomboid major Spine T2-T5 Medial border of scapula C5 Dorsal scapular n. and minor Retract scapula
upper and medial


Anterior Deltoid lateral 1/3 clavicle Deltoid tuberosity C5, C6 Axillary nerve Supraspinatus Deltoid posterior Extension of shoulder

Shoulder Flexion Coracobrachialis Tip of coracoid Medial border of humerus C5,C7 Musculocutaneous long a d short latissimus Dorsi Flexion of arm at shoulder joint 0-180°
Adduction, medial rotation at
Pectoralis major 3,4,5 ribs Coracoid process C5-T1 Pectoral nerves head of biceps Teres major
shoulder joint
Deltoid posterior Spine of scapula Deltoid tuberosity C5-C6 Axillary nerve Tricep Anterior Deltoid Extension and external rotation
Thoracodorsal adduction, extension, medial 0-45°
Shoulder Extension Latissimus dorsi T6-12, L1-L5 Floor of intertuberclar sulcus T4-T12 brachiii Coracobrachiallis
nerve C6-8 rotation (upto 60°)
lower subscapular medial rotator,adductor, extensor
Teres major lateral border of scapula medial lip of bicipital groove C5,6,7 long head pectoralis major
n. C5,6 of arm
Infraspinatus, teres
Shoulder Horizontal Deltoid posterior lower spine of scapula deltoid tuberosity
Shoulder horizontal abduct,
C5,c6 Axillary nerve Pectoralis major 0-90°
Abduction Deltoid middle crest ofspine of scapula deltoid tuberosity
rhomboid major,
extension, lateral rotation
trapezius middle
pec maj (clavicular Internal rotation, Flexion of
Clavicle greater tubercule humerus C5-C6 Posterior deltoid
Shoulder horizontal part) Deltoid(anterior shoulder
Pectoral nerves 0-130°
Adduction sternal end 2-7 ribs Bilaminor tendon C6-T1
Middle deltoid
Horizontal adduction, extension
of shoulder
Medial 2/3 of infraspinous Lateral Rotator of arm at shoulder
Shoulder External Infraspinatus Greater tubercle of humerus C5, C6 Supscapular n. Supraspinatus
fossa joint
SupScapularis 0-80°
Rotation Teres minor
upper 2/3 of dorsal surface of
lowest tubercle on greater tubercle C5, C6 Axillary n. Infraspinatus
lateral rotator of arm at shoulder
lateral border of scapula joint
Subscapularis Subscapular fossa Lesser tubercle of humerus C5,6 Subscapular n. Pec major infraspinatus Medial rotator, adductir of arm
Shoulder Internal lower subscapular Medial rotator, adduct, extense
Teres major lateral border of Scapula Medial lip of biccipital groove C5,6,7 pec minor 0-60°
Rotation n. arm
Teres major
adduct, medial rotate of shoulder
Pectoralis major Medial 2/3 of clavicle Bicipital groove C5,6 Lateral pectoral n. Latissimus dorsi
Movement name Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Root Nerve supply Synergist Antagonist Action ROM


Brachialis Medial Intermuscular septum Ulnar tuberosity Pronator teres Tricep brachii Flexes arm at Elbow joint

Musculocutaneous Extensor Carpu

Bicep short head Coracobrachialis long head (Strong supinator)
n. radialis longus
Elbow Flexion Radial tuberosity C5,6 0-150°
Bicep long head Supraglenoid tubercle Flecor Carpi radialis short head Flexes elbow

Lateral 2/3 supracondylar ridge

Brachioradialis Styloid process of radius Radial n. Flexor Carpi ulnaris Medial head Flexion of elbow
of humerus

Tricep Brachii All heads have common origin to: Brachialis Extension of elbow
Infraglenoid tuberosity
long head bicep short head Extend and adduct shoulder
Elbow Extension C6,7,8 Radial n. Annconeus 0-150°
lateral head Lateral intermuscular septum Olecranon process of humerus Bicep long head Active in resisted extension

Medial and lateral

Medial head Brachioradialis Active in all forms of extension
Intermuscular septum

Bicep both heads Same as above Same as above C5,6 Brachioradialis Pronator teres Same as above
Forearm supination 0-80°
Deep branch of Pronator Supination of forearm when
Supinator Supinator crest (ulna) Upper 1/3 of radius C6,7 Brachialis
Radial n. Quadratus elbow extended

Pronator Teres Medial epicondyle of humerus lateral aspect of shaft of radius C6,7 Median n. Bicep both head
Forearm Pronation Anterior Flexor carpii radialis Pronation of arm 0-80°
Anterior surface of shaft of
Pronator Quadratus Anterior border of radius C7,8 Interosseous n. Supinator
(median n.)

Flexor digitorum Extensor carpi Flexes and abduct hand at wrist
Flexor Carpi Radialis Base of 2nd, 3rd MC C6,7 Median n.
Superficialis, radialis longus, joint
Wrist Flexion Medial epicondyle of humerus 0-80°
Pisiform, Hook of hamate, Base of profundus,Flexor brevis, Extensor Flexes and adducts the hand at
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris C6-T1 Ulnar n.
5th MC policis longus carpi ulnaris wrist joint
Extensor carpi radialis Lateral supracondylar ridge of Flexor carpi
2nd MC bone C6,7 Radial n. Extensor digitorum
longus humerus radialis Extend and abduct hand at wrist
Extensor carpi radialis joint
Wrist Extension Base of 3rd MC Extensor digiti mini 0-70°
brevis Deep branch of Flexor Carpi
Lateral epicondyle of humerus C7,8
radial n. ulanris Extend and adduct hand at wrist
Extensor carpi ulnaris Base of 5th MC bone Extensor Indices
Movement name Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Root Nerve supply Synergist Antagonist Action ROM

Abductor policis Posterior Surface of shaft of Deep branch of
1st MC bone C7,8 Palmaris longus Abduct and extend thumb
longus radius and ulna radial n.
Thumb Abduction Adductor policis 0-70°
Abductor policis Flexor retinaculum, crest of Extensor policis
Base of proximal phalanx of thumb C8-T1 Median n. Flex MCP joint of thumb
brevis trapezium brevis
Abductor policis
Adductor policis
Base of 2,3 MC
Deep branch of
Thumb Adduction Oblique head Proximal phalanx of thumb C8-T1 Adduction of thumb 70-0°
Ulnar n. Abductor policis
Transverse head Shaft of 3rd MC

Abductor policis Pad of thumb

Oppones policis Trapezium,Flexor retunaculum 1st MC Median n. Flexes CMP
brevis to
Opposition of thumb C8-T1
Opponens digiti pad of
Hamate, Flexor retinaculum 5th MC Ulnar n. Flexor Policis brevis Medial rotation ofCMP
minimi 5th digit
Extensor Policis
Thumb MCP Flexion Flexor pollicis brevis Flexor retinaculum, Trapezoid Base of proximal phalanx of thumb Flexes MCP,CMC of thumb 0-50°
C8-T1 Median n.
Extensor Policis
Thumb IP flexion Flexor pollicis longus Radius Base of distal phalanx of thumb Flexes IP joint of thumb 0-80°
Flexor Policis
Thumb MCP Extension Extensor Policis brevis Radius Proximal phalanx of thumb Extension of MCP 50-0°
C7,8 Radial n.
Extensor Policis Flexor Policis
Thumb IP Extension posterior 1/3 shaft of Ulna Base of distal phalanx of thumb Extend thumb in all joints 0-50°
longus longus

Flexor digitorum
Finger PIP and DIP Common flexor tendon Four tendons in the sides of finger Median n. Flexes PIP of 2-5 digits PIP: 0-100°
Flexion Flexor digitorum
Ulna (proximal 3/4 shaft) Four tendons to 2-5th digit Ulnar n. Flexes DIP of 2-5 digits DIP: 0-90°
Dorsal, Palmar
Extensor Digitorum lateral epicondyle of humerus 4 tendons to 2-5 digits Extend MCP
Abductor Digiti
Finger MCP Extension Extensor Indices Ulna 2nd digit C7,8 Radial n. Extend MCP of index finger 0-45°

Extensor Digiti minimi Lateral epicondyle of humerus 5th digit Lumbricals Extend MCP, IP, DIP of th digit

Extensor expansion of proximal Extensor

Dorsal Interossei MC bones Abduction of fingers
phalanges Digitorum
Ulnar n.
Dorsal Expansion of proximal
Palmar Interossei MC bones of 2,4,5 Extensor Indices Adduction of fingers
Finger MCP Flexion C8-T1 0-90°
Deep branch ulnar
Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform, Flexor retinaculum base of 5th digit Abduction of 5th digit
n. Extensor Digiti
Lumbricals Tendons of FDP Extensor Expansion Median n. Flexion of MCP joint

Finger Abduction Dorsal Interossei Sane as above Same as above C8-T1 Ulnar n. Palmar Interossei Same as above 0-20°

Finger Adduction Palmar interossei Same as above Same as above C8-T1 Ulnar n. Dorsal Interossei Same as above 20-0°


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