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Character of Chandalika (or) Spiritual awakening of Chandalika

Prakriti is the name of Chandalika. It is also like title of the play by Tagore. She is an
untouchable girl. She seems to be illiterate. Her main job is to fetch water from the well. She is
the only daughter of her mother.

One day a Buddhist monk comes to her and asks for water. No one has ever dared to ask
for anything from her. From that moment there is a sea change in her speech, character and
attitude. She gets the awareness that she is not an untouchable. The Buddhist monk has told her
that considering herself untouchable is equal to self-humiliation. It is worse than self-murder.

Her meeting with Ananda, has made her realize the injustice done to her in the name of
religion and society. She very boldly says that a religion which insults is a false religion. She
becomes aware of the fact that the society including her mother has treated her as a sub-human

Prakriti becomes bold and poetical. Her speech becomes philosophical. Even her mother
is unable to understand her. She gets a realization that she too can give. So far she has been
dealing with dirt and collecting alms from other. She feels that her union with Ananda will free
her from the social insult. She thinks that she will not be considered untouchable if she marries
the Buddhist monk. Therefore she troubles her mother to chant the spells which will bring
Ananda to her side. Her mother reasons out that using magic against Buddhist monks is a sin.
She also informs Prakriti that her magic will become powerless. Prakriti does not want to listen
to her. She is so stubborn that her mother finally agrees to chant the spells.

Meanwhile a group of Buddist monks passes by the Sravasti City. Prakriti expects that
Ananda will come to her once again asking for water. But he doesn’t come. This makes her and
her mother angry. Prakriti’s mother chants the spell for fifteen days. All these days Prakriti has
been holding a mirror and dancing. She notices the change that magic brings upon Ananda.

Nearly after twenty two days of chanting the magic Ananda comes. His radiance is gone.
He seems to have come without being noticed by other monks. His ‘cloud kissing glory’ is
gone. There is no ‘shining purity’ or ‘heavenly glow’ in him. With ‘drooping head’ Ananda
comes to the door of Prakriti’s house.
Prakriti and her mother realize their grave mistake. Prakriti realizes that her lust is the
cause for all the sufferings of Ananda. She realizes that Ananda is a monk and he is meant for
leading his spiritual life. She also understands that she can remain in her own place and still be a
human being. She begs pardon from Ananda by falling at his feet. Her mother too falls at the
feet of Ananda and dies.

The play very clearly portrays the character of Chandalika who thinks that her salvation
lies in the marriage with a monk. Her baser feelings get purified. Ananda is also saved. Prakriti
seems to live forever with new awareness.

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