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The language rule leader as per language rules and

regulations maintaining the statistic record of those who failed

to follow the language rule on daily basis and that record is
being supervised by the CQC Leader and the Class Teacher
once in a week of tenure.
01. All the students are strictly asked to speak only in
English in and outside the classroom.
02. As per the statistic record maintained the English non-
speaker of the week need to deliver a one minute speech on
every Friday to enhance their confidence
Over language speaking skill.
03. Each student in each and everyday based on the order of
register numbers should write two idioms or phrases on the
blackboard in order to bring every one’s
notice and if possible to make everyone to use in their
converstions on that day itself.
At first some of the students in the
class struggled to speak fluent in English but after the
estimated steps were taken proceeded into an account now all
the students are able to speak in English which shows their
good response towards the language rule and hope will attain
good fluency in speaking English language in future.

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