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One of These Days

- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a short story writer and novelist from Columbia. He was a
journalist too. His literary style is called magic realism. He won Noble prize for literature in
1982. In the short story One of These Days he emphasizes a point that everyone is unique. One
may enjoy low status and position and hold low designation. However he is unique.
Aurelio Escovar is a dentist. He is an early riser. On a Monday he opens his office at six
in the morning. He arranges the instruments in order. After that he polishes the false teeth. At
eight o’clock his son comes in to the chair and informs that the Manager would like to know if
he polished. He asks his son to tell the mayor that he is not there. His son returns to inform him
that the mayor knows that he is there, but the dentist goes on operating the drill.

After while his son appears again and informs him that the mayor wants him to take out
his tooth or else he will shoot him. The dentist pulls out a revolver from a drawer. He asks his
son to report to the mayor to come and shoot him. Later the mayor himself appears without much
formality the dentist asks the mayor to lean his skull on the head nest, after inspecting the
infected tooth the dentist tells the mayor that the tooth must be extracted without administering

The mayor agrees and smiles. The dentist does not return the smile. The dentist removes
the lower wisdom tooth. He does not show any extra attention or care because he is a mayor and
asks the mayor to dry his tears. He also informs the mayor that the pain is the fee for killing
twenty men. The mayor is in great pain. The dentist asks him to take rest and gargle with salt
water. When the mayor leaves the chair, he salutes the dentist and orders him to send the bill.
The dentist shows no emotions and treats him like any ordinary person.

The story reveals a fact that each one is special. Whatever may be one’s profession, one
should be respected people in higher position should learn to respect common man and he must
be aware that everyone needs other’s help.

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