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Problem Statement:

Assume you are a Product Analyst at an EdTech company. The customer success team is aiming to
achieve sustainable growth by focusing on retaining the existing users.

As a Product Analyst, look at the data provided and gain insights into customer behavior and pattern
to come up with features to retain existing users.

Provide proper reasoning backed by data for the proposed features

Overview of the Dataset:

1.users_basic_details: Contains basic details of the enrolled users.

2.day_wise_user_activity: Contains the details of the day-wise learning activity of the users.

● A user shall have one entry for a lesson in a day.

3.learning_resource_details: Contains the details of learning resources offered to the

enrolled users

● Content is stored in a hierarchical structure: Track → Course →Topic → Lesson. A lesson can be a
video, practice, exam, etc.

● Example: Tech Foundations → Developer Foundations → Topic 1 → lesson 1

4.feedback_details: Contains the feedback details/rating given by the user to a particular lesson.

● Feedback rating is given on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest.

● A user can give feedback to the same lesson multiple times.

Tables Description
● user_id: unique id of the user [string]
● gender: gender of the enrolled user [string]
● current_city: city of residence of the user [string]
● batch_start_datetime: start datetime of the batch, for which the user is enrolled [datetime]
● referral_source: referral channel of the user [string]
● highest_qualification: highest qualification (education details) of the enrolled user [string]
● activity_datetime: date and time of learning of the user [datetime]
● user_id: unique id of the user [string]
● lesson_id: unique id of the lesson [string]
● lesson_type: type of the lesson. It can be "SESSION", "PRACTICE", "EXAM" or "PROJECT"
● day_completion_percentage: percent of the lesson completed by the user on a particular day
(out of 100%) [float]
o The completion percentage is calculated by the formula = learnt duration of a lesson on a
day/total duration * 100

● overall_completion_percentage: overall completion percentage of the lesson till date by

the user (out of 100%) [float]
o Example: If a user, who started a lesson on Jan 1, ’22 completes the lesson by learning it in
parts (10%, 35%, 37%, 18% each day) on 4 different days, Then
Jan 1, ‘22 - day_completion_percentage -
10%, overall_completion_percentage - 10%
o Jan 3, ‘22 - day_completion_percentage -
35%, overall_completion_percentage - 45%
o Jan 4, ‘22 - day_completion_percentage -
37%, overall_completion_percentage - 82%
o Jan 6, ‘22 - day_completion_percentage -
18%, overall_completion_percentage - 100%
● track_id: unique id of the track [string]
● track_title: name of the track [string]
● course_id: unique id of the course [string]
● course_title: name of the course [string]
● topic_id: unique id of the topics [string]
● lesson_type: type of the lesson. It can be "SESSION", "PRACTICE", "EXAM" or "PROJECT"
● lesson_id: unique id of the lesson [string]
● lesson_duration_in_mins: duration of the lesson in mins [integer]
● feedback_id: unique id of the feedback given by the user to a lesson [string]
● user_id: unique id of the user [string]
● lesson_id: unique id of the lesson for which the user has given feedback [string]
● lesson_type: type of the lesson. It can be "SESSION", "PRACTICE", "EXAM" or "PROJECT"
● rating: the rating given by the user to the lesson [integer]

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