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Unit 5 Grammar Worksheet 2

Prepositions of Place
1 Look and tag your friends.
These are my friends at the park last weekend.
0. Linda is in the back on the left. Linda
1. Marty is in the middle.
2. Glenda is in the front on the right.
3. Sara is in the back on the right.
4. Anabelle is in the front on the left.
We had such a great time that day!

2 Look and complete the sentences.

in the back next to in the middle

inside in the front on the right

I love to visit my grandparents. This is a picture of their

house. There is a yard in the front of the
house and a big tree . The front
door is and there are two
bushes it. On the left there
are four windows and there
are only two. And best of all,
it’s always cozy and warm.

3 Look and write a sentence describing the photo using each preposition of place.
0. (at) This is me at the amusement park with my friends.
1. (on) the rollercoaster.
2. (next to) Jim.
3. (behind) Bob us.
4. (in the front) We .

3 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 3.5.G2

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