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Solution Manual for Marketing 2nd Edition Hunt

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Use this worksheet as a guide to answer your social media application questions as a group.

Select two firms that offer sales promotions through

social media. These could include any of the
strategies discussed in this chapter—coupons,
rebates, contests, or sweepstakes. Describe which
sales promotions each firm offers through which
social media platforms. Then analyze those
promotions using the following questions and
activities as a guide:

© Corbis RF
1. In your opinion, which firm is doing a better job
using social media to enhance its sales
promotions? Explain your answer.
Chapter 8: Promotional Strategies
2. Who are the target markets for these social
This chapter explores the importance of promoting goods, media sales promotions? Are the sales
services, and ideas to communicate value to current and promotions an effective way to generate
prospective customers. It outlines the promotion-mix additional sales and profits from these target
elements of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, markets? Explain your answer.
and public relations. The promotion mix provides you with 3. Provide at least two specific recommendations
the tools to deliver a value-driven message across multiple for sales-promotion strategies that each of these
types of media and organizational interactions. The chapter firms can implement through social media. Be
describes how marketers can weave the promotion-mix tools
sure to discuss why you think your
into an integrated marketing communications strategy.
recommendations would succeed in generating
Key concepts in the chapter to reference: additional sales and profits from the firm’s target
• Promotion Mix markets.
o Elements of the Promotion Mix
o Integrated Marketing Communications
o Finding the Optimal Promotion Mix Responses:

1 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

• Advertising
o Television Advertising
▪ Advantages of TV Advertising
▪ Disadvantages of TV Advertising
▪ Product Placement
o Internet Advertising
o Print Advertising
▪ Advantages of Print Advertising
▪ Disadvantages of Print Advertising
o Radio Advertising
▪ Advantages of Radio Advertising
▪ Disadvantages of Radio Advertising
o Outdoor Advertising
▪ Advantages of Outdoor Advertising
▪ Disadvantages of Outdoor Advertising
o Nontraditional Advertising
• Sales Promotion
o Coupons
o Rebates
o Samples
o Contests and Sweepstakes
o Premiums
o Loyalty Programs
o Trade Sales Promotions
• Personal Selling
• Public Relations
o Public Relations Tools
o The Impact of Social Media on Public Relations
o Crisis Management
o The Changing Face of Public Relations
• Promotional Metrics
o Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
o Measuring Social Media Effectiveness
• Promotion-Mix Budgeting Strategies
o Affordable Method
o Percentage-of-Sales Method
o Objective-and-Task Method

Assume that you are hired by the purchasing

department at your university and your first task is to
decide what type of PCs, laptops, or tablet computers
the university will buy for its students. Analyze the
social media presence of potential suppliers, using the
following questions and activities as a guide:

1. Decide on a list of three to five potential suppliers.

© Jeremy Woodhouse/Photodisc/Getty Images RF What criteria, such as cost or service capability, did
you use to determine the list?
Chapter 9: Supply Chain and Logistics Management 2. Carefully read through the social media platforms
used by each of the potential suppliers from which
This chapter explores the concepts of supply chains and the university might purchase. Based only on what
logistics. It discusses the importance of supply chain you read across the social media platforms, how
management, the trade-offs involved in managing the supply would you rank the potential suppliers as preferred
chain, and various supply chain strategies. The chapter also vendors? Explain your answer.

2 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

discusses the impact of logistics on the supply chain. You will 3. Is there anything that you have found on your
learn about the key logistics functions and the importance of preferred suppliers’ social media presence that can
aligning logistics operations with a firm’s supply chain help you in negotiating with those firms? For
strategies. Finally, the chapter addresses the important effect
example, do any of them appear to be having
that supply chain strategies can have on a firm’s sustainability
customer service issues that you might be able to
use as leverage to negotiate a lower price?
Key concepts in the chapter to reference:
• Supply Chains Responses:
o Supply Chain Flows through Marketing Channels
o Supply Chain Network
• Supply Chain Management
o What Is Supply Chain Management?
o Supply Chain Integration
• Supply Chain Strategy
o Push Strategy
o Pull Strategy
o Hybrid (Push-Pull) Strategy
o Selecting the Appropriate Strategy
• What Is Logistics?
o The Impact of Logistics
o Aligning Logistics with Supply Chain Strategies
• Logistics Functions
o Managing Inventories
▪ Types of Inventories
▪ Inventory Costs
▪ Metrics for Evaluating Inventory Management
o Purchasing
▪ Purchasing Activities
o Materials Management, Warehousing, and Distribution
▪ Materials Management
▪ Warehousing Functions
• Storage
• Movement
• Production
▪ Distribution
▪ Transportation Management
• Rail
• Motor
• Air
• Water
• Pipeline
• Cyberspace
• Supply Chains and Sustainability
o Supply Chain Design and Sustainability
▪ Sourcing
• Sustainable Sourcing
▪ Transportation
▪ Facility Location
▪ Closed-Loop Supply Chains

Pick two companies whose products you currently buy

and look at all of the social media platforms the
company employs (for example, Instagram, Twitter,
YouTube, etc.). Analyze what is being said about pricing
either by the company or customers on these
platforms, using the following questions and activities
as a guide:

3 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

1. How much is pricing discussed? Provide specific

2. Is pricing mentioned by the company, social media
users, or both?
3. Is pricing discussed on social media by one
company more than the other? If so, why do you
think this is?
4. If you worked in marketing for either firm, is there
anything you have read on social media that would
© moodboard/Cultura/Getty Images RF make you consider changing the price of that
company’s products? Explain your answer.
Chapter 10: Pricing
This chapter explores the importance of pricing, which is one
of the most important strategic decisions a firm faces. Think
about how many firms are affected by how much they charge
for their goods or services. Our guess is your list includes
nearly every firm you know. Firms that set prices too high risk
losing customers to competitors. But keeping prices lower
than what customers are willing to pay leaves additional
revenue on the table that can never be recovered.

In this chapter you will learn about the price-setting process,

specific pricing tactics companies use to maximize profits, and
important laws and regulations you must consider when
pricing products.

Key concepts in the chapter to reference:

• The Importance of Pricing
• The Price-Setting Process
o Step 1: Define the Pricing Objectives
▪ Profit Maximization
▪ Volume Maximization
▪ Survival Pricing
o Step 2: Evaluate Demand
o Step 3: Determine the Costs
▪ Fixed Costs versus Variable Costs
▪ Break-Even Analysis
o Step 4: Analyze the Competitive Price Environment
o Step 5: Choose a Price
▪ Reference Prices
▪ Underpricing
o Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate the Effectiveness of the
▪ Unbundling
▪ Escalator Clauses
• Pricing Tactics
o Markup Pricing
o Odd/Even Pricing
o Prestige Pricing
o Loss-Leader Pricing
o Seasonal Discounts
o Price Bundling
• Technology and Pricing
o Mobile Applications
o Dynamic Pricing
o Name-Your-Own-Price
• Global Pricing

4 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

o Gray Market
o Tariffs
o Dumping
• Legal and Ethical Issues in Pricing
o Price Discrimination
o Price Fixing
o Predatory Pricing
o Deceptive Pricing
o U.S. Laws Affecting Pricing
▪ Robinson–Patman Act
▪ Federal Trade Commission Act
▪ Wheeler–Lea Act
▪ Sherman Antitrust Act

Select two firms that allow you to purchase their

products directly through social media. These could
include any products that you can “buy” on Facebook,
in-tweet purchases, or any organization from which you
can purchase something directly through a social media
platform without having to visit the physical-store or
company website. Discuss this type of retailing
experience using the following questions as a guide:

1. How easy is it to make the purchase? What could

the company do to make it easier and more likely
© Werner Dieterich/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images
that you would make purchases directly from social
media platforms?
Chapter 11: Retailing 2. Who do you think are the main target markets for
the two firms you identified? How does allowing
Imagine a store that never advertises. It has no signs or their customers to buy directly from social media
displays in its aisles, and no one bags what you purchase. help them reach their targeted customers?
Many of its most popular items are systematically moved 3. Provide two specific recommendations to a
from place to place within the store, making them difficult to company in your community that should introduce
find. Now imagine that you had to pay an annual fee simply or increase their ability to allow customers to buy
for the privilege of even walking through the door. Who in the
directly from a social media platform. How will this
world would shop there? As it turns out, the answer is about 3
million loyal Costco customers every day!
benefit the local company?

There are many different types of retail stores, selling a wide Responses:
variety of merchandise and services. Some, such as Tiffany,
sell $50,000 diamond rings in elegant showrooms. Others, like
Chick-fil-A, serve $2.99 chicken biscuits in drive-through lanes.
Regardless of the goods and services they sell, retail
organizations with long-term success share a common thread:
They understand the needs of their target consumers and are
committed to providing real value to them.

In this chapter, you will learn about the fast-paced world of

retail marketing. The chapter discusses the importance of
retailing, including the role of retail in marketing channels,
global retailing, and e-commerce. It explains four ways in
which marketers classify retailers and describes types of
physical-store retailers and nonstore retailing. The chapter
considers the importance of retail store location and
atmospherics and ends with discussion of strategic issues in
21st-century retailing.

5 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

Key concepts in the chapter to reference:

• What Is Retailing, and Why Is It Important?
o Global Retailing, E-Commerce, and the Ever-Changing
Face of Retailing
o The Role of Retail in Marketing Channels
o What Makes Retail Marketing Different?
▪ The Average Amount of a Single Sales
▪ Impulse Purchasing
▪ Physical Stores
• How Marketers Classify Retailers
o Level of Service
o Ownership and Organization
o Breadth and Depth of Merchandise Assortment
o Merchandise Pricing
• Major Types of Physical-Store Retailers
o Discount Stores
▪ Full-Line Discount Stores
▪ Specialty Discount Stores
o Supermarkets
o Warehouse Clubs
o Convenience Stores
o Drugstores
o Specialty Stores
o Off-Price Retailers
o Department Stores
o Leased Departments
o Extreme-Value Retailers
o Factory Outlets
o Services Retailers
• Nonstore Retailing
o Online Retailing
▪ Lessons Learned
▪ Online Retail Trends
o Catalog Marketing
o Shop-at-Home Television Networks
o Automated Vending
o Direct Selling
• Importance of Retail Store Location
o Retail Gravity Models and Trading Area Analysis
o Location Type and Site Selection Decisions
• Strategic Issues in 21st-Century Retailing
o Retailer Operational Efficiency
o Store Image and Retailer Positioning
▪ Store Atmospherics
▪ Store Layout and Product display
▪ Merchandise Management
o Big Data and Retail Analytics
o Competing on Customer Experience

Find a salesperson whom you know of and visit his or

her LinkedIn profile. Analyze that profile using the
following questions and activities as a guide:

1. What skills has the salesperson been

“recommended” or “endorsed” for? Do you think
these are the most valuable skills for a successful

6 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

2. Has the salesperson you are analyzing joined any

relevant groups on LinkedIn? Based on the
salesperson’s job, are there any groups that you
suggest he or she join?
3. Provide at least two recommendations as to how
this salesperson could better highlight his or her
market or sales-related knowledge to current and
potential clients.

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Chapter 12: Personal Selling

This chapter explores the importance of personal selling. In

Chapter 8, you learned that personal selling is the
interpersonal arm of the promotional mix. Here, we look more
deeply at key topics related to personal selling. The chapter
first discusses the strategic importance of the sales force in
creating and communicating value and the many career
opportunities in sales. It explains the various types of sales
positions, the personal selling process, and the foundations of
sales success. The chapter discusses how companies use social
media and analytics in personal selling and ends with a look at
the key elements of sales force management.

Key concepts in the chapter to reference:

• Creating and Communicating Value through Personal Selling
o The Strategic Role of the Sales Force
o Factors That Influence Use of Personal Selling
o Personal Selling in the Digital Era
o Career Opportunities in Sales
• Types of Sales Positions
o New-Business Salespeople
o Order-Takers
o Consultative Sellers
o Missionary Salespeople
o Key-Account Sellers
o Sales Management and Support
• The Personal Selling Process
o Prospecting and Qualifying
o Pre-Approach
o Approach
o The Presentation
o Handling Objections
o Gaining Commitment
o Follow-Up
• Foundations of Sales Success
o Positive Self-Concept
o Market-Related Knowledge
o Selling-Related Knowledge
▪ SPIN Selling
• Sales 2.0: Social Media, Analytics, and the Personal Selling
o Social Selling
o The New Science of Sales Productivity
o Sales and Marketing Integration
• Sales Force Management
o Sales Forecasting

7 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

o Sales Force Structure

▪ Sales Force Size
▪ Generalists versus Specialists
▪ Territory Design
▪ Span of Control
o Recruitment, Selection, and Retention
o Sales Compensation
o Leadership, Training, and Performance Management
• Ethical Issues in Personal Selling and Sales Management
o Standards of Sales Professional Conduct

The use of social and mobile technologies provides

marketers with new tools that can simultaneously serve
to (1) deepen customers’ brand engagement and (2)
provide marketers with real-time feedback about what
tactics are resonating. Pick a company that is located in
the state where you live. Analyze that organization’s
social media platforms using the following questions as
a guide.

1. What is the company doing to deepen brand

engagement with customers using social media?
© Warchi/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images RF
2. Looking at the last month, what feedback have
customers provided on the firm’s marketing
Chapter 13: Digital and Social Media Marketing efforts?
3. Based on the social media feedback customers
Many Principles of Marketing students no doubt consider have provided, what marketing recommendations
themselves “expert” on the latest features included in the would you make to this company?
latest iPhone release. Most probably use a variety of social
media applications on a daily basis for their personal
communication, entertainment, information, and socializing
purposes. This chapter focuses on providing a basic
understanding of how organizations apply these same tools as
part of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

The chapter first considers the impact of the digital marketing

revolution on society and on marketing practice. Then,
because nearly all online marketing revolves around branded
websites, the chapter describes the four phases of website
design. It then dives into four other broad topics necessary to
understand digital and social marketing: search marketing,
social media marketing, content marketing, and the use of
social listening and metrics to monitor digital marketing

Key concepts in the chapter to reference:

• The Digital Marketing Revolution
o Societal Implications of an Always-Connected Consumer
o “Never Leave Home Without It”: The Impact of Mobile
Technologies on Social Media Use
▪ For Better or Worse? The Impact of Social
Media on Individuals and Society
o Impact of the Digital Revolution on Marketing Practice
▪ Brand Democratization
▪ More Competitors + More Channels = More

8 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

• Website Design: Establishing an Online Brand Presence

o Phase 1: Planning
▪ Choosing a Domain Name
▪ Identifying a Hosting Service for the Website
o Phase 2: Design
▪ Color
▪ Typography
▪ Images
o Phase 3: Development
o Phase 4: Testing and Launch
• Search Marketing: Increasing Online Brand Visibility
o Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine
Marketing (SEM)
o How Does Online Search Work?
• Social Media Marketing
o Engaging Consumers through Social Media
o Moving Customers through a #CallToAction
o Using Social Media to Improve Brand Loyalty and
Customer Advocacy
▪ Integrating Social Media into Loyalty Rewards
• Content Marketing: The Fuel That Powers the Digital Marketing
o Content Marketing Techniques and Sources
o Trends in Branded Content Marketing
▪ What Happens Online, Stays Online—Forever
o Location-Based Marketing: Bringing Relevance to Digital
▪ Geo-Fencing
• Social Media Monitoring and Metrics
o Social Listening and Customer Service Differentiation
o Social Media Marketing Metrics
▪ Social Media Marketing Dashboards and ROI

9 Social Media Application Worksheet: Chapters 8–13 | Hunt/Mello/Deitz: Marketing 2e © 2018 McGraw Hill

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