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Chapter 11 : And then

Techno was surprised.

Nope… he was actually freaking curious about what had happened just now… Kengkla’s
mother came.

His mother was getting a divorce from his father today and that made Kengkla cry, so his
junior called him. But his mother just stood there right in front this room without sadness.
Techno couldn’t help thinking that his mother either was so good at keeping her feeling
or she didn’t care about her husband at all.


‘Mom, come here!’

Handsome Kengkla hurriedly grabbed his mother’s shoulder while he cried startlingly.
After that, he pushed her out of the room before turning back to tell Techno that he would
be right back. Then, Kengkla, wearing only his shorts, pushed his mother out of the room,
as his mother yelled.

‘Is he your boyfriend? Let me talk to him first!’

Although Techno was supposed to be frightened because he met Kengkla’s mother,

something told him that… it wasn’t right. It didn’t make any sense.

It seemed that Kengkla was close to his mother. It was different from what Kengkla had
told him before, that they quarreled.

And the way Kengkla was frantic or the fact that his mother showed up on the day she
was getting divorce but Kengkla told that his parents said they didn’t care about him, it
made Techno surprised, perplexed and confused.

Techno didn’t understand what the hell was going on here.

So, when the room owner came back, Techno turned around and looked at him while
Kengkla still had a sad expression on his face, but Techno thought that it wasn’t right.


“P'no, can you give me a little encouragement?”

Kengkla rushed to hug Techno tightly, resting his head on his shoulder so what Techno
had thought before slowly vanished. Techno hugged Kengkla and patted his back gently.

“It’s okay.”

“Because you’re here with me, I think I’m fine” 

Kengkla whispered into Techno’s ear while hugging him tightly until Techno became
less suspicious of him.

Techno felt sorry for his junior, but he still asked.

“Why is your mom here?”


That question made Kengkla’s shoulder become tense but only for a while. Kengkla still
didn’t lift his head up from his shoulder and kept kissing and smelling Techno’s scent
after taking a shower then answered with a quivering voice.

“She just doesn’t know where to go. After she divorces my dad, she just realizes she still
has a son.”

After Techno heard that, all his doubts vanished, so he hugged his junior tightly, patting
his head and rubbing it gently to let Kengkla know that he was still here like he already
gave a promise.

“Don’t say something like that. She is your mom.”


Kengkla was silent. He didn’t argue, but it seemed he didn’t agree either. Techno’s worry
already disappeared but he thought that Kengkla might be really angry at his mother, so
he rocked his body and his head slowly before comforting him.

“Don’t worry! Let’s go out for lunch! I’m hungry.”

“Can I eat you instead?”

Techno cried and opened his eyes widely while looking at those begging eyes.

“I’m hurt, so I want you to comfort me. You’re the only one who can make me forget all
Techno was melting like a candle when he heard those words. When Techno looked at
those eyes reflecting only his image and a smile showing his cuspid on the left side of his
mouth, he could only look down and mumbled,

“Well, can we find something to eat first? Or I’m not going to have any strength to do it
with you.”


“I love you so much!” 

Kengkla hugged Techno tightly.

The sad voice immediately changed to a happy tone. Kengkla kissed Techno’s cheek
before going to change his clothes, leaving Techno rubbing his cheek shyly.

Techno was mused that his boyfriend could change his emotion quickly like a chameleon
shifting its colors. Even though everything made sense now, Techno still felt something
building up inside him.

Something that made Techno feel uncomfortable, but he chose to let it go.

Now, I’m happy, so why should I worry.


“Technic, I’ll go to the mall. Do you need anything?”

A week later, Techno dressing casually was calling his brother from the front of the
window. It seemed Technic just got up, and his sleepy face made him a bit less

“The mall? Today? I think Kengkla will come here today?”

“How do you know that?” 

Techno was curious because his boyfriend did tell him that he would be here.
Technic was a little stunned because… he was bribed to leave the house before 2 pm.

Kengkla said that if I were still in the house at 2 pm, he would kick me out himself.

It was the thought of the person who shook his head slowly.

“He told me that he would come, but I have plans this afternoon. So have fun!”

Techno was shocked when his brother seemed to know what they were up to.

“I… I’ll go to see my friend. I’ll lend him my comic books and come back. If Kengkla
arrives before I’m back, just tell him that.”

Then, Techno forced a smile, waving his hand to tell his brother that he would go now.
Technic sighed and turned back to look at the time. It was so early, but… he knew his
friend would come ahead of time for sure!

Which girlfriend should I see today?

It was the thought of Technic who was so upset. Right now, his girls began to know that
he was seeing many girls, so he didn’t want to go out. But, Technic couldn’t stay at home
because he didn’t want to see his brother and his friend making love.

So, I’m in more trouble than anyone.

Technic thought, he was, in fact, the luckiest because… he got advantage of the situation
from the beginning.
At first, Techno was supposed to meet his friend at the mall, which was about half an
hour far from his home, but his friend called and told him that he would stop by Techno’s
house instead so Techno didn’t have to go to the mall.

He ended up waiting for his friend at a coffee shop near his home, thinking about his
coming afternoon.

Actually, Techno had slept over at his boyfriend place for 3 days during this week
because Kengkla persuaded him that his condo was near his office, which was true.
Techno could stay up late or wake up late, but he was still exhausted.

How come I was exhausted? Because my boyfriend always asked for… no, he didn’t ask
for help, he asked for sex! I had hip pain every day, and I was so exhausted. But every
time he asked for it, I always said yes because It felt good. So, this weekend I told him
that… I would come home!

But, he followed me anyway!

‘That’s fine, I’ll sleep over at your place.’

At first, Techno was shocked, then he realized that Kengkla always came and slept over
at his house, with his brother. It was Techno’s luck that his father went out of town so
often and his mom went with him, so it was convenient for Kengkla to come. And every
time Kengkla came, his brother, Nic, always disappeared.

Tonight… I’ll be tired again!

That thought made Techno look down to sip his drink, trying to control his facial

I’m so fucking embarrassed! Every time I think about him I’m blushing, especially when
I think about his face when he reaches his orgasm, it gives me goosebumps.

His tan piercing face, those mysterious eyes full of desire. Every time Kengkla looked at
him, Techno felt that he was so charming.

Kengkla made him felt that way. And Techno felt good too when he realized he also
made Kengkla happy.

“So, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with him.” 

Techno murmured, at the same time, his university friend stepped in.

“What’s that face, Techno?”

“The face that wants to kill you! You’re late!”

“What? I come early. We agree to meet at 11 o’clock, but now it’s 10 o’clock”
Protested Champ, one of his university friend, also in the same group with Type and

Champ didn’t graduate the same year as Techno because he forgot to enroll in the free
elective course. So, now he was the fifth-year student who didn’t care about his late

“What about you? How have you been? I haven’t seen you since last time we hung out. I
meet Type at the university sometimes.”

Why do Kengkla’s face and the blurred memory of that night pop up in my mind?

Techno was startled because the night the night he hung out with his friends… was the
night he had sex with Kengkla.

No, I won’t tell anyone. I’m not that shameless.

“I’m good.”

Techno tried not to admit or deny anything, and his fried didn’t ask further. Champ just
took the comic books that Techno brought out from his knapsack, but before they could
chitchat with coffee instead of beer, Champ said,

“I gotta go first, I have an errand to run. Hey! You should go back to the
university. Can said he wanted to meet you. He said no team captain, so he got no one to

The name of his close junior made Techno laugh out loud. Techno also missed Can, his
junior who always teased him. Can had fair skin, so he was called ‘albino monkey’.

“Well, New wants to discuss the next team captain. No one outstanding among the third-
year students. I think we should skip to Ae.”

New was the team captain after Techno had graduated. Actually, Techno didn’t want to
intervene because he already graduated. But it seemed his juniors still respected him and
couldn’t make this decision.
Comparing the skills among his juniors.

“I think it should be Ae.”

Ae was a short guy with a serious face, but no one could beat him, especially in the field.

“So, if you’re free, next time you should come to the meeting. Now I’m the oldest one in
the team.” 
Champ said before leaving without ordering anything, so the coffee shop owner looked at
him angrily… he would be free for hours.

“I have a lot of time before Kengkla comes.”


“Am I very attached to him?”

When Techno thought about it, he just hit his forehead with the table because his heart
ran to Kengkla again. Techno felt that he was pathetic because… he not only had a
boyfriend but also a younger one; besides, he was so attached to his boyfriend.

Thinking about it. Kengkla picks me up in the morning and drops me in the evening.
Sometimes, I stay over at his condo. He comes to see me on weekends. We meet every
day like we’re living together.

“Have I been dating him for a month and a half or a year and a half?”


His thought was interrupted by a phone call. Techno almost threw himself to get it
because he knew the person who called couldn’t be anyone else but his boyfriend, whom
Techno was missing.

[P'no… I’m at your house now.]

“Hey. Why did you come so early?!”

[Because I miss you!]

Why is he so sweet lately?

Techno was embarrassed while listening to that deep voice telling him. Techno now
understood why girls always hit or slapped things when they were embarrassed because
he was hitting his bag unconsciously. His smile grew wider, and wider… while the girls
at the next table started gossiping.

Well, I’m not handsome, so when I’m embarrassed it’s ugly. But my boyfriend says I’m
lovely anyway!

Techno, who now cared no one, thought while looking through his bag, and listening to
that sweet voice of Kengkla.

[Where are you?]

“I’m with my friend at a coffee shop.”

[Please hurry back home. I really want to see you.]

When Techno imagined Kengkla’s handsome face with a smile showing his cuspid, his
face was hot because of his shyness. Techno pretended to reply in a serious tone.

“No, I haven’t seen my friend for a while. I still enjoy chatting with him. You just play
with Technic, okay?”

Actually, his friend already left, but he was too reticent about his feeling. In fact, Techno
also wanted to go home right now.

[Okay. Fine. Enjoy chatting with your friend. But please hurry back home, I’m missing
you P'.]

Kengkla used his lonely tone to make Techno softhearted and ended the call with his
sweet voice, which made Techno want to cover his face because… he was so fucking

“Okay! I’m hanging up.” 

Techno pretended to be annoyed but then waved at the waiter to have the check.

When Techno was trying to find his wallet in his knapsack, he found…

“What is this?”

Techno found something hard at the bottom of his knapsack, so he picked it up, frowning
because Techno was sure that when he cleared his paperwork and put the comic books in
his bag, he didn’t see this small box. Techno turned it back and forth carefully.

“What’s this? It looks like a battery.”

Techno was confident that he had never seen it before, but he thought it should be a dead
battery that someone tossing in his bag.

He shrugged, pay for the coffee, then grabbed his motorbike key before dropping that
square box in a trash can in front of the coffee shop.

I might toss it three years ago and forget it.

Techno chose not to think about it and hurriedly rode back home.

What am I waiting for? My boyfriend comes so I should go back to him.


“I’m so happy!”

“Hey! This is my house. Take your feet off the table.”

At the same time, Kengkla who just hung up the phone was satisfied with the cuteness of
his boyfriend. He put his feet on the dining table, leaning the chair backward while
holding his hands behind his neck. Kengkla was shouting as a person who was in love,
and it made his best friend who already dress up to go out, shook his head.

“Techno is my wife, so this is my home too!”

Of course, a sweet handsome boyfriend on the phone never existed because the real
Kengkla was smiling mischievously and laughing, swaying his phone happily; however,
it was so annoying that Technic wanted to kick his friend. Also, Kengkla was telling a
story that his best friend didn’t want to know.

“Hey, Technic! Do you know how cute your brother is? P'no is like a kitten. When I’m
being sweet or ask for his attention, he hugs, cuddles, and comforts me. And when P' is in
my bed, he’s fucking lovely, so I can’t help falling for him. It’s like I’m in heaver when
we’re together. I’m happy.”

Who would want to know about the sex life of his own brother living together for more
than 20 years?

It was the thought of Technic who shook his head and went to the kitchen to drink some

When he was back his best friend seemed to be stuck on his own heaven because those
eyes were shining brightly, that wicked smile still on his face while playing with his
phone. Technic started to feel a bit sorry for his brother.

It was just a bit because if Technic really felt sorry for his brother, he wouldn’t help
Kengkla in the first place.

“Aren’t you afraid that my brother will know the truth?”

The truth was that Kengkla was a liar, a fraud, a villain, a badass who did everything to
get what he wanted. That question made Kengkla laugh, showing his cuspid which many
girls might think it was charming, but for Technic, that cuspid made him look more evil
and vicious.

“That’s why I use GPS tracker.”

Technic raised his eyebrows questioningly before walking toward Kengkla when his
friend unlocked his phone to show the application which was linked to the GPS tracker.

“See? Techno’s still at the coffee shop.”

“How much do you pay for it?”

Technic was shocked, looking at his friend who got everything he wanted but put
everything to get his brother.

“Not that much!”

Not that much means everything.

Technic shook his head but couldn’t help slapping his friend’s head.

“I can’t believe it. You really want to get my brother in your bed, so you put money effort
like my brother is a gravure idol.”

Maybe Kengkla can get those idols because he was handsome, not because of his lying
skills. Those words made Kengkla laugh.

“I don’t want those models. I only want your brother!” 

Kengkla was always honest about what he wanted.

“So, you need to make up a story that your parents are getting divorce? A few days ago,
Techno asked me about it, and I was like ‘what?’. I know that your family is still okay.
Yeah, I knew your family had a problem before when we were freshmen. But your dad
already cut his mistress off. No, I heard that you were the one who handle it so that
woman didn’t dare to show up again.”

Technic knew this story because when Kengkla was angry, he didn’t care if the other one
was a woman. Kengkla was the one who solved the problem between his parents, so they
were still living together happily.

“You’re clever, Nic! But if you tell Techno about this I’ll kill you!”
The faculty prince looked at him with those sharp eyes, warning that if Techno knew the
truth… the person who would be dead was Techno’s brother.

The warning didn’t made Technic scared but a bit uncomfortable.

“So, what else did you lie to him?... Your dad didn’t love you? Your mom kicked you out
of the house? Your dog died? Or you can’t get an erection?”

Those questions made Kengkla laugh, wiggling his finger annoyingly.

“No, no… I saw Techno was so happy with other girls, but he already had me, so I
pretended to be sick. When he would take a trip with his friends, I didn’t trust them, so I
told Techno that my parents were getting a divorce… then he rushed back to me!”

For Kengkla, he was bragging how cute his boyfriend was but for the person who was
standing still at the door… he felt like he was such an easy man.

“Techno is easy to read. That day, he really believed that he molested me, but it was so
obvious that I intended to molest him.” 
Kengkla continued while shaking his head in disbelief.

For him, Techno was softhearted and cute. When he saw Techno believed in what he lied,
it made Kengkla want to protect him.
Kengkla didn’t want Techno to be with others.

Kengkla wanted to be the only one who lied, teased, fooled… and also protected Techno.
It seemed that Kengkla’s thought was opposite from his cunning face so Technic sighed.

“Am I doing the right thing now?”

“If I don’t count all the vouchers you got from me, you didn’t say anything when I told
you that I wanted to fuck your brother.” 
Kengkla claimed impetuously.

Because Kengkla always wore a mask in front of others, only his best friend, Technic,
could see his true nature. Thus, when Kengkla was overwhelmed by happiness, he
couldn’t brag to anyone, except Technic.

For Technic, he understood that it meant Kengkla was so crazy for his brother… but
Techno would never understand.

Techno who hurriedly rushed home because he was missing his boyfriend.
Techno who wanted to see the person who said that he loved him.

Techno who believed everything that Kengkla said.

An idiot who never know that everything was just a play.

Techno didn’t really cry, but tears… were flooding in his heart.

Those tears burnt his heart and that was more painful than throwing acid on him, so
Techno was numb, couldn’t do anything but standing there, grasping his knapsack

“You already got what you wanted anyway. So, I have to go now… P'no!!!”


Technic who had been listening to his story many times shook his head. He didn’t want
to hear it anymore so he turned back, intended to leave but then he saw the person
standing still at the door… his older brother.

His brother, who made his friend, gloating over Techno’s innocence, drop the chair and
turned back shockingly.

Kengkla cried and intended to come closer but…

“If you come closer, I’ll kill you!”


Techno, who was always sweet, bawled.

His eyes were furious, full of angry and irritation, but most of all, Technic and Kengkla
could see regret in those eyes.

Techno regretted that he trusted Kengkla.

Techno regretted that he felt sorry for Kengkla.

Techno regretted that he fell for Kengkla who only wanted… sex.

“P'no, it’s not like that. Let me explain…”

The person who kept lying tried to explain and walked toward him but Techno stepped
back, forcing a pitiful smile for himself and interrupted.

“What the fuck do you want to explain? You lied to me since the beginning!”

Techno shook his head slowly and threw his knapsack on the floor. Their eyes met, and
then Techno exploded.

“Did you know how I felt when you were sick? Did you know how much I worry about
you when you said that you had no one? I left everything and rushed to see you and make
sure that you were safe, to make sure that you wouldn’t do something stupid. Do you
know how I feel now? Do you know that I feel like crap? Do you know or you just want
to fuck me?”

Techno bawled out with all his voice. His face turned red because of anger and regret.

“P'no, I didn’t…”

“Are you happy now?... but, it wasn’t such a proud thing to get an ugly guy like me.”

Techno shook his head slowly while he was stepping back and looking into those eyes,
which he always believed that they were sincere and innocent.

He thought that Kengkla was just a cute clingy kid, but now he realizes that Kengkla
wasn’t an adorable puppy, but he was a hyena that was ready to rip his heart apart.

Then, Techno burst into tears, forcing a pitiful smile for himself and added.

“So, you’re happy now because a fool like me already fell for you.”


Kengkla couldn’t say anything. He was stunned and sorry for those words and… tears.

The tears of Techno who turned back and stepped out of the house made Kengkla try to
follow him. However, he couldn’t catch up with Techno because he was already on his
bike and left. Kengkla turned back and intended to get in his car but…


“Will you chase him on the road? What if my brother tries to escape you and has an
Technic grabbed his friend’s wrist since he knew that if Kengkla chased his brother, one
of them might have an accident for sure.

And that made Kengkla clench his fist, shaking off his wrist from Technic’s grab.

“Damn it!” 
Kengkla exploded, kicking his car to vent his anger.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!”

Now the person who had been lying could only hit his car to unleash his emotion and the
feeling inside that he was so sorry…

Sorry to make Techno cry.


Knock, knock!! Bang!! KRAMM!!

“Coming! Who the fuck are you?”

Type, who just sat down to watch television with his boyfriend cursed loudly when
someone knocked on his door so hard as if that person wanted to break it.

Type got up quickly, he didn’t listen to his boyfriend who tried to calm him down. Who
could be calm if someone banged the door like this?

Door opening.


“What happen?”

When Type' opens the door, his eyes widened.

“Techno! Hey! Why your face is like this?”

Techno’s face was full of tears, spilling down his face, smearing all over, and it made his
average face became worse. Techno didn’t answer that question but…

“Type… I got played… he fooled me… help… help me.”

The team captain who used to kick his juniors in the field cried as if he couldn’t hold it in
anymore while Type was stunned with one question popping up in his mind…

Who had the nerve to fool my friend?!!!

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