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Emmanuel C.


Questions to Ponder

1. What is your personal definition of creativity?

2. Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school. What made them creative?
3. Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these two concepts and
organize your notes using Venn Diagram.
4. Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and tell whether
you possess any of the characteristics mentioned.
5. Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artists. The problem is to remain as an
artist as we grow up.

1. My personal definition of creativity is a thinking of a new ideas of doing an artwork. And
creativity is the expression of oneself by creating and transforming ideas and imagination that
makes us happy.
2. I remember in my elementary school days that we have a paper art called Origami that simply
the art of folding paper like creating shapes, objects, animals like butterfly and flowers. What
made us creative is by doing these it develops our imagination and creativity. By doing Origami,
we engage both our minds and hands, creating that calming effect. It makes me happy and focus
and excited what was the finish product.
3. Venn Diagram: Creativity & Innovativeness

Creativity s
*the use of the imagination or
original ideas, especially in the *featuring new
production of an artistic work: methods; advanced
*the ability to make or
otherwise bring into existence and original
something new
*the quality of being
Both are related to
developing new
knowledge, facts,
and objects and
making use thereof.
4. As I examine myself, by referring characteristics of artistically literate student, is that I believe I
possess most of the characteristics mentioned especially the characteristic of “find joy,
inspiration, peace, intellectual stimulation, and meaning when they participate in arts… because
when dealing and participate to my classmate or others doing an artwork, I appreciate the art
doing by helping each other and it helps me to interact with them that I find joy and happiness. I
missed those days in my elementary that we have a group activity of arts in classroom. We
participate and support each other by sharing our ideas and skills in doing an art.
5. It tells from the quote of Picasso that children are born creative and remain attractive
throughout their lives. Every child has a bright imagination. They can express it by many ways of
art like painting, drawing, imagining and other forms of arts. But as the time runs goes by, as
they grow up children face several distractions because we are living now in a technological
advancement and gadgets, they use so they stop imagining things and doing their own original
artwork. They are losing their artistic engagement.

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