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Distinction between academic and personal writing

Academic writing refers to writing that is done in the context of an academic setting and is
intended to communicate ideas and research findings to a specific audience. Academic
writing is typically more formal and structured than personal writing and usually follows
strict style guidelines and formatting rules. The language used in academic writing is often
technical and specialized and is usually free of personal opinions and bias. In academic
writing, the author must present a logical argument and support it with evidence and

On the other hand, personal writing is often more informal and relaxed, and it is meant to
express one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Personal writing may include essay
writing, journal writing, fiction writing, or reflective writing. Personal writing typically
incorporates the author's personal voice, style, and tone. Personal writing has more
freedom than academic writing and can be punctuated with personal stories, anecdotes,
and humor. Personal writing generally does not follow any strict rules or guidelines, and
there is no right or wrong way to express one's feelings, experiences, and thoughts.

In summary, academic writing aims to communicate research findings and ideas to a

specific audience using structured and formal writing, while personal writing focuses on
expressing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences using a more informal style.

Elements of acdemics writing

Academic writing is a type of writing that is characterized by a higher level of formality and
is typically used in academic settings. There are various elements of academic writing that
are essential to produce a successful and effective piece of writing. These elements include:

1. Clear and Concise Language: Academic writing should avoid ambiguity or vagueness in
order to clearly get the point across to the reader.

2. Logical Structure: Academic writing should have an organized structure with clear and
logical transitions between paragraphs and sections.

3. Evidence-Based Argument: Academic writing should present an argument that is

supported by evidence from reliable sources, such as academic journals and textbooks.

4. Formal Tone: Academic writing should maintain a formal tone, avoiding the use of slang
or colloquial language

5. Objectivity: Academic writing should be objective and avoid personal opinions or biases.
6. Citations and References: Academic writing requires the use of citations and references
to acknowledge the sources of ideas and information used in the work.

7. Correct Grammar and Punctuation: Academic writing should be free from grammatical
errors and use correct punctuation.

In summary, elements of academic writing include clear and concise language, logical
structure, evidence-based argument, formal tone, objectivity, citations and references, and
correct grammar and punctuation. These elements are crucial in producing a successful and
effective piece of academic writing.

Fundamental of academic writing

The fundamentals of academic writing include understanding the assignment, conducting

research, organizing thoughts and ideas, and writing in a clear and concise manner. It is
important to follow a structure, such as an introduction, body, and conclusion, while
maintaining a formal tone and avoiding any personalized views or opinions. Proper citation
and referencing should be used to acknowledge sources, and all work should be free from

Feedback is a crucial aspect of academic writing. It provides an opportunity for the writer to
improve on their writing skills and produce a better quality piece of work. Feedback can
come in various forms, such as comments from a professor, peer reviews, or constructive
criticism from a writing consultant.

When receiving feedback, it is important to take the time to analyze and understand the
comments given. It is also important not to take feedback personally and instead use it as a
learning opportunity to improve on writing skills. Some strategies for receiving feedback
include remaining open-minded, seeking clarification when necessary, and using the
feedback to revise and improve the work.

In summary, the fundamentals of academic writing include understanding the assignment,

conducting research, organizing thoughts, and writing in a clear and concise manner.
Feedback is an important aspect of academic writing, and it should be taken constructively
and used as a learning opportunity.

The mechanism of style punctuation speeling and capitalization

The mechanisms of style punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are essential elements in
effective writing. These mechanisms help to enhance the readability and clarity of the
written work, which is crucial when it comes to academic writing.

Punctuation is the use of marks or symbols to improve the comprehension of written work.
It allows the writer to clarify the meaning of written sentences and paragraphs. For
instance, a missing comma can lead to confusion in a sentence. Spelling, on the other hand,
refers to the correctness of written words. It is essential to spell words correctly to avoid
confusion and to maintain clarity in writing. Capitalization is the use of uppercase for the
first letter of a word or group of words in a sentence. It is used for proper nouns, titles, first
letters in a sentence, and the beginning of a quote.

The primary purpose of these mechanisms is to make writing clearer and more readable.
When used properly, style punctuation, spelling, and capitalization enhance coherence,
structure, and clarity of writing. For example, in academic writing, good punctuation,
spelling, and capitalization help readers understand the author's meaning and
communicate ideas effectively.

A writer should carefully check spelling and capitalize words correctly and use appropriate
punctuation. Some of the common mistakes that every writer should avoid include not
using a comma in a series, capitalizing common nouns unnecessarily, poor subject-verb
agreement, and spelling common words incorrectly.

In conclusion, an effective writer understands the mechanisms of style punctuation,

spelling, and capitalization. Using them appropriately leads to readable and easy-to-
understand written work. A good writer must always check their work, edit, and proofread
to ensure that they have used these mechanisms correctly.

The mechanism of style italic,abbrivation,numbers statistical and mathematical


Italic style is a form of typeface that is slanted to the right. It is commonly used for
emphasis or for distinguishing words or phrases from the rest of the text. Italic text can also
be used for indicating titles of books or films, foreign words or phrases, and scientific names
of organisms. In scientific writing, italic text is used for variables and units of measure.

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases. They can be used to save space or
time in writing. Examples of common abbreviations include Mr., Mrs., Jr., and Sr. In
scientific writing, abbreviations are used to avoid repeating long words or phrases.
However, it is important to define abbreviations when they are first used in a document.

Numbers are used to present numerical data. In scientific writing, it is important to present
numbers accurately and consistently. This can be achieved by using the same units of
measure throughout the document and presenting numerical data in a clear and concise

Statistical and mathematical presentation is a key component of scientific writing.

Statistical data is presented using graphs, tables, and charts. These can be used to visually
communicate data trends and patterns. Mathematical presentation involves using
equations and formulas to explain scientific concepts. It is important to use equations and
formulas correctly and provide clear explanations of their meaning and significance.

In conclusion, the mechanisms of style italic, abbreviations, numbers, statistical and

mathematical presentation are important aspects of scientific writing. They help to
communicate scientific concepts accurately and effectively. When used correctly, they can
enhance the clarity and impact of scientific writing.

Use of public sources for academic writing

Academic writing often requires the use of public sources to support arguments, provide
evidence, and acknowledge the contributions of other scholars. When using public sources
in academic writing, several techniques should be employed, including writing summaries,
writing paraphrases, and using quotations. Additionally, it is essential to appropriately cite
public sources to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original author.

Writing Summaries involves briefly describing the main points of a public source in one's
words. Summaries allow readers to quickly understand the content of a public source
without reading the entire document. When writing summaries, it is essential to accurately
represent the author’s ideas and avoid inserting personal opinions or biases.

Writing Paraphrases also involves expressing the author’s ideas in one's words but differs
from summaries in that it requires more detailed rewording of specific sentences or
paragraphs. When paraphrasing, it is essential to maintain the meaning of the source
material while using different words.

Using Quotations involves directly citing an author by using their exact words. Quotations
are used to provide evidence to support arguments and provide insight into an author’s
perspective. When using quotations, it is important to integrate them seamlessly into the
text by using signal phrases, clearly indicating the source, and providing adequate context
for the quotation.

Citation is essential in academic writing because it provides evidence for arguments,

acknowledges the work of other scholars, and avoids plagiarism. Several citation styles,
including APA, MLA, and Chicago, are commonly used in academic writing. Appropriate
citation involves indicating the source immediately following the use of the material, using
in-text citation and providing full reference details in the bibliography or reference page.

In conclusion, using public sources for academic writing requires summarizing,

paraphrasing, and using quotations to support arguments. It is crucial to appropriately cite
sources to avoid plagiarism, acknowledge the original author, and establish the credibility
of the work. By properly using public sources, academic writing can be enriched with
evidence and critical analysis.
Evalution written models

Evaluation writing is the process of assessing and providing feedback on the value or
effectiveness of a particular product, service, or event. There are different approaches to
evaluation writing depending on the purpose, audience, and type of document that needs
to be produced. This essay will evaluate three different types of evaluation writing models:
journal articles, newspapers articles, and library essays.

Journal articles follow a structured format that includes abstract, introduction, literature
review, methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion. The purpose of a journal article
is to report original research, with the aim of contributing to existing knowledge in a
specific field. Therefore, the evaluation writing in journal articles is based on statistical
analysis and empirical evidence. The language is precise, objective, and technical, with a
focus on clarity and brevity. The audience for journal articles is usually other researchers,
who are interested in replicating or extending the study. The evaluation writing in journal
articles is therefore rigorous, systematic, and authoritative.

Newspaper articles are a type of evaluation writing that aims to inform and engage a broad
audience on a specific topic or event. Newspaper articles are typically between 500-1000
words, and the structure is usually inverted pyramid, where the most important
information is presented at the beginning of the article. The purpose of newspaper articles
is to report news, analyze current events, or provide commentary on a particular issue. The
evaluation writing in newspaper articles is often subjective and interpretive, with a focus on
human interest and conflict. The language is accessible, engaging, and persuasive. The
audience for newspaper articles is the general public, who are often reading for
entertainment or information. The evaluation writing in newspaper articles is therefore
engaging, informative, and entertaining.

Library essays are a type of evaluation writing that aims to contribute to academic
discourse on a particular topic or theme. Library essays are usually between 1500-5000
words, and the structure varies depending on the discipline or genre. The purpose of library
essays is to synthesize and analyze existing scholarship, with the aim of developing original
insights or arguments. The evaluation writing in library essays is based on critical thinking
and reflection, with a focus on evidence-based reasoning. The language is academic,
formal, and exacting, with a focus on precision and coherence. The audience for library
essays is usually academics, who are interested in advancing knowledge in a particular field.
The evaluation writing in library essays is therefore critical, analytical, and scholarly.

In conclusion, evaluation writing models vary depending on the purpose, audience, and
type of document. Journal articles, newspapers articles, and library essays have different
structures, language, and evaluation criteria. However, each model contributes to different
forms of knowledge production and dissemination. Therefore, it is important to understand
the expectations and conventions of each evaluation writing model to effectively
communicate with the intended audience.

Academic writing process and stratagies

The academic writing process can be a daunting task for many students. Whether it is
writing a research paper, an essay assignment, or even a thesis, it requires a lot of effort,
focus, and dedication. However, there are several strategies and steps that one can follow
to make the academic writing process more manageable and effective.

The first step in the academic writing process is to get started. This means breaking the task
down into smaller, more manageable tasks. One useful technique is to create a timeline or
schedule for completing each step. It helps to set aside specific time each day to work on
writing. Additionally, it is essential to find a quiet and comfortable space to concentrate and
minimize distractions.

The next step is to start generating ideas. This can involve brainstorming, outlining, or even
mind-mapping. The goal is to create a clear and focused idea of what to write. It also helps
to research the topic by reading academic journals, articles, books, and other materials that
are relevant to the topic. This research helps to prioritize the most important information
that is relevant to the topic and also streamline the writing process.

Preparing for a draft involves outlining the structure of the paper, creating an introduction,
crafting a thesis statement, and organizing the main points and evidence. It is important to
create an outline that follows a clear and logical path, with each point building on the
previous one. This stage is critical for creating a solid framework for the paper.

The actual writing of the first draft requires focus, discipline, and a great deal of effort.
Writing a draft is an iterative process, which means it involves refinement and
improvement of the structure and content. Feedback from peers and instructors can be
extremely useful during this stage because it offers an alternative perspective and
highlights areas for improvement.

In summary, the academic writing process involves several steps, including getting started,
generating ideas, preparing for a draft, writing a first draft, and receiving feedback.
Following these strategies and steps can help students to manage the writing process more
effectively and efficiently, leading to greater success in their academic careers.

Academic writing process and stratagies

he academic writing process continues with the step of working with a draft. This step
involves refining and improving the paper, editing, proofreading, and polishing it to a
publishable standard. There are also several strategies that one can implement to make this
step more manageable and effective.

Focusing on the main idea is one such strategy. Academic writing requires clarity of
purpose and a single, central idea that ties the piece together. Ensuring that all supporting
ideas, arguments, and evidence work towards the main idea of the paper will make it more
cohesive and impactful.

Another strategy for working with a draft is the development and shaping of ideas. This
process involves enhancing the content of the paper by providing new insights and
perspectives based on research. This strategy can be achieved by incorporating new
research findings, or by re-evaluating existing evidence to make original arguments.

Working on the beginning and ending of a draft is also an important strategy. These parts
of the paper are crucial because they set the tone for the rest of the paper and leave a
lasting impression on the reader. The introduction should provide context, background, and
an overview of the main ideas that will be explored in the paper, while the conclusion
should summarize the paper’s key findings and leave the reader with an impactful
takeaway message.

The beginning of a draft should grab the reader's attention and convey the issue or topic
clearly. The introduction should be a concise and understandable explanation of the paper's
main points, while providing context and background information. The use of relevant
statistics or an interesting anecdote can help attract the reader's attention and convince
them to keep reading.

The ending of a draft should effectively summarize the main points of the paper, without
being redundant or restating ideas in a simplistic manner. A strong ending should highlight
the significance of the research, leaving the reader with an impression that motivates them
to ponder the paper's ideas further.

In conclusion, there are several strategies that one can implement to effectively work with
a draft in academic writing. These strategies include focusing on the main idea, developing
and shaping ideas, and working on the beginning and ending of the paper. By following
these strategies, the writer can further refine and improve their writing, making the paper
more impactful and polished.

Displaying results

In academic writing, figures are often used to present data, interpretation of findings, and
contextual information. Figures allow for a visual representation of information, which can
be easier to comprehend for readers. There are several principles of figure use and
construction that writers should consider when creating and presenting figures.
The first principle is to ensure that figures are properly labeled and adequately explained.
This involves including a title, a clear caption, and an explanation of what the figure
represents. The label should provide enough information about the figure that readers can
understand it without referring to the text. It is also important to double-check that the
information presented in the figure corresponds to the information given in the text.

The second principle is to follow the formatting guidelines specified by the target journal or
publication. These guidelines may include specifications for image size, resolution, font
type, and other design details. Following these guidelines can improve the quality and
professionalism of the paper.

Thirdly, it is important to use only necessary figures that add value to the text. Including
irrelevant figures can distract readers from the main ideas presented in the paper. In
addition, limiting the number of figures can also streamline the argument, making it more
impactful and focused.

There are various types of figures that writers can use, depending on the content and
purpose of the paper. Examples of common types include tables, charts, graphs, diagrams,
and maps. Tables are often used to present a large amount of data in a compact and easily
readable format, while charts and graphs are useful for showing trends or relationships
between variables. Maps are often used in geography and environmental studies, while
diagrams or flowcharts can be helpful in presenting processes or systems.

Finally, figures should adhere to certain technical standards. Figures should be clear,
readable, and easy to interpret. They should also be of high quality, with well-defined lines
and colors that are easy to distinguish. Consistency in the design and formatting of figures is
also important to ensure that the paper is professional and easy to read.

In conclusion, figures can be an effective tool for presenting information in academic

writing. However, it is important to follow the principles of figure use and construction, use
only necessary figures, use the appropriate type of figure, and adhere to technical
standards. By using figures effectively, one can strengthen the argument and enhance the
overall quality of the paper.

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