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Chapter 4: Chemical Composition in a Cell

SPM 2008 Q8
The following information shows starch molecules undergoing process X. What is process X?
A Photosynthesis
B Polymerization
C Condensation
D Hydrolysis

SPM 2009 Q9
Diagram 8 shows the process of formation of a disaccharide molecule. What is process X?
A Dialysis
B Condensation
C Hydrolysis
D Assimilation

SPM 2011 Q10 SPM 2018 Q6

Which of the following is a polysaccharide? Which compounds are carbohydrate?
A Cellulose A Glycogen and steroid
B Fructose B Cellulose and glycogen
C Sucrose C Phospholipid and steroid
D Glucose D Phospholipid and cellulose

SPM 2013 Q8
Which group of elements builds up carbohydrates?
A Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen
B Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen
C Carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen
D Carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus
SPM 2018 Q7
Which of the following represents the sequence for the complete hydrolysis of protein?

A Protein  Dipeptide  Amino Acid  Polypeptide

B Protein  Polypeptide  Amino Acid  Peptide
C Protein  Dipeptide  Polypeptide  Amino acid
D Protein  Polypeptide  Dipeptide  Amino acid

SPM 2014 Q5
Which is an inorganic compound?
A Rice
B Fish
C Water
D Butter

SPM 2016 Q11

Diagram 5 show polarity of a water molecule.

What is the effect of unequal charges distribution?

A Water molecule can act as universal solvent
B Water has the same density in the form of solid or liquid
C Water cannot dissolve another polar molecule such as sugar
D Water forms a medium to transport blood
SPM 2011 Q48
Diagram 23 shows parts of a DNA molecule.

Which pair of nitrogenous base represent P and Q?

SPM 2012 Q46

Which is the correct pairing of
nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule?
A Adenine with guanine
B Adenine with thymine
C Guanine with thymine
D Cytosine with thymine

SPM 2014 Q46

Diagram 19 shows a molecular structure.

What is the structure?

B Gene
C Nucleotide
D Chromosome
SPM 2021 Q5
Diagram 3 shows the formation and breakdown of a substance

Process X Substance Y
A Condensation Triglyceride
B Hydrolysis Phospholipid
C Condensation Phospholipid
What are the process X and substance Y? D Hydrolysis Triglyceride

SPM 2003 Q8
Figure 5 shows the molecular structure of three food classes.

Which food classes do X, Y and Z belong to?

A Carbohydrate Protein Lipid
B Protein Lipid Carbohydrate
C Protein Carbohydrate Lipid
D Lipid Carbohydrate Protein
SPM 2013 Q1
Diagram 1.1 shows the formation of triglyceride

(a) Name P and Q.

P: Q:

(b) In Table 1, state the number of molecules for P and Q. (2)

(c) Name process X and explain the process X. (3)

(d) Triglyceride is a type of lipid. State one function of triglyceride in human. (1)
Chapter 5: Metabolism & Enzymes
SPM 2005 Q3
The figure shows the breaking down of a complex molecule by an enzyme. Which of the
molecules A, B, C, or D, represents the substrate?

SPM 2007 Q7
Diagram 4 shows the structures of a substrate and an enzyme.

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D is the

active site?

SPM 2015 Q10

Diagram 5 shows the mechanism of enzyme action.

Which part labelled A, B, C or D

represents the substrate?
SPM 2008 Q7
Diagram 5 shows the mechanism of enzyme action.

Which of the following can be deduced from Diagram 5? A I and II

I Enzyme action is specific B I and III
II Enzyme reaction is reversible C II and IV
III Enzyme is not destroyed at the end of the reaction D III and IV
IV Optimum temperature for enzyme reaction is 40°C

SPM 2010 Q7
Diagram 5 shows the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis of enzyme action.

What are P, Q and R?

A Product Enzyme Substrate
B Enzyme Substrate Product
C Substrate Enzyme Product
D Enzyme Product Substrate
SPM 2006 Q8
Diagram 3 shows the rate of enzyme hydrolysis reactions, R and S, in the human body.

Which of the following is true about enzymes R and S?

Enzyme R Enzyme S
A Secreted in the stomach Secreted into the duodenum
B The active site changes at pH more than The active site changes at pH more than
4 7
C R is a trypsin S is lipase
D Synthesized in the rough endoplasmic Synthesized in the smooth endoplasmic
reticulum reticulum

SPM 2014 Q6
Which of the following is true about the enzyme reaction at 45°C?
A Reaction increases
B Reaction decreases
C Reaction at maximum
D Reaction remains the same

SPM 2014 Q10 SPM 2016 Q9

Which of the following helps enzyme to function well? Which of the following is an enzyme

A Product inhibitor?

B Cofactor A Iron

C Inhibitor B Mercury

D Substrate C Penicillin
D Vitamin B
SPM 2010 Q8
Diagram 6 shows an experiment to study the action of pepsin on protein.

The contents of the test tube are mixture of 2 mℓ of albumen suspension which has been boiled
and cooled, 1 mℓ of 1% pepsin solution and four drops of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. The
albumen suspension turns clear after 30 minutes. Which step is able to reduce the time taken
for the albumen suspension to turn clear?
A Reduce the volume of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid
B Reduce the temperature of water bath to 30°C
C Increase the volume of 1% pepsin solution to 2 mℓ
D Increase the volume of albumen suspension to 4 mℓ

SPM 2011 Q11

Diagram 5 shows two shirts, P and Q that were stained with butter. The shirts were washed
with washing powder that contains enzyme X at different temperatures.

What is enzyme X and the possible temperatures that were used for P and Q?
Enzyme X Temperature for P (°C) Temperature for Q (°C)
A Lipase 10 35
B Amylase 10 35
C Lipase 35 10
D Amylase 35 10
SPM 2021 Q2
Diagram 2 shows metabolism J and K in a cell that are catalysed by an enzyme.

(a) (i) State the name of complex L. (1)

(ii) State the type of hexokinase enzyme. (1)

(b) Based on Diagram 2, state the types of metabolism J and K. (2)

J: K:

(c) The following statement is about the general characteristic of enzyme.

Mercury is the most toxic heavy metal which inhibits the function of enzyme

Explain the effects of mercury on the activity of hexokinase enzyme. (2)

SPM 2004 Q1
Figure 1 shows a reaction catalysed by lipase.

(a) Label P, Q, R and S in Figure 1. (4)

(b) State two characteristics of P. (2)

(c) State the principal of enzymatic reaction as shown in Figure 1. (1)

(d) What can you deduce about the enzyme lipase based on Figure 1? (1)

(e) Enzymes are used widely in industries. State one use of lipase in food industry. (1)

(f) The temperature at which a lipase reaction takes place is increased to more than 60°C.
State the effect on the quantity of the product. Explain your answer. (2)
Chapter 6: Cell Division
SPM 2005 Q5
G1, G2, M and S in the figure shows the phases of a cell cycle in an organism.

A G1 → S → G2
B S → G2 → M
C G2 → M → G1
D M → G1 → S

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the interphase stage?

SPM 2011 Q12

What is the phase for the synthesis and replication of DNA?
A G1 C G2

SPM 2018 Q9
Diagram 7 shows a period in hour for the phase of the cell cycle.

What is the total period for G1 and G2 phases?

A 9 hours
B 14 hours
C 16 hours
D 18 hours

SPM 2016 Q14

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the interphase stage of a cell cycle?
A G1 → G2 → S
B G1 → S → G2
C S → G1 → G2
D S → G2 → G1
SPM 2006 Q9
Diagram 4 shows the phases in the cell cycle.

Stage X Stage Y
A The chromosomes start to The chromosomes form chromatids
shorten and thicken which move to the opposite poles of
the cell
B The chromosomes have The chromosomes start to elongate
replicated and not clearly visible
C The chromosomes are at the The chromosomes are at the opposite
equator plane poles in the cell
D The chromosomes form twin The homologous chromosomes are
chromatids paired

Which of the following statements is true about the chromosomes at stages X and Y?

SPM 2010 Q10

Diagram 8 shows different stages in mitosis.

Which sequence is correct?

SPM 2009 Q11
Diagram 9 shows a cell at one particular stage of mitosis.

Which cell is produced by the cell division? SPM 2015 Q13

An organism has 36 chromosomes.
How many chromosomes are in the
daughter cell that are formed through
A 18
B 36
C 54
D 72

SPM 2011 Q13

Which sequence of mitosis is correct?
A Prophase → Metaphase → Anaphase → Telophase
B Metaphase → Telophase → Prophase → Anaphase
C Prophase → Metaphase → Telophase → Anaphase
D Anaphase → Metaphase → Telophase → Prophase

SPM 2021 Q8
Which of the following will happen during anaphase in cell division?
A Chromatin thicken and shorten
B Bivalents are arranged on the equatorial plane
C Chromosomes are relocated in the nucleus
D Sister chromatids separate at centromere
SPM 2013 Q11
Diagram 3 shows a process in a phase of cell division.

What phase does this process occur?

A Metaphase I
B Metaphase II
C Prophase I
D Prophase II

SPM 2013 Q12

Diagram 4 shows a cell division in the reproductive organ of an animal.

Which diagram represents the gamete cell after the cell division is completed?
SPM 2013 Q13
Which of the following cells is a product of meiosis?

SPM 2014 Q12

Diagram 3 shows the process of fertilisation in human.

What is the number of chromosome in P and Q?

SPM 2017 Q15
Diagram 10 shows homologous chromosomes in a stage of meiosis.

A 24
B 12
C 6
D 3

What is the number of chromosomes found in a daughter cell after completing meiosis?

SPM 2012 Q13

The following information shows the characteristics of a child with genetic disorder.

A Synapsis did not occur during Prophase I

B Cytokinesis did not occur during Telophase II
C Nucleus membrane did not form during Telophase II
D Sister chromatid did not separate during Anaphase II

What is the cause of this genetic disorder?

SPM 2010 Q3
Diagram 3.1 shows the different stages in a cell division.

(a) Name the type of cell division. (1)

(b) Arrange the stages of the cell division in the correct sequence. (1)

(c) Explain the chromosomal behaviour in stage R. (2)

(d) State one importance of the chromosomal behaviour in (b)(i). (1)

(e) Diagram 3.2 shows the involvement of cells produced by this type of cell division in
the formation of zygote.

Explain how zygote is formed. (2)

(f) Diagram 3.3 shows the karyotype of an offspring produced.

(i) State the number of chromosomes in the offspring. (1)

(ii) Name the genetic disease suffered by the offspring. (1)

(iii) Give one reason for the answer in (d)(ii). (1)

(iv) Explain how radioactive rays can cause this genetic disease. (2)
SPM 2015 Q2
Diagram 2.1 shows a cell cycle of an organism.

(a) On Diagram 2.1, label X and Y. (2)

(b) Describe what happens during X. (2)

(c) A farmer wants to produce a large number of banana plants in a short time for
commercial purposes. State the technique that can be used by the farmer and describe
the technique. (3)

(d) State three characteristics of the plants produced through the technique. (3)
Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration
SPM 2009 Q24
Diagram 19 shows an equation for an aerobic respiration.

What are P, Q, R, S and T?

A Glucose Carbon dioxide Oxygen Water ATP

B ATP Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water

C Carbon dioxide ATP Glucose Oxygen Water

D Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water ATP

SPM 2010 Q20

A student takes part in a 200 m sprint event. Which equation represents his respiration process
after he has run the first 100 m?

A Glucose → Lactic acid + Energy

B Glucose + Oxygen → Lactic acid + Energy
C Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
D Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

SPM 2011 Q19

What is the main substrate of cellular respiration?
A Sucrose
B Fructose
C Glucose
D Galactose
SPM 2012 Q19
The following equation shows anaerobic respiration in muscle cells.

What is S?
A Water
B Ethanol
C Lactic acid
D Carbon dioxide

SPM 2013 Q20

Which equation represents aerobic respiration?
A Glucose → Lactic acid + Energy
B Glucose + Oxygen → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
C Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
D Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

SPM 2013 Q22

Lactic acid accumulated in an athlete's muscles after taking part in 100m sprint. Which of the
following contribute to the situation?
A Anaerobic respiration in muscles increases
B Anaerobic respiration in muscles decreases
C Aerobic respiration in muscles increases
D Aerobic respiration in muscles decreases

SPM 2014 Q21

Which activity produced the highest concentration of lactic acid in the muscle?
A Walking
B Reading
C Sprint running
D Jogging
SPM 2011 Q3
Diagram 3 shows a type of organelle found in muscle cells. A biochemical reaction occurs in
the organelle.

(i) Name this organelle. (1)

(ii) Explain why membrane X is in the form of numerous folded layers. (2)

(b) The biochemical reaction that occurs in this organelle is summarised as follows:

Glucose + P → Q + carbon dioxide + energy

(i) Name gas P. (1)

(ii) Name product Q. (1)

(iii)Explain why the muscle cell has a large number of these organelles. (2)
(iv) If the blood sugar level is lower than the normal range, the biochemical reaction in this
organelle can still occur. Explain how. (3)

(c) State two differences on the biochemical reaction occurring between muscle cell and yeast
cell in the absence of gas P. (2)
SPM 2013 Q6 (c)
Diagram 6.2 shows the concentration of lactic acid in the blood of an athlete.

Explain the differences in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood of an athlete
during and after doing vigorous activity. (6)

Suggested Answer
During vigorous activity
 Concentration of lactic acid in the blood increases
 Glucose molecule is not completely broken down
 Due to oxygen supply < oxygen demand → Cause oxygen debt
 Anaerobic respiration occurs → Accumulation of lactic acid & less energy is
After vigorous activity
 Concentration of lactic acid in the blood decreases
 Lactic acid is transported to liver for oxidation
 Aerobic respiration occurs when more oxygen supply is obtained
 Aerobic respiration occurs & lactic acid is oxidised to form carbon dioxide &
 Oxygen debt is paid off

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