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There are 20 mistake in essay below. Find, circle/underline and rewrite in correct form below.

To :

Dear Siva,
How are you? I hope you are in the pink of health. I am sorry that you are sad for not being able to go out and go to school
because you had to stay at home due to COVID-19 pandemic. I can feel you because starting from tomorrow I also had to
start my study from home as school in my state is closing too.
I have not yet think or have any plan for school holiday. My parent told me with current situation, it is not safe to travel or
went out because the COVID-19 cases still increasing especially in Kelantan where new cases start to spike up. I think it is
because people start to forget about safety measure and did not obey the SOP in this pandemic era.
In addition, it seems that monsoon season had started. Since last night, it was raining cat and dog non-stop in my area. I
hope we will not have a bad monsoon season so that there will no flood this year. It would be very hard if we have to face
flood in this pandemic.
However, I still hope that by the end of school holiday I could at least travel somewhere with my family when the situation
is safe especially from COVID-19. I will share the plan when I had one. How are you managing your time to carry out study
from home? I worried I might not be able to plan my time because there are a lot of distraction at home.
That is all for now. I hope you could reply my email as soon as you could because I need to start my learning from home
Your sincerely

There are 20 mistake in essay below. Find, circle/underline and rewrite in correct form below.

To :

Dear Siva,
How are you? I hope you are in the pink of health. I am sorry that you are sad for not being able to go out and go to school
because you had to stay at home due to COVID-19 pandemic. I can feel you because starting from tomorrow I also had to start
my study from home as school in my state is closing too.
I have not yet think or have any plan for school holiday. My parent told me with current situation, it is not safe to travel or
went out because the COVID-19 cases still increasing especially in Kelantan where new cases start to spike up. I think it is
because people start to forget about safety measure and did not obey the SOP in this pandemic era.
In addition, it seems that monsoon season had started. Since last night, it was raining cat and dog non-stop in my area. I hope
we will not have a bad monsoon season so that there will no flood this year. It would be very hard if we have to face flood in
this pandemic.
However, I still hope that by the end of school holiday I could at least travel somewhere with my family when the situation is
safe especially from COVID-19. I will share the plan when I had one. How are you managing your time to carry out study from
home? I worried I might not be able to plan my time because there are a lot of distraction at home.
That is all for now. I hope you could reply my email as soon as you could because I need to start my learning from home
Your sincerely

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