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Gerardo Garza Quiroga A01198470

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

SDG 4:Quality education

Groups of people you would like to help:

I would like to help marginalized communities, especially those living in poverty and those
who have limited access to healthcare services. I am particularly interested in improving the
health outcomes of women and children. For SDG 4 the people im interested in are mostly
children that cant have the education that we have and teach them what I know. Im very
interested in this communities because of a video I saw about one month ago of how severe
the situation is for people living in poverty and how this people don’t have the same
opportunities that we have.

Problems in your community that you are interested in solving:

In my community, I am interested in solving issues related to healthcare access, especially for

those who are uninsured or underinsured. I am also interested in addressing the high
prevalence of mental health issues, which are often stigmatized and go untreated. I am also
interested in solving issues related to education since a lot of people here don’t have the
proper education. Im interested in this issues because of the video I mentioned on the first

Global problems that you would be interested in being part of the solution:

I am interested in being part of the solution to global pandemics, such as COVID-19, and
improving access to healthcare services in low-income countries. Another problem im
interested in being part of solution is education in kids since there is a lot of kids that have
no or very little education. My interest of solving these global problems mostly come from
tik tok since there was a time I saw a lot of videos of how Covid 19 in some areas cannot be
stopped and ravaged a lot of families, same goes for education.
What is the situation in Mexico?

In Mexico, there are significant health disparities between rural and urban areas, with rural
areas having limited access to healthcare services. Additionally, there are high rates of
chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and a high prevalence of obesity. There have been
significant efforts for education in Mexico, but mostly in rural areas the quality of education
is very different of that in cities.

What are the most important challenges in the SDGs you selected?

One of the most important challenges in SDG 3 is ensuring access to quality healthcare
services for all, especially those living in poverty. In SDG 4, the challenge is to ensure that all
children have access to education, regardless of their socioeconomic background.

How do the SDGs you selected or the SDG (if you selected only one) relate to other SDGs?

SDG 3 and SDG 4 are closely related to other SDGs. For example, improving access to
healthcare services (SDG 3) can help reduce poverty (SDG 1) and improve gender equality
(SDG 5). Similarly, increasing access to education (SDG 4) can help reduce poverty (SDG 1)
and promote economic growth (SDG 8).

What SDG objectives do they impact?

SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. SDG 4 aims to
ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all.

Who are the founders, creators or entrepreneurs?

SDG 3 and SDG 4 were developed by the United Nations as part of the Sustainable
Development Goals.
Who is the target population and the impact / results obtained?

The target population for SDG 3 and SDG 4 is global, as the goals aim to improve health and
education outcomes for all people, regardless of their geographic location or socioeconomic
status. The impact of achieving these goals would be significant, leading to improved health
outcomes, increased economic growth, and reduced poverty.

Which stakeholders are involved?

There are many stakeholders involved in achieving SDG 3 and SDG 4, including
governments, NGOs, healthcare providers, educators, and communities themselves.
Achieving these goals will require collaboration and partnership between all of these

Reflections and conclusions

To conclude I want to mention a lot how each SDG is very interesting on how the United
Nations is helping solve this problem there are thousands and thousands of organizations
helping each and every one of those SDGs, in Mexico there is also a lot of this organizations
helping all of the SDGs you can find at least ten you can contribute too in helping with
education, health and other SDGs. After doing research for this activity and other activities I
have done that talk about SDGs I find it amazing that there is a lot of organizations helping but
at the same time the progress is slow in some SDGs since the problems are very complex and
very hard to solve, but by everyone making a contribution we can solve this problems a lot
faster that of the rate we are solving them.

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