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Hello Everyone

Lets play a game “NEVER HAVE I EVER"


- The rules of Never Have I Ever are simple: Players take turns

listing potential experiences they've never had. If someone has
done the action in question, they have to put down one finger
every action that they have done.


 Never have I ever felt that school works made me stress.

 Never have I ever Feel sad or down

 Never have I ever feel Confused or reduced ability to


 Never have I ever feel Excessive fears or worries.

 Never have I ever feel Extreme mood changes.

 Never have I ever feel Significant tiredness, low energy or

problems sleeping

 Never have I ever feel delusions, paranoia or hallucinations

 Never have I ever feel Inability to cope with daily problems or


 Never have I ever feel talking about my mental health issue to my

 Never have I ever feel talking about my mental health issue to my

 Never have I ever feel Excessive anger, hostility or violence

 Never have I ever have a Suicidal thinking

That’s it!
Thank you for playing with us

Having mental health is difficult to overcome alone so you need

companionship and supporter in the healing process.
First, your feelings matter. Even though some people might not see it
that way, these are your feelings. If something upsets you, even if
others think it is not worth being sad about, it is how you feel; your
own personal experience has value. That’s why it’s important for you
to process your feelings.

Second, talking about your feelings helps you to take control of your
emotions. If you constantly just swallow your feelings and try to bottle
them up, they might build up and eventually consume your mind. How
you feel determines how you think and act. If you let these feelings
take control of you, they also control your thoughts and actions.

Talking also allows you to acknowledge your feelings and you develop
emotional awareness. Through talking it out, you understand your
emotions and begin to figure out why you feel that way.

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