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Before listening- Answer the following questions:

a- Have you ever climbed a mountain?

b- Have you run 5 kilometres?

c- Have you ever fallen in love?



Complete with the missing verbs:

I (1)_____________ the highest mountains

I (2)___________ through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you.

I have run, I (3)_____________

I (4)_____________ these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you.

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for.
But I still haven't found
What I'm looking for.

I(5)_____________honey lips
Felt the healing in her finger tips

It burned like fire

(I was) burning inside her.

I (6)____________ with the tongue of angels

I (7)_____________ the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone.

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for.

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for.

I believe in the Kingdom Come

Then all the colours will bleed into one
Bleed into one.
But yes, I'm still running.

You (8)___________ the bonds

And you (9)____________ the chains
Carried the cross of my shame
Oh my shame, you know I (10)_____________ it.

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for.

But I still haven't found

What I'm looking for. (x2)
After listening- Write an informal e mail to your future love:

Remember the parts of an informal e mail:

An informal email typically consists of the following parts:

 Subject Line: This is a short and descriptive line that gives the reader an idea of the
email's content. It helps the recipient understand what the email is about before opening
 Greeting: Start your email with a friendly greeting, addressing the recipient by their
name. For example, "Hey [Name]," or "Hi [Name]," or even just "Hello," if you are on
familiar terms.
 Introduction: In the opening of the email, you can briefly mention the reason for
writing the email or any relevant context. For example, "I hope you're doing well," or "I
wanted to update you on...".
 Main Content: This is the body of the email where you convey the main message or
information. Keep it conversational, clear, and concise. Feel free to use bullet points or
paragraphs as needed.
 Closing: End your email with a friendly closing remark. Common options include
"Best regards," "Take care," "Thanks," or "Looking forward to hearing from you."
 Signature: Include your name or a short sign-off, so the recipient knows who the email
is from. For instance, "Cheers, [Your Name]," or just your first name if the relationship
is more casual.


Subject Line: Hey There, Future Love

Hey [Future Love],

I know it might seem a bit unusual writing to someone I haven't met yet, but I couldn't resist the
idea of reaching out to my future love. Call me crazy, but I have this strong feeling that we are
destined to meet someday, and I just couldn't wait any longer to say hi.

I wonder what you're like, what makes you smile, and what dreams you hold close to your heart.
Right now, we might be strangers to each other, but in my heart, there's a special place reserved
just for you. I can't wait to learn about your quirks, passions, and the little things that make you
uniquely you.
As I sit here typing this, I can't help but imagine the adventures we'll share, the laughter we'll
echo, and the love we'll create together. I promise you this: when we meet, I'll be ready to
embrace every moment, to cherish every memory, and to support you in all your endeavors.

Maybe we'll meet in a crowded café, at a park during a beautiful sunset, or in a chance
encounter that changes our lives forever. Until that magical day arrives, I'll be here, living my
life to the fullest, and eagerly anticipating the day our paths intertwine.

So, wherever you are right now, know that I'm thinking of you. I'm sending you positive vibes
and a world of love. I hope you're having a great day and that life is treating you kindly.

Take care, [Future Love], and until we meet, I'll be dreaming of the day when our hearts finally

With love and anticipation, [Your Name]

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