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Human development is defined in UNDP report 2016 as freedom to realize full potential of every human

life. But also Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people’s freedom and
opportunities and improving their well-being. The freedom is all about deciding who to be, what to do
and how to live.

Human development concept was established by Mahbub Ul Haq an economist. He argued that human
progress is measured in the process of being accountable to his/her true purpose of development.

Although UNDP 2012 report explained more about food security. Food security is the availability and
access to food in the sab Saharan countries. But it also explained about public education, wealth, health
and empowerment.

The following are the trend for human development in the sab Saharan countries since 1990’s:

 Education- Education is one of the key reason to people being able to determine their self and
what state they are in so as to change and overcome their challenges. So since 1990’s education
has been provided from schools to public education on different matters such poverty
reduction, agriculture and good health. So since 1990’s people have learned much from
education provided that lead to have much schools and universities that provide education for
the whole world.
 Health- Better health is one of factor that is still influenced to society till today. A country is
seeing in developed rank as it has low rate of poor health people.
 Empowerment
Participation and voice grow stronger when political, economic and social power is widely
dispersed (UNDP.2012). Empowerment is allowing an individual in participating in any issue such
as leadership, work. For example Tanzanian women’s are being reinforced in developing a
business or having an opportunity to work so as to expand their capabilities. Example is one of
the program conducted by clouds media group known as mwanamke shuja, this program
provides an inspiration to women as to feel their capable of doing something great in the society
and therefore allow other women to expand their capabilities. Some of the empowerment that
are enforced are :
1. Women empowerment- women being provided opportunity equally as men in the
society and work so as to achieve their goals. Such opportunity is decision making, were
a women is given a high level rank to manage a certain organization, country or any
2. Gender equality- This based much on women empowerment but also some countries
have tendency of men being rejected in some activities. Such as women may be of first
priority in getting a job than men.
3. Child protection- Child protection is on the right that is enforced by different countries.
It aims in protecting a child form different challenges such as being forced to work,
protection to child rape.
 Productivity (income) also known as economic growth. When an individual is able to create
wealth by being productive either working or being an entrepreneur. This also provide the
country to reach in high goals of economic growth rate. This show that development is achieved.
Such countries that have medium economic growth in sub Saharan are South Africa, Ghana and
Swaziland etc.
 Poverty Reduction-Through public education provide to people as we have seen above. They
have provided education to various topics such as health. Were as health is very important to
human being as a good health individual can participate in different task to remove poverty in
his society. So poverty has been reduced in a high capacity.
 Food availability-In UNDP they used the term food security as they said it had a huge connection
to human development. As a country to be developed it has to overcome hunger. How does a
country overcome hunger, is by participating in these activities.
1. Agriculture activities such as farming (Crop cultivation and animal farming such as cow,
chicken and goat).
2. Preservation of food in better condition so as to last longer for future use.

Therefore above as discussed are the trends of human development in the sub Saharan countries since
1990’s as they have been discussed in UNDP report of 2012 and 2016. Where food security as seen as a
factor that lead other trend to be achieve them. A country with high rate of food security has high rate
of being developed than that with low food rate. Other trend are Education, income (wealthy), Health,
and empowerment and poverty reduction.

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