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Stationery and Art Vocabulary

A. There’s / There are +
1. coloring pencil = pensil warna conjunction and :
2. crayon = krayon
• There’s a boat.
3. eraser = penghapus
4. glue stick = lem • There’s a ball.
5. marker = spidol • There are three cars and two
6. paint pot = pot cat buses.
7. paintbrush = kuas
8. pencil case = kotak pensil
B. How many . . . . are there?
9. pencil sharpener = rautan
There is ……. / There are ……
10. ruler = penggaris
• How many boats are there?
➢ There is one boat.
Phonics Lab
1. dog = anjing • How many trains are there?
2. doll = boneka ➢ There are two trains.
3. door = pintu
• How many airplanes are there?
4. table = meja ➢ There are four airplanes.
5. ten = sepuluh
6. teddy bear = boneka beruang

Experiment Lab
1. dark = gelap 1. How many markers
are there?
2. light = terang
3. mix = mencampur __________________
4. primary colors = warna primer
5. secondary colors = warna sekunder

2. How many erasers

Culture are there?
1. Candy = permen
2. Craft = kerajinan tangan
3. Fold = melipat __________________
4. Origami = kertas origami
5. Pinata = pinata 3. How many rulers
are there?
6. Russian dolls = boneka rusia


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