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Living in the IT Era

From the earliest technological breakthroughs to the current day, technology has had a negative
impact on civilization and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

As time moves forward, everything around us changes. We have become a generation almost
entirely dependent on technology, and it goes without saying that things were done very
differently decades ago than they are now. But as much as some people like to say our reliance on
technology hinders us, we can’t deny that it’s made life a lot simpler.

Then the Floppy Disk you’d need 213,000 individual 5 ¼ floppy disk, each with a capacity of 1.2
mb to hold 256 gb of data. Now, thumb drive now you all need is this two-inch long thumb drive
that easily stores the same amount of data. Then books are the most important data you need to
when you are studying or need to know more information about the topic. Now, book in your
gadgets it’s easier to study and to get more information on the internet that will help you to study

Today, we use literally anything else but snail mail to communicate with each other. Whether it’s
email, text, video chat, fax, or instant messaging, we have an arsenal of technologies that allow us
to contact each other without having to find a mailbox. Technology has successfully shortened
communication from several days to mere minutes.

Thank God for cinemas, cable television, Netflix, video games, and smartphone apps! Not only
are things a little more enjoyable now than they were then, but we're also seeing more diverse
media representation in terms of gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. That, my friends,
is what I call progress.

Sure, technology can lead to complacency (particularly among college students, who are all too
eager to watch Orange Is the New Black on Netflix). We'd still be using outhouses and yelling
out our windows to communicate with our friends if it weren't for the amazing advancement of
technology. Our reliance on technology isn't entirely negative.

The world in 2050: The future technology due to continuous technological-driven productivity
advances, the global economy could more than double in size by 2050, greatly outpacing
population growth. On average, emerging markets may expand twice as quickly as advanced

Industrial robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are examples of emerging
technologies that are rapidly evolving. These innovations may increase the speed, quality, and
cost of goods and services, but they also result in the displacement of many workers.

The two video is all about the past and the present technology that we are facing right now and
the second video is all about the future of technology by 2050, that video makes me realize about
how past technology is emerging in the world and it makes me more happy because we can have
the high-tech technology by 2050 but there is a bad and good side effects.

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