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1. The Public ministry of Jesus is composed of his teaching, healing, and table fellowship.
Provide two (2) concrete examples related to each ministry that you can do as a) a student, b)
a member of a family and c) a member of a community. Also, provide a discussion on how
these activities can be an instrument that radiate God’s Kingdom.

In the ministry of Jesus, I learned that:

a.) He usually gives advices and tells stories based in different situations in the lives of his
people for Him to help them in difficult situations. (teaching)
b.) Jesus became well-known for his miracles and blessing to the people he heals along
this who believe in him and in the words of God upon his journey. (healing)
c.) He is the gift from God that accepts people despite their status and the sins they have
done. Jews believe that sharing a table means sharing one’s life yet Jesus didn’t
exclude the ones who have sin since he see us all equally. (table fellowship)

Thus combining what I have learned to the ministry of Jesus, I will be giving 2 examples each
ministry that I can relate unto it that I can do as a student, a family member and a community


1) As a student, a member of my family and my community, I can help my people as well

my younger sisters, cousins and my fellow students by holding a study group via
messenger or online platforms to be able to educate them about the readings and
scriptures about the bible and other knowledge they needed help to understand with.
By doing a study group, it can be an instrument not only help them to be literate about
the facts in our world but it also radiates God’s kingdom to be able to understand our
life journey with God within his words.

2) As a member of our community, I planned to make a simply book/pamphlet and a

social media account (like Facebook or twitter) to influence people by depicting
inspiring stories and advises about the words of God on how we will maintain our faith
despite the pandemic and give it to the people as a spiritual teaching on “how not to
give up” and have a positive perspective in our life right now. In my opinion, teaching is
not only done by speaking personally or by video considering how education is done in
today’s generation, reading modules is another way to educate others and just like the
bible. It also radiates the words and wisdom of God and Jesus yet it will be in a much
entertaining and simpler form for the people to understand how God is important to us
within this time of pandemic.

3) As a student and a member of the society (family and community), I can show my way
of healing by helping my people to cope up with their emotional and spiritual pains as a
listener, counselor, or a friend that gives advices about their mental health like a online
mental health consultation but more casual. In today’s situation, emotional pain lead to
negative thoughts and emotions due to our unfit way of living. We, humans are used to

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interact face to face so, we therefore can say that we are having stress and more kinds
of psychological issues every day. Thus this activity can be an instrument to radiate
God in helping people to regain their faith in Him and have a more positive outlook in
their lives this pandemic.
4) As a student, I may not have miraculous powers just like Jesus to heal people’s
sickness yet I can help as a student nurse to heal their illnesses with my knowledge
about medicine by making a free small health program wherein I can check their
health, give initial advice for their illness and give them plans for a better and healthier
way of living. Thus, I believe it can be an instrument to fulfill God’s will to heal our
sufferings we have and have faith in him which radiates God’s kingdom of hope for the
people to have a better life of existing on earth.


5) As a member of the community, I can show my way of being a table fellowship by
helping people in need regardless with their status in living. Rich, poor or even in the
middle ground needs help sometimes to different problems such as relationships and
financial goods. This Christmas, my family and I actually plans to make a mini outreach
program not just for the people who are in a poor state but with all people who needs a
gift in their Noche Buena because we believe that at the end of the year, we want to
make people smile since God gave us blessings throughout the year which can be an
instrument to give happiness wherein it radiates God’s kingdom regarding to the
essence of Christmas; Joy and Giving that makes our world a better place even if it
signifies the end of the year
6) As a student, a member of my family and community, I want to share my way of being
a table fellowship by doing a tradition in my hometown in Pangasinan every Christmas,
by celebrating Christmas party with the whole Barangay and other people regardless of
being invited or not wherein we have fun, forget our problems, and celebrate Christmas
as a big family. Actually, I want to share this tradition here in Nueva Ecija that can be
an instrument as well to be able to unify the people and have a stronger bond which
radiates God’s kingdom regarding unity, and peace among people in the end of the

2. The Kingdom of God that Jesus is referring to is about our commitment to the
transformation of our human communities and environment. Is the Community Pantry and the
planting of trees and vegetables considered examples for this? Discuss your answer.

In my opinion, Yes, the activities mentioned such as a community pantry and planting program
of vegetables and tress are considered examples of having a commitment to the
transformation of our human communities and environment because in my understanding, a
commitment to the transformation in terms of human communities and the environment is
something achievable, sustainable, helpful and continuously done to the people that resides
the place itself for them to have time to continuously take effect in the long run as well to
change lives for a better purpose.

For further explanation, a Community Pantry is done now during the pandemic to help people
in need to cope up with their financial needs and necessities because not all people are able

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to have that kind of money to sustain their daily needs which I consider it is a commitment for
the people with a kind heart to continue this activity which can transform a community in a way
that we can help them survive and have a better quality of life.

Moreover, a planting program with vegetables and tress is done by everyone who volunteers
to make a change in the environment with the goal of giving effort in saving our planet as well
as having a sustainable source of food for the residence which both are considered to be a
commitment in the transformation of human communities and the environment.

3. As Christian disciples, cite two (2) concrete ways on how you can be “Jesus” in the
society we live in today, especially in this time of pandemic.

First, to be like Jesus, we first learn His main attributes on how to be like Him such as being a
person who is willing to put others before yourself, the one who seeks wisdom, and the one
who cares about how you interact with all people you come across in life. But during this
pandemic, normal ways of being close to God such as praying at the church, and visiting holy
structures became much harder because of restrictions. Even doing volunteer programs and
events to help people became mush difficult than it is before but with God, doing good deeds
has never been easy. Thus understanding his personality I had come up of 2 examples of how
can I be more like Jesus especially this pandemic.

EXAMPLE 1: As I stated earlier, Jesus is known to be selfless for he is the one gifted by God
that saved us all from danger. In our country, poverty is very evident since Philippines is a
third-world country thus this problems gets worst since the pandemic happened because of
the loss of jobs and resources. This upcoming Christmas, my way of being selfless like Jesus
is to have a somewhat- outreach program wherein we give donations of basic necessities like
food, water and clothes because even though my family and I need help during this pandemic,
we realize that they need it more to survive in living; a part of being selfless is to be able to
give others to be happy just like Jesus who saved all humanity and gave up his life.

EXAMPLE 2: Another attribute that Jesus shows to the people is being an advisor, teacher or
educator that humbly cares upon interacting his people and giving them hope to their lives.
Especially in this situation of the pandemic, people did start to lose hope in having a normal
life and I thought I can make a move to bring their hopes up by spreading the word of God just
like Jesus did to his disciples. With a more advance and wider scope of audience in social
media, I plan to have a Facebook page wherein I post messages inspired with the word of God
to be able to give hope to my audience that there’s still a chance of going back to normal.
Also, I plan to have an online donation drive using the platform to be able to help other people
as well as to be an example to influence people on how we can make this times better than
before by doing good deeds.

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EXAMPLE 1: As a student, a member of my family and my community, I can show my way of

relating the ministry of Jesus to my people by helping them as well my younger sisters,
cousins and my fellow students by holding a study group via messenger or online platforms to
be able to educate them about the readings and scriptures about the bible and other
knowledge they needed help to understand with.

By doing a study group:

a.) it educates them good values (teaching);

b.) heals their mental health in solving their own personal issues (healing) and;

c.) gives them a common ground where they can interact discrimination in any aspects (table

It can be an instrument not only help them to be literate about the facts in our world but it also
radiates God’s kingdom to be able to understand our life journey with God within his words.

EXAMPLE 2: As a student and a member of the society ( family and community) , I can show
my way of healing, teaching and being a table fellowship by helping my people despite their
life status to cope up with their emotional and spiritual pains as a listener, counselor, or a
friend via online platforms.

By doing an online mental health consultation:

a.) they will be able to be taught how to cope up with their mental health (teaching);

b.) be able to have time to heal their mental health to a better state (healing) and;

c.) be able for them to realize that they are not alone in this life because I am here to help
them as well other people throughout their way just like Jesus did to his people (table

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In today’s situation, emotional pain lead to negative thoughts and emotions due to our unfit
way of living. We, humans are used to interact face to face so, we therefore can say that we
are having stress and more kinds of psychological issues every day. Thus this activity can be
an instrument to radiate God in helping people to regain their faith in Him and have a more
positive outlook in their lives this pandemic.

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