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Saint Louis University


Department of Philosophy
Baguio City

2nd Semester, AY 2020-2021

1. Read and analyze each item carefully. Determine what is being asked for in each item. Choose the letter of
the BEST ANSWER. You may write your initial answers on the questionnaire. Work independently.
2. Any form of erasure, superimposition, and modification of answers are not allowed and will be considered
and marked as incorrect answers.
3. Item numbers 1 to 50 of this test are each worth one point (2pt) (100pts).

1. What is the definition of telos?

A. Reason C. Virtue
B. End D. Duty
2. What is the Latin word from which Deontological Ethics was derived?
A. Telos C. Akrasia
B. Deon D. None of the above
3. What is that power that human persons already possess that enables us to determine our thoughts and
actions according to and guided by our rational capacity?
A. Freedom of the Will C. Speculative Reason
B. Logical and Critical Thinking D. Practical Reason
4. What is the person’s telos at the level of practical reason, according to Aristotle?
A. The Contemplative Life C. The Virtuous Life
B. The Pleasurable Life D. The End of Life
5. Derek asserts that he wants to become a professional model; but in order to do that he needs to attend and
pass modelling workshops first. What kind of imperative is shown in this situation?
A. Imperatives of Skill C. Imperatives of Prudence
B. Universal Imperatives D. None of the above
6. What does St. Thomas Aquinas call as the person’s practical reason that is oriented towards his ultimate
A. Synderesis C. Noeisis
B. Eudaimonia D. Ergon
7. Marco is not fond of group reporting; but because his absence will result to a huge point deduction on his
part, he decided to show up. Following Kant’s theory, which law under the categorical imperative did he fail
to observe given his decision to attend class, intent on avoiding a point deduction?
A. Person as ends-in-themselves C. Generosity
B. Universality D. Autonomy
8. What ethical theory is more concerned with having good intentions when making a moral decision, instead
of aiming at achieving at good consequences.
A. Teleology C. Impartiality
B. Deontology D. Virtue Ethics

9. What does Kant claim is the most basic good?

A. Beauty C. Good Will
B. Happiness D. Health
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10. What ethical theory believes that actions should promote the common good and for the attainment of
A. Deontology C. Consequentialism
B. Impartiality D. Virtue Ethics
11. What is the perfect midway between the vices of deficiency and excess?
A. Equilibrium C. The Immaculate Virtue
B. The Godly Medium D. The Principle of Moderation
12. What is the virtue that lies between the vices of cowardice and rashness?
A. Patience C. Generosity
B. Courage C. Forgiveness
13. Unlike his teacher Plato, this philosopher believed that the world that we perceive is the real world. Human
nature is as it actually is and not as a copy or manifestation of the realm of ideas. Who was this philosopher?
A. Aquinas C. Plato
B. Aristotle D. Socrates
14. What is the name of this philosopher who introduced the famous adage “know thyself”?
A. Aquinas C. Socrates
B. Aristotle D. Plato
15. Denise told her friends that although she does not want to date Rhyss, their class nerd, she still spends time
with him since she still needs him to help her pass senior year. Following Kant’s theory, which law under
the categorical imperative did Denise fail to observe given her assertion that she only spends time with
Rhyss since she needs him so that she could pass her senior year
A. Person as ends-in-themselves C. Generosity
B. Universality D. Autonomy
For items 16-19.
A. Meredith who exerts quite a lot of effort to ensure that she stick to her healthy lifestyle
B. Chris defending John, his best friend, from classmates who constantly bully him at school
C. Lara rewards her seatwork groupmates according to the quality of their contributions
D. Leon providing school work for students who do well in class but are financially struggling
16. Who among the following BEST demonstrates the VIRTUE OF TEMPERANCE, according to Aristotle?
17. Who among the following BEST demonstrates the VIRTUE OF COURAGE, according to Aristotle?
18. Who among the following BEST demonstrates the VIRTUE OF JUSTICE, according to Aristotle?
19. Who among the following BEST demonstrates the VIRTUE OF GENEROSITY, according to Aristotle?

20. What is the excess of the virtue of generosity?

A. Meanness C. Rashness
B. Wastefulness D. Stinginess
21. What is the deficiency of the virtue of temperance?
A. Gluttony C. Starvation
B. Stinginess D. Wastefulness
22. Which among the following is a characteristic of virtuous action?
A. Duty-Bound C. Well-Intentioned
B. Directed to one’s benefit D. Focused on consequences
23. What is the highest aim for human striving according to Aristotle?
A. Happiness C. Pleasure
B. Duty fulfillment D. The Good
24. What is the proper function of man, according to Aristotle?
A. Beatific union with God C. Union with the Good
B. Duty-Bound obligations D. The Act of Reason

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25. What is the fundamental principle that one’s conscience dictates upon one’s practical reason, according to
St. Thomas Aquinas?
A. Live a pleasurable life C. Do good, avoid evil
B. Reunite with The Good D. Fulfill one’s obligations
26. Trish asserts that exterminating the insects around her town is a noble job since it pays well. From a Kantian
ethical perspective, is there something wrong with Trish’s assertion?
A. YES, because she must act in a virtuous manner and must not expect anything in return
B. NONE, because all of her clients have a duty to pay her, not paying her would be immoral
C. YES, because her sense of duty is not genuine and is fueled by the consequence of her action
D. NONE, because she is doing her job and it is her right to be paid well and she is right to expect it

27. Which among the following BEST DESCRIBES the conscientious moral agent?
A. A person who is willing to listen to reason even if it means changing one’s earlier convictions
B. A person who lives according to God’s precepts and follows the dictates of religious doctrines
C. A person who is willing to find meaning and happiness in his life by fulfilling his responsibilities
D. A person who lives according to the dictates of the laws of their respective cultures and societies
28. Rachel is a team leader in their company – being in charge of the tasks, roles, and assignments to be handled
by those under her. Following Aristotle’s thoughts, which among the following virtues should she prioritize
in developing since it would be most helpful to her role of being a team leader?
A. Courage C. Justice
B. Benevolence D. Generosity
29. According to Virtue theorists, we should avoid acquiring bad characteristic traits. Why is this so?
A. Because we may imitate them, and we may end up hurting other people
B. Because we might be punished by law if we behave defiantly in society
C. Because it might become a habit that we will be observing in our life
D. Because it might deteriorate our human dignity because we are now tainted by sin.
30. Samuel is watching a commercial of McDonald’s about a dad bribing his young daughter with French fries
just to gain her trust and keep telling her mom that she loves daddy more than mommy. For Virtue theorists,
this situation will be considered as something negative. Which among the following BEST EXPLAINS
A. The commercial shows bad behavior that is against the policies of the MTRCB.
B. The commercial is showing behavior that children might integrate in their lives
C. The commercial shows unacceptable social behaviors and attitudes
D. The commercial is showing behavior that may result to family dysfunction
31. Samuel believes that to be virtuous, one should develop good character traits solely for oneself. Is there
something wrong with what Samuel said?
A. YES, being virtuous is not just about the self, it must also show concern for others
B. NO, being virtuous entails that an individual takes care of himself and knows himself well
C. YES, being virtuous is about doing good and avoiding evil as mandated by the natural law
D. NO, being virtuous entails that one be concerned with one’s self and welfare only
32. Aubrey has always been late in coming to class. If a Virtue theorist would confront her, what would this
person possibly say to her in terms of punctuality?
A. Aubrey should avoid developing any kind of vice otherwise it will be integrated into her character
B. Aubrey must develop the virtue of courage in order to bravely change her bad attitude of being late
C. Aubrey should avoid developing any kind of vice otherwise she will not be able to fulfil her
D. Aubrey must develop the virtue of temperance so that she will be patient into coming to her classes

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33. Jennifer would like to evaluate the morality of murder using St. Thomas Aquinas’s Ethics, most particularly
his contention about the natural law. Given what you know about the natural law, what do you think will
possibly be the result of Jennifer’s evaluation and why? Which among the following options is the BEST
A. Murder will be evaluated as immoral because the natural law is in line with the eternal law of God
B. Murder will be evaluated as immoral because the natural law asserts to do good and avoid evil
C. Murder will be evaluated as immoral because the natural law forbids harming human life
D. Murder will be evaluated as immoral because the natural law promotes pleasure and avoidance of
34. Lemuel believes that an action can only be considered moral if it promotes the dignity of the human person.
Following Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, which among the following formulations is Lemuel’s
belief most likely inclined to?
A. Act only on that Maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law
B. Act in such a way that you always treat humanity never simply as a means but always at the same time as end
C. Act always on that maxim such a will in us as can at the same time look upon itself as making universal law
D. Act on that maxim that promotes the highest dignity of the person promoting virtuous traits and avoiding

35. The Senate made it sure with the new law, the inequality imposed on the taxes of each person shall be for
the better regulation of the distribution of wealth and income. Which of the following points from John
Rawls’ Theory of Justice reflects the statement?
A. Difference Principle C. Priority of Liberty
B. Justice D. Veil of Ignorance
36. This refers to the standpoint from which we can discover the nature of justice and what it requires of us as
individual persons and of the social institutions through which we will live together cooperatively.
A. Veil of Ignorance C. Original Position
B. Priority of Liberty D. Difference Principle
37. Mark thinks he has the perfect day when he did not attend his classes to watch Avengers: Endgame. When
asked why, he reasoned that they joy he felt watching the movie was worth it. Which of the following mirrors
the statement?
A. Higher Pleasures C. Lower Pleasures
B. Greatest Happiness Principle D. Rational Pleasures
38. Why was John Rawls’ Original Position reflective of Kantian moral philosophy?
A. Because it carries on the theme of respect for persons.
B. Because it focuses on the consequences of our actions.
C. Because it does not consider the autonomy of the person.
D. None of the above.
39. What is the first principle of justice, according to John Rawls?
A. While social and economic inequalities can be just, they must be available to everyone equally and
such inequalities must be to the advantage of everyone.
B. Each person in a society is to have as much basic liberty as possible, as long as everyone is granted
the same liberties.
C. One is denied any particular knowledge of one’s circumstances, such as gender, race, particular
talents or disabilities, age and social status.
D. None of the above.
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40. Jake did not follow company protocol but since the company was able to meet its quota due to his action,
the CEO let it pass this time. What principle did the CEO emulate in that situation?
A. Consequentialism C. Virtue Ethics
B. Deontology D. Democracy
41. The purpose of morality is to make life better by increasing the amount of good things (such as pleasure and
happiness) in the world and decreasing the amount of bad things (such as pain and unhappiness). What ethical
theory is being described here?
A. Utilitarianism C. Virtue Ethics
B. Deontology D. Egoism
42. Which Greek word does utilitarianism base its general concept on?
A. Telos C. Hedone
B. Deon D. Sophos
43. “We should act always so as to produce the greatest good for the greatest number.” Which principle is this
statement referring to?
A. Principle of Justice C. Principle of Autonomy
B. Principle of Utility D. None of the Above
44. Rule Utilitarianism was formulated in response to:
A. The challenge of subjective relativism
B. The challenge of cultural relativism
C. The challenge of counterexamples to act utilitarianism
D. The challenge of counterexamples to the categorical imperative
45. Telling a lie would be morally permissible on Act Utilitarian grounds if:
A. It would save lives
B. You could will that everyone should lie under the same general circumstances
C. The lie would maximize the general utility
D. God commanded you to lie.
46. Epicureans have noted that many extreme pleasures are not likely to be followed by other pleasures. Which
variable on Bentham’s Felicific Calculus illustrates this statement?
A. Fecundity C. Propinquity
B. Certainty D. Intensity
47. John did not choose shortcuts when it came to winning Kirsten’s love. He believes that what is earned the
hard way is worth keeping. Which variable on Bentham’s Felicific Calculus reflects this statement?
A. Propinquity C. Fecundity
B. Purity D. Certainty
48. Marco was so focused on the extreme emotion he experienced while being with his friends whom he did not
see for a long time. Which variable on Bentham’s Felicific Calculus reflects this statement?
A. Intensity C. Propinquity
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B. Certainty D. Purity
49. The general assembly did not push through with the proposal to build a dam since the majority of the
townspeople are going to be affected. Which variable on Bentham’s Felicific Calculus reflects this statement?
A. Purity C. Fecundity
B. Extent D. Certainty
50. Another reason why the general assembly dismissed the dam proposal was they are sure that there will be
unfairness and impracticality of the project towards the well-being of the town. Which variable on Bentham’s
Felicific Calculus reflects this statement?
A. Purity C. Fecundity
B. Propinquity D. Certainty

End of Exam �

Prepared by: Approved by:

Faculty of the Department of Philosophy DENNIS M. PLACIDO, PhD.

Head, Department of Philosophy

Reviewed by:

Examination Board


Quality Assurance- for Philosophy Department

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