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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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Compose an acrostic poem that shows what you think the bible is all about.

B asic Instruction from our Father that

I n return we must follow.

B elieving is what measures our faith.

L Let's all praise God for giving our breath and his
The Washington Post, [Why it matters if your bible
E nding love for us. was translated by racially diverse group]. Retrieved
July 14, 2021, from https://encrypted-
This activity shows that different people think of the
Bible differently. Etymologically, the word “bible” is derived
from the Latin term “biblia,” a singular word that is in turn derived from the Greek word “ta biblia,”
which means “books.” The Greek word “biblion” which means “book” or “roll” is rooted in the word
“Byblos.” Because they were made of papyrus, collections of written materials were called “biblia” by the
Greeks. Eventually, the plural form “biblia” was used by Latin-speaking Christians to denote all the
books of the Old and New Testaments. But more than just a collection of books, for Catholics and, in fact,
for most Christians, the Bible is God’ revelation, meaning God’s word in written form.

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