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Document Code FM-STL-013

Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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GRVA: Reading Visual Art Final Examination

1. Read and understand the instructions before answering.
2. Place your answers neatly on the spaces provided.

I. Examine each statement and choose which level of analysis it belongs to, then write
the letter of your choice. (30 points)
a. literal description c. interpretation
b. formal analysis d. value judgement

A. The statements below are visual evaluations of the winning photo by

photographer Phillippe Lopez in the annual Word Press Photo Competition in 2014.

__________ 1. The religious statues epitomize a very strong feeling of hope seen through the
strong emphasis on the auspicious main subjects against the chaotic blurred

__________ 2. This photograph shows the survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan marching during
a religious procession in Tolosa, Leyte one week after the typhoon wrecked
their area.

__________ 3. The use of the visual space in front of the subjects builds an impact showing
that the subjects are actually moving and has a destination. This also added a
dramatic accent in the photo dragging the attention of viewers to the
background showing the scale of the disaster.
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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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__________ 4. The photographer has positively used the elements of art, e.g., color, shapes,
and others, to show the strong devotion in God that many Catholic Filipinos
have and continue to have even after devastating calamities.

__________ 5. In the photo, women are walking through the streets while holding religious

__________ 6. The active space in front of the subjects would suggest that they are leaving
with a goal or target in front which in this case can embody the faith of Filipinos
who continue to move forward despite the scale of the disaster.

__________ 7. The devastated landscape background took on a strange beauty with the
appearance of the group of women.

__________ 8. This is a very powerful and effective art because it doesn’t just talk about faith
but it opens up discussions about climate change, global warming and
environmental degradation.

__________ 9. The gloomy background displays smoke rising from the destruction.

__________ 10. The faces of the women (subjects) in the photograph show gratitude towards
God because they were saved from the disaster.

B. The statements that follow are visual evaluations of 'NEXUS' by Bricx Martillo Dumas,
the winning artwork for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26)
art competition, DigitalArt4Climate in 2021.

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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__________ 11. In the digital art, a hand holds a plastic bag in the shape of a fish tail. The bag
is impaled by a yellow plastic straw. A cigarette hangs between two fingers,
leaf-shaped ash ribboning upwards..

__________ 12. The blue colored drink creates a strong contrast with the red background; both
of which is striking compared to the dull grayish hand.

__________ 13. It makes use of contrasting colors and values effectively to show urgency and
call to action towards plastic pollution.

__________ 14. The hand is colored with gray hues and values; the primary colors red, blue,
and yellow are used for the background, drink, and straw respectively.

__________ 15. The red background signifies a warning.

II. Analyze the following statements, then encircle the letter of the most appropriate film
and/or theater element being described. (20 points)

1. Understanding this theater concept involves identifying the situations surrounding the
play such as when it occurs, where it is set, and what economic, political and/or
religious situations influence the play.
a. plot c. performers
b. audience d. sound and music

2. This film and theater element indicates if the story occurs in a realistic or fictional
surrounding and if it progresses in the past, present, future, or a hypothetical time.
a. theme c. set and props
b. editing d. audience

3. This film element is not visual but it an essential one in film as it can communicate
mood, carry the conversations, and bring life to the story.
a. sound and music c. editing
b. lighting d. camera angle

4. Understanding this theater element involves determining the entrances and exists of
the performers as well as the design of set and props.
a. performers c. theater space
b. costumes d. lighting

5. Identifying this theater concept means identifying what personalities and motivations
the actors and/or actresses portray and how such attributes are portrayed.
a. plot c. costume
b. performers d. lighting

6. This literary design of film is revealed through the idea that the story revolves on and
emphasizes. For instance, the dominant universal idea shown in "Forrest Gump” is love.
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School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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a. setting c. theme
b. plot d. point of view

7. This film information is the category a movie belongs to based on its literary elements
and visual styles. For example, the film “Goyo” is considered as an action film.
a. title c. genre
b. conflict d. camera angle

8. This film and theater element contibutes to the setting of the story and a vital
component in making the performers or characters physically visible.
a. set and props c. sound and music
b. lighting d. plot

9. This film concept can communicate the mood or energy of a scene through its
intensity. For instance, some scenes in The Dark Knight are dimly lit and shadowy
regardless of the time of day to portray drama and brooding feelings.

a. cinematography c. camera angle

b. lighting d. editing

10. This film element is the decisions made on the duration of a shot, the shifting of shots
through transitions, and the added visual effects to the scenes.
a. camera angle c. editing
b. lighting d. sound and music

11. This film and theater element is a basic visual cue for characterization by showing the
characters’ personality and disposition.
a. costume c. cinematography
b. lighting d. setting

12. This film element can emphasize what the director wants to cover in a scene. For
instance, a scene was taken using an “extreme long shot” because the director
would like to show the whole setting.

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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a. point of view c. setting

b. editing d. camera frame

13. This element is mostly present in theater as the performances are live. Theater
performers are directly and are more influenced by this element than film performers.
a. costume c. audience
b. set and props d. plot

14. Analyzing this theater concept involves determining the number of acts and scenes in
the play and how they transition from one act/scene to another.
a. text c. design aspects
b. theater space d. audience

15. This element is present both in film and in theater that is considered the primary
movers or carriers of the story.
a. lighting c. performers
b. plot d. set and props

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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For items 16-20, use the image below.

Wonder Woman, 2017

16. Which camera frame is used?
a. close-up shot c. medium shot
b. long shot d. short shot

17. Which camera angle is used?

a. eye level angle c. low angle
b. high angle d. none of the above

18. Which lighting is used in the scene?

a. back light c. soft light
b. hard light d. none of the above

19. Which lighting is used on the pointed side of the actress’ face?
a. back light c. fill light
b. key light d. soft light

20. Which element signifies that the setting of the film is fictional?
a. make-up c. camera angle
b. lighting d. costume

III. Read and analyze the following statements about Film Analysis then choose the letter
of your correct answer. (20 points)

Write A when both statements are correct.

Write B when both statements are incorrect.
Write C when only statement A is correct.
Write D when only statement B is correct.
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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 7 of 9

__________ 1. A. The unique characteristic of theater that contrast to film is its live
B. The script is the life of plays and the actors are supplementary medium
to showcase it

__________ 2. A. Film was used in medieval times to teach about the Bible and
B. Theatre can be a medium for us to know more about our own society,
other societies, and the world reflecting societal views.

__________ 3. A. The film element shot in sequence is used with “freeze frame” to focus
one particular sequence to one moving image.
B. Shot in sequence is used to scrutinize the transitions used in the shots
(e.g., cut, dissolve, fade) and how transitions affect the meaning of

__________ 4. A. Both the physical setting and the dialogues in theater/play reveal the
development of the story being performed.
B. The physical setting is a better reference than the dialogues in
identifying the dynamics or changes happening in the play.

__________ 5. A. Relating the situations found in the story to one’s experiences in life is
one example of making comparisons.
B. Making comparisons is used to encourage students to make obvious
connections, and to scrutinize different aspects of text can be
considered as making comparisons.

__________ 6. A. Making one’s own poster of the film is not a good technique of freeze
B. Creating a comic strip to make sense of a film is one way of
visualisation or generic translation.

__________ 7. A. A play is complete in itself; hence, its interpretation is not dependent on

other factors.
B. Analysis of a play is centered on the characters in the story.

__________ 8. A. The Feminism Approach looks into the stereotypes of women seen in
B. The Formalism Approach focuses on the elements of making a film –
the content and cinematic requirements.

__________ 9. A. Theater is elevated when the plays are realistic than imaginative.
B. Imaginative plots of plays are generally intended to be for beginner
actors in theater.

__________ 10. A. The Marxist Approach explores the dynamics of social classes.
B. One example of a Marxist story is the romantic relationship of one
person from the lower class with someone who is rich.

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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IV. Read the descriptions of the films carefully and determine whether the statement on
film analysis is correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct; write FALSE if otherwise.
(10 points)

1. Gladiator (2000) is a movie which tells about the struggles of powerful Roman general
turned into a gladiator. Maximus is unable to save his family, and his loss of will allows
him to get captured and put into the Gladiator games until he dies. The only desire
that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into
the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge. This movie shows that an individual can
make a difference to the world, and a group can change the world; hence, feminist
film theory is the best choice when it comes to analyzing this type of film.

2. Dekada ’70 (2002) is a film about a family during the Martial Law here in the
Philippines. Feminist film theory is the best approach when it come to the analysis of
this movie because it shows not only the struggle of the Philippines as a country during
the Martial Law Era, but it also illustrates the struggles of women whose sons,
daughters, spouses, and other loved ones became victims of the Marcos Regime.

3. The Great Debaters (2006) is a drama based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a
professor at Wiley College Texas. In 1935, he inspired students to form the school's first
debate team, which went on to challenge Harvard in the national championship. In
the movie, the main characters have to struggle against racism and gender equality
while competing for a place in the national debate championship. Marxist film theory
is the best choice in analyzing this film.

4. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) is sci-fi movie set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland,
wherein a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search for her homeland with
the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshiper, and a drifter named
Max. Aside from feministic film theory, this movie could also be analyzed using the
formalistic film theory as it explores the theme of humanity as illustrated by Max
beginning the film a feral wanderer, then rediscovering his former dignity by
partnering with Furiosa.

5. Black Panther (2018) is film that revolves around T'Challa, heir to the hidden but
advanced kingdom of Wakanda, who must step forward to lead his people into a
new future and must confront a challenger from his country's past. The story of the
movie, taking its cue from the comics over the years, involves precisely the question of
isolation, and whether Wakanda is better off alone. The story had to navigate
properly how it would be placed in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe considering the 17
previous movies. Hence, formalistic film theory should be used to analyze film’s

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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Part A. Part B.
1. D 7. A 11. A
2. C 8. D 12. B
3. A 9. C 13. D
4. D 10. C 14. B
5. B 15. C
6. B

1. A 6. D 11. A 16. C
2. A 7. C 12. D 17. A
3. A 8. B 13. C 18. B
4. C 9. A 14. A 19. C
5. B 10. C 15. C 20. D

1. A 6. A 1. FALSE
2. D 7. D 2. TRUE
3. B 8. D 3. TRUE
4. A 9. B 4. FALSE
5. C 10. C 5. TRUE

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