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Human Resources






Human Resources

Unit 4

“(1) Identify the values in each of the passages. Be specific.”

In the first passage by Justice Marshall, the value emphasized is the rejection of racial

options as a way of "evening the score" for past discrimination. The passage seeks to discourage

using affirmative action or any policies that contain preferential treatment based on race. Justice

Marshall argues that such practices fortify the consideration of dividing society along racial

strains, which was the source of ancient injustice and could cause future injustices. The

underlying cost is to deal with people as precise and identical, now not as representatives of their

racial agencies. This allows you to avoid perpetuating racial divisions and discrimination.

Using Justice Marshall, the second passage highlights the fee of remedying the

persevering consequences of past racial discrimination through cautiously crafted governmental

programs. It draws a clear distinction between racial classifications that are inherently racist and

those designed to address historical disadvantages. The passage advocates for a nuanced

approach to remediation, acknowledging that considering race can be relevant in certain contexts

but only when used to eliminate the lingering effects of past discrimination without stigmatizing

any particular racial group. Here, the value is placed on achieving fairness and equality by

recognizing and addressing the legacy of past racial discrimination in society. In the third

passage by Chief Justice Burger, the value emphasized is the importance of job qualifications as

the primary factor in employment decisions. The passage stresses that Congress has not endorsed

the preference of less qualified individuals over more qualified ones solely based on their

minority status. The value here is meritocracy, promoting a system where individuals are

evaluated based on their abilities, skills, and qualifications rather than their race, religion,

nationality, or sex. The passage aims to ensure that employment practices are fair and non-

discriminatory, and it emphasizes the irrelevance of irrelevant characteristics in determining a

person's suitability for a job.

“(2) What passages do you agree/disagree with most and why?”

I find myself in agreement with the second passage by Justice Marshall. This passage

recognizes the importance of addressing the historical injustices certain racial groups face and

acknowledges the relevance of considering race in certain remedial situations. While the first

passage highlights the well-intentioned desire to rectify past injustices, I am concerned that using

racial preferences to "even the score" may inadvertently perpetuate racial divisions and

injustices. Emphasizing individual worth and equal treatment is essential in building a fair and

harmonious society. The second passage strikes a balance between recognizing the need for

affirmative action and avoiding policies that could lead to further injustices. Subjecting

governmental programs with racial classifications to higher scrutiny ensures that such policies

are carefully crafted to address specific historical disadvantages without creating new forms of

discrimination or perpetuating stereotypes.

On the other hand, I can't entirely agree with the third passage by Chief Justice Burger.

While I agree that job qualifications should be the primary consideration in employment

decisions, the passage slows the significance of addressing historical discrimination and

promoting diversity in the workplace. The passage emphasizes that Congress has not

commanded the preference of less qualified individuals solely based on minority origins, and I

agree with this principle. However, there can be situations where considering diversity and

representation in certain fields or professions is beneficial for fostering a more inclusive and

dynamic work environment. In my view, diversity in the workplace is not about prioritizing less

qualified candidates but ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all qualified individuals,

regardless of their backgrounds. Companies and organizations can benefit from diverse

perspectives, experiences, and ideas, leading to greater innovation and creativity. Therefore,

while job qualifications should remain a crucial factor, the value of diversity should not be

disregarded entirely.

“(3) Analyze the passages from a Christian worldview. Do the values agree/disagree with a

Christian worldview? Why or why not? What additional values would you apply from a

Christian worldview? Support your entire Christian worldview discussion with the

identification of specific scripture.”

When analyzing the passages from a Christian worldview, certain values align with

Christian principles, while others may warrant additional considerations. Christianity emphasizes

the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, as all human beings are created in the image

of God (KJV, 2018). sThis aligns with the first and second passages, which reject racial

preferences and advocate for viewing individuals as equal and unique creations of God.

Christianity also promotes justice and the biblical call to care for the oppressed and

marginalized. The second passage, which recognizes the need for remedial actions to address

historical racial discrimination, resonates with this aspect of Christian values. Isaiah 1:17 urges

believers to "learn to do right; seek justice, correct oppression." However, there are aspects in

which the passages may diverge from a Christian worldview.

While rejecting racial preferences, the first passage may be perceived as downplaying the

significance of historical injustices certain racial groups face. From a Christian perspective,

acknowledging and seeking to rectify past injustices is essential in promoting reconciliation and

restoration. The Bible places great importance on recognizing the pain and suffering of others

and taking steps to bring healing and restoration. Psalm 34:18 states, "The Lord is near to the

brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." (KJV, 2018). While the third passage by Chief

Justice Burger emphasizes the importance of job qualifications as the controlling factor in

employment decisions, a Christian worldview may also consider the value of promoting diversity

and inclusivity in the workplace. Christianity encourages believers to embrace unity amidst

diversity, recognizing that all believers form one body in Christ, with different gifts and

backgrounds (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). In the context of employment, this could mean actively

seeking to create opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute their

unique talents and perspectives in various fields.

Unit 5

“(1) Describe the four approaches to productivity: total quality management, job

enrichment, work/life balance, and teamwork”

Productivity is essential to organizational achievement, and diverse processes have been

advanced to enhance it. Below are four critical approaches to productivity:

a) Total Quality Management (TQM):

Total Quality Management is a comprehensive control philosophy specializing in

continuously improving the quality of products, services, and approaches within a business

enterprise. TQM emphasizes the involvement of all employees in figuring out and solving issues,

ensuring customer satisfaction, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement (Permana et

al., 2021). It fosters a sense of duty and ownership amongst personnel, leading to accelerated

performance and productivity. By adhering to TQM standards, organizations can reduce defects,

decrease waste, and enhance common performance.

B) Job Enrichment:

Job enrichment entails redesigning jobs to provide employees with more challenging and

meaningful tasks, increased autonomy, and possibilities for private and professional increase.

Empowering personnel with extra control over their paintings can increase task satisfaction and

motivation. As employees locate their work more fulfilling, they become more engaged and

committed, ultimately contributing to higher productivity.

c) Work/Life Balance:

Maintaining healthful work-life stability is essential for employees' well-being and

productivity. Organizations prioritizing work-life balance create a supportive environment that

allows employees to correctly control their non-public and professional obligations. When

personnel feel valued and supported, they are much more likely to be motivated and productive.

D) Teamwork:

Encouraging teamwork and collaboration fosters a sense of camaraderie amongst

personnel, leading to progressed communication and idea-sharing. When teams are properly

managed and supported, individuals can pool their diverse skills and perspectives to solve

complex problems efficiently. Teamwork enhances creativity, decision-making, and overall

productivity as employees work together towards common goals.

“(2) How do equity and expectancy theory relate to these productivity and employee

performance approaches?”

Equity and expectancy theories are psychological models crucial in understanding

employee motivation and productivity within productivity improvement approaches. Equity

theory, proposed by J. Stacy Adams, suggests that employees compare their efforts and rewards

with their colleagues. When employees perceive inequities in the ratio of their inputs to outputs

compared to others, it can lead to demotivation and dissatisfaction. Conversely, when they feel

their efforts are rewarded fairly, they are more likely to be motivated and maintain productivity.

Expectancy theory, developed by Victor Vroom, focuses on the belief that increased effort leads

to improved performance, resulting in desired outcomes and rewards. Employees are more

motivated and productive when they believe their efforts will yield positive results.

In the context of productivity improvement approaches, these theories are highly

relevant. For Total Quality Management (TQM), addressing equity concerns is vital. To stay

motivated, employees involved in TQM initiatives must feel that their contributions are fairly

recognized and rewarded. Simultaneously, expectancy theory comes into play when employees

believe their efforts to enhance quality will lead to positive outcomes and rewards, encouraging

them to remain dedicated to continuous improvement. Equity is also crucial in job enrichment.

Employees must see equitable opportunities for enriched job roles to stay motivated and

engaged. Simultaneously, expectancy theory motivates them when they see a clear link between

their efforts in handling enriched tasks and the rewards or recognition they will receive.

Maintaining a work-life balance is vital for productivity. Striving for equity in providing

work-life balance initiatives ensures fairness and employee morale. Expectancy theory comes

into play when employees believe that utilizing work-life balance options will positively impact

their performance and well-being, leading to increased productivity. Promoting equity within

teams also is essential for fostering teamwork. When employees feel that some team members

contribute less but receive the same rewards, it can lead to resentment. Conversely, when they

believe that collaborative efforts will lead to successful team outcomes and rewards, expectancy

theory motivates them to work together cohesively and efficiently.

“(3) If you were responsible for implementing a strategy for productivity improvement,

what would you focus on and why?”


As the person responsible for imposing a strategy for productivity improvement, I would

focus on an aggregate of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Employee Engagement. Both

tactics were widely identified for their superb effect on organizational productivity. By

integrating these processes, we can create a work environment that fosters non-stop

development, worker motivation, and dedication to organizational dreams.

TQM is a proven approach that emphasizes a lifestyle of fine, manner improvement, and

customer awareness. By implementing TQM concepts, we can empower personnel at all levels to

actively participate in identifying regions for development, streamlining techniques, and ensuring

the delivery of first-rate services or products. TQM fosters a sense of possession and duty

amongst employees, resulting in higher levels of engagement and willpower to accomplish

organizational goals. Moreover, it allows for lowering defects and waste, which ultimately

boosts productivity and ordinary efficiency.

Employee engagement also is important for productivity development as engaged

employees are more devoted, inspired, and effective. Engaged personnel moves the mile to

contribute to the success of the business enterprise. I would recognition on developing inclusive

and supportive work surroundings that encourage open communication exchange, recognizes

employee contributions, and provides opportunities for professional growth and improvement.

Studies have proven a fine correlation between worker engagement and productivity, making it a

key recognition area for long-term productivity gains.

Unit 6

“(1) Describe four operational functions of a performance appraisal system”

Performance appraisal systems play a vital role in evaluating and improving worker

performance within an organization. These systems embody numerous operational functions


which might be designed to ensure fairness, accuracy, and effectiveness in the appraisal

technique. In this response, I will describe four key operational functions of a performance

appraisal device.

Goal Setting and Expectations:

A powerful performance appraisal system begins with clear goal setting and defining

performance expectations. Employees must have complete expertise in their activity obligations

and the specific goals they may be expected to gain. Goal setting should be aligned with the

organization’s usual assignment and strategic objectives. This process involves placing SMART

(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that are each difficult and

possible. Setting goals offers employees a roadmap to success, permitting them to recognize

tasks that maximize the organization's fulfillment.

Performance Measurement and Documentation:

Performance appraisal systems depend on objective measurement and documentation of

employee performance. Quantifiable metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) assess a

worker's accomplishments and contributions to the business enterprise. These metrics can

encompass sales figures, customer pride scores, mission milestones, and other relevant data. The

documentation process should be consistent, non-stop, and well-documented during the appraisal

length. Accurate report-retaining ensures that managers have reliable records to evaluate

employees fairly and make informed decisions at some point regarding performance opinions.

Performance Feedback and Coaching:

Regular and optimistic feedback is an important thing of a powerful overall performance

appraisal device. Managers ought to provide feedback to employees, recognize their strengths,

identify regions for improvement, and impart guidance for expert improvement. The remarks

process must be a way of communication, allowing employees to share their challenges, worries,

and aspirations. Managers must adopt a coaching approach to aid personnel in overcoming

obstacles and growing new abilities. Constructive remarks motivate employees to perform better

and foster a tremendous work environment that encourages continuous learning and growth.

Performance Evaluation and Rewards:

The primary purpose of a performance appraisal system is to evaluate employee

performance and determine appropriate rewards and recognition. Objective assessment based on

data-driven metrics and feedback helps identify top performers, average contributors, and

employees who require additional support. Performance evaluations often serve as the basis for

salary adjustments, promotions, bonuses, and other forms of recognition (Agus, 2021). Fairness

and transparency in the evaluation process are crucial to maintaining employee morale and trust

in the organization's appraisal system. Recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance

boosts individual motivation and reinforces a culture of excellence within the organization.

“(2) Can all four functions be accomplished with one appraisal method? Why or why not?”

Achieving all four functions of a performance appraisal system through a single appraisal

method can be challenging, and in most cases, it may not be the most effective approach. Each

operational function serves a distinct purpose, and certain appraisal methods may excel in one

function while being less suitable for others. For instance, a method like Management by

Objectives (MBO) effectively sets clear goals and expectations. Still, it may not adequately

address the need for comprehensive performance measurement and documentation.

Performance appraisal methods can be broadly categorized into qualitative and

quantitative approaches. Qualitative methods, such as narrative evaluations or critical incident

methods, may provide valuable feedback and coaching opportunities but might lack the

objectivity needed for accurate performance evaluation and reward determination. On the other

hand, quantitative methods, like rating scales or ranking systems, may excel in performance

measurement and documentation but may not offer the depth of feedback required for effective

coaching and development. Research supports the idea that using a couple of appraisal

techniques in aggregate can yield more comprehensive and correct outcomes. According to the

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a multi-approach approach comprising

qualitative and quantitative methods presents an extra-balanced and holistic view of employee

performance. Such an approach may contain regular comment periods, leveraging 360-degree

feedback, and combining results-based and behavior-based evaluations.

“(3) How has performance appraisal contributed to perceptions that civil service systems

are inefficient or ineffective compared to those based on employment-at-will systems?”

For several motives, performance appraisal systems in civil service were perceived as

inefficient compared to employment-at-will structures. One of the number one factors

contributing to this notion is the civil service systems' bureaucratic and complex nature. The

assessment manner frequently includes multiple degrees of evaluation, enormous documentation,

and adherence to inflexible strategies. This bureaucratic red tape can slow down the appraisal

process and make it resource-extensive, main to frustration amongst employees and executives.

In addition, civil provider systems may also lack the ability to provide merit-based incentives to

excessive-appearing personnel. These structures often have standardized rules and stuck pay

scales, making it difficult to immediately hyperlink overall performance opinions to promotions

or income increases (Schnell, 2022). Alternatively, employment-at-will systems can provide

more agility in rewarding top performers, which motivates personnel to excel.


The presence of labor unions in civil providers can also impact personnel protection,

making it tough to cope with poor performance or dismiss underperforming people. This union

effect may also cause the perception that civil carrier prioritizes job security over performance,

which could contribute to the perception that those systems are less effective than employment-

at-will systems. Lastly, the effectiveness of performance appraisal systems depends on the choice

of applicable and significant overall performance metrics. In civil provider systems, defining

such metrics may be hindered through bureaucratic tactics, resulting in insufficient reviews that

fail to examine worker performance appropriately.



‌Schnell, S. (2022). From Bureaucrats to Entrepreneurs to Networkers, Advocates, and Empaths:

Reappraising Human Resources Management Ideals and Practices in Public

Administration - Sabina Schnell, Catherine Gerard, 2022. Review of Public Personnel


Agus Subekti. (2021). The Influence of Performance Appraisal System towards Job Satisfaction,

Motivation, and Employee Performance. 5(2).

KJV (2018). Genesis 1:27. Bible Lyfe. Bible Lyfe.



KJV (2018). What does Psalm 34:18 mean? |

Permana, A., Purba, H. H., & Rizkiyah, N. D. (2021). A systematic literature review of the

organization's Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation. International Journal of

Production Management and Engineering, 9(1), 25-36.


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