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Enzo Kervie C.


UP Scientist: “Let Them Eat Fake Rice”

Enzo Kervie C. Romero

Juan Sumulong Memorial Junior College

STEM 101: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Florence Nicole Almocera

December 1, 2021

Enzo Kervie C. Romero

Throughout the year, There are a variety of rice available providing the everyday needs

of consumers, particularly in Asian countries. However there is a controversial issue

stating that there is so-called “Fake rice.” According to PhD and professor emeritus of

Food Science, Ma. Concepcion Lizada of the University of the Philippines, Diliman

stated that the so-called “Fake rice” is much more preferable and healthier than organic

rice produced by farmers in remote locations, concluding that this "Fake rice" has lower

glucose content. Is it safe for humans to use this "Fabricated rice" as a daily source of

energy? Rice is one of our body's primary sources of carbohydrate, which it requires

throughout the day. It can be utilized as a dominant and comfort food that serve as a

valuable source of nutrients either as a main dish or as a side dish; yet, there is this

arguable issue concerning this "Fake rice" that it was given a negative name instead by

calling it “Fake rice” name it as "Fabricated rice" stated by Ma. Lizada, Concepcion, she

said that manufactured rice was a product of food extrusion technology to reinforce food

staples that modifies the glycemic index, despite the fact that the fake one was

comprised of indigestible plastic. In contrast, President William Padolina of the National

Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) asked the government to improve

regulatory laboratories in the face of the growth of fake or synthetic rice and to evaluate

as many samples as possible in a short period of time. Therefore, as the fake

or fabricated rice Ma. Concepcion Lizada stated that it is a product of food extrusion

technology known as manufactured or it is much preferable as "Corn rice" which is

already widely accessible in markets and, as stated, there is a media blitz that the grain

is tasty like a corn and may be beneficial to customers. To sum up everything that has

Enzo Kervie C. Romero

been stated, we should be knowledgeable and aware of what the product includes and

if it is better or worse for our health; we should always seek professional advice and

have it substantiated by facts or evidence from a study. Although customers may

consume fabricated rice, it is also essential to understand that consuming too many

synthetic meals is harmful to our health. As a result, be certain that you use products

that are safe, approved, and organic.

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