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How to do digital detox & GMA 1

In the video, there is a man who are expert and published a book [digital
minimalism] about how to do digital detox. And the owner of the video asks some
questions about how to make the digital detox real.
The questions are “ how to have a healthier relationships with your digital devices
and how not to let your phone rule your life”

The man who are expert in this eld gave a worth- to -apply advise and it is
“ remove any app that makes money from your attention” and also he said that it
was the simplest way to refrain from spending a lot of times on technological

He made the 30 day digital declutter method very clear by saying these:

He wants people who are willing to do digital detox to take total 30 days to step
away from technology in their personal life and deeply think what they care about
and what their values are etc.

And he realized from results of this digital detox way he created that people who did
digital detox were the most succeed and had important changes in their life. He
also added that those people actually made huge e ort during the total 30 day to
get real results and they became aware of what they actually wanted in their normal

The link =

Digital detox : The English We Speak 2

Firstly i deduced from the video that technology is really harmful for our mental
health even if it has a lot bene ts. We feel really anxious, we can’t sleep or we can’t
concentrate on something because of spending lots of times on technological
devices as the man said in the beginning of the video.

In the video, the description of “ digital detox” was made like this “ digital detox is
period of the time away from all devices that can connect to the internet and it is a
a long or short break from all technological devices that we always use”.

The lady spoke on the video also gave some examples about digital detox. As i
realized from the video, some people apply digital detox to show good performance
on their job because it is exampled that a lady have digital detox on every Sunday
not to be tired on Monday. Another types of people applying digital detox is who do
not do it by their pleasure. They are obliged to do it because of some problems like
having broken phone and this forces them to have digital detox. The results of
digital detox are good as said on the video by the lady.

The link =

Digital detox: phone addicts pay to disconnect from

devices 3

In the very beginning of the video, it was mentioned about when the phrase of
digital detox was added in the dictionary and the description of the phrase. The
description of it it is a period that refrain from people using an electronic device.

Also, it was mentioned that there were a lot of people who was using their phone
much in their daily life and it was given an advise like collecting people’s phones
and replaced it by more traditional activities such as walking in the nature.
And in the video, it was given some apps about how to do digital detox and help
them to make digital detox.

The link =

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