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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC ĐÔNG Á Học phần: Tiếng Anh không chuyên 3 - Số tín chỉ: 5TC
KHOA NGÔN NGỮ & Ngành: ……………………………….
VĂN HÓA ANH Hình thức thi: Tự luận + Video
(Đề thi chính thức) Thời gian: Làm bài Nộp bài
90 phút 10 phút
(Tổng số trang: 8 trang) Được sử dụng tài liệu hay không: Có  Không 

1) SV thực hiện bài làm theo đúng mã đề thi đã được hệ thống phân bổ ngẫu nhiên.
2) Bài thi gồm bài tự luận + video, được đặt tên theo dạng thức: Môn thi_Số tờ.
Ví dụ tên file bài thi: Kinh tế vi mô_1
3) SV tuyệt đối không ghi thông tin cá nhân trên bài thi và file lưu bài. Trường hợp vi phạm, bài thi
xem như bị đánh dấu và không được công nhận. Đối với các file chưa hỗ trợ nộp trực tiếp, SV có
thể nén tất cả bài làm thành file .rar hoặc .zip
4) Khi hết giờ làm bài của phần thi nào, SV phải hoàn thành nộp ngay bài thi của phần thi đó. Sau
thời gian này, hệ thống từng phần thi sẽ tự động đóng lại.
 SV chưa hoàn thành nộp bài trong khoảng thời gian này sẽ được tính là không có bài thi.
5) SV tuyệt đối thực hiện nghiêm túc việc tự hoàn thành bài thi của mình. Trong quá trình chấm bài
và thông qua các biện pháp thanh tra, bài thi nếu bị phát hiện có dấu hiệu đạo văn, gian lận, giống
nhau bất thường, … dưới mọi hình thức sẽ được chấm điểm 0 (không điểm).
6) SV lấy LINK PHÒNG THI tại ô GHI CHÚ và tham gia vào phòng thi trước khi làm bài.

Phần A: Video (8/10 điểm)

SV quay một video có độ dài từ 3 – 4 phút để trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây.
Yêu cầu: SV tự trình bày nội dung câu trả lời; video phải rõ mặt, rõ tiếng của SV; nội dung trả
lời cần ngắn gọn và tập trung vào yêu cầu chính của câu hỏi để tránh dung lượng file video quá
nặng gây khó khăn khi nộp bài lên hệ thống.


You are going to learn to play a new sport. Talk about this sport, including the following
1/ What this sport is.
2/ Explain the rules of this sport.
3/ Talk about some benefits of this sport.
4/ Your plans to learn this sport.

* Language focus:
- Verbs for rules: must, have to, can, can’t, don’t have to …
- Vocabulary on sports

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Talk about recycling rubbish in your area with the following information:
1/ How much rubbish you and your neighbors recycle       
2/ How often people recycle
3/ What people often recycle
4/ Suggest some good ways to improve recycling things in the area

* Language focus: vocabulary on recycling

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Talk about the medical problem you often have. You should mention:
1/ What the medical problem is
2/ Describe some symptoms that you have
3/ Give some advice when you have this problem
* Language focus:
- Present simple / present continuous
- Vocabulary about medical problems
- Give examples

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Each person has difference medical problem, like me, when the weather is getting cold, I
always have a runny nose.
- How do you often feel when you have a runny nose?
 Tired, sneeze, can’t breath, always have tissue beside me,…
To the weak person like me, I always pay attention to my health. And I will share some tips to
keep your health well.
The 1st thing you need to do is doing exercise to strengthen resistance like jogging, hitting the
The 2nd way is taking vitamin C, such as drinking orange juice, eating more fruit, drinking
supplemental products. Besides that, you should drink hot liquids may help you feel better

In my opinion, we should have a healthy life, have a good daily routines including going to
sleep early, eating healthy, doing exercise. I believe that your quality of life and your health
will be improved as well.

Symptom of Flu:

Flu symptoms come on very quickly and you get  muscle aches and a high fever. Headache
is very common. You will feel extremely weak and may find it hard to even get out of bed.
After a few days, you may develop a cough. 

Flu symptoms can also include:

 sore throat

 difficulty sleeping
 loss of appetite
 diarrhoea or tummy pain
 nausea and vomiting

The symptoms are similar for children. But they can also get pain in their ear and may be less
active than usual.


You just had a bicycle tour. Talk about this tour, including the following information:
1/ When you had this trip
2/ Who you went on the trip with
3/ What you did during this trip
4/ And explain why you like it

* Language focus:
- Expressions for telling a story
- Past simple

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Talk about the most challenging stage in your life. You should say:
1/ What the stage was 
2/ What you did to overcome and who supported you during that time
3/ How those challenges have helped you
4/ What you think about challenges in life

* Language focus:
- Vocabulary on challenges
- Past tenses

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Imagine your grandmother is going to be ninety years old next week. You plan to prepare for
the celebration. Talk about your preparation, including the following information:
1/ What type of celebration is (LONGEVITY CEREMONY)
2/ What you are going to prepare (What type of food, drink, music,…)
3/ Where and when you plan to hold the party
4/ How many people will be at the party and what the dress code is

* Language focus:
- Future tenses
- Vocabulary on festivals and celebrations

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Talk something about your grandmother (her appearance, her character, your childhood with
your grandma,…)
- Easy going: dễ tính
- Kind- hearted: nhân hậu
- Sound in mind and body

-magnificent longevity ceremony (lễ mừng thọ hoành tráng)


Talk about your lifestyle. You should include the following information:
*when do you form your lifestyle?
1/ What the daily routines are
2/ Talk about the sleeping habit.
3/ What the relaxing activities are (How often / Who/ When...) (in your free time, after school
hour, day-off)
4/ How often you have medical problems and what you do when having them
(runny nose, sore throat, flu, cold, headache,..)

* Language focus:
- Present simple
- Adverb of frequency
- Give examples

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Stay up late: thức khuya có ngủ
Stay up early: thức xuyên đêm
- Night owl: cú đêm


Talk about an important change in your life. You should say:

1/ What it was about
2/ How it affected your life
3/ What you did to adapt to changes in your life
4/ And why this was an important change in your life.

* Language focus: past tenses

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Talk about your last online order which had problem with the delivery. You should say:
1/ What the order was about (clothes, cosmetic, v.v)
2/ Explain the problem with your order (order international products/ missing your goods)
3/ How you solved this problem (message or call to the shop owner, email to the manager..)
4/ Share your opinion on online shopping (advantages and disadvantages of online shopping)

* Language focus:
- Past tenses
- Expressions of talking about orders

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


Talk about your favorite sports. Then talk about your plan to join a club. You should mention:
1/ Your interests and hobbies in sports
2/ Your abilities in your favorite sports
3/ Your plans to join a club

* Language focus:
- be good at / interested in, prefer, would like …
- modal verbs: must, have to, can, can’t, don’t have to …
- I’d like/prefer to join a running club/…
- I’d like to….

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.


A tourist asks you for advice to use public transport when he/she travels in Danang. Give
him/her some information about Danang transport and give him/her advice. You should
1/ What kinds of public transport in Danang are
2/ Compare the benefits of these kinds of transport (Which one is the cheapest / the most
expensive / the most convenient …)
3/ Where to take the means of transports

* Language focus:
- Transport words
- Comparison
- Modal verb: should / can /

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

*Introduce some information about DN city (famous places)

You plan to take six months off and take the trip of a lifetime. Talk about your plan for this
trip. You should say:
1/ When you plan to visit and explain why you want to visit those places
2/ What type of transportation you intend to use
3/ What you hope to do in each place
4/ What will be easy to do on the trip and what will be difficult to do in your opinion

* Language focus: Future Tenses

* Remember to:
- introduce yourself before starting the talk.
- start and end the talk properly.

Phần B: Tự luận (2/10 điểm)

SV làm bài trên giấy (viết tay) đối với 2 câu hỏi (chọn bất kỳ từ ngân hàng câu hỏi), sau đó
chụp ảnh bài làm để nộp trên website

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