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Language Skill 1B

(Reading – Writing)

Nguyen Thi Phuong Hong, PhD


1. Thông tin học phần

• Tên học phần:
– Kỹ năng ngôn ngữ 1B (Đọc – Viết)
• Mã số học phần: XH255
• Số tín chỉ học phần: 03 tín chỉ
• Số tiết học phần : 90 tiết
2. Đơn vị phụ trách học phần:
– Bộ môn : Ngôn ngữ và Văn hoá Anh
– Khoa: Khoa Ngoại ngữ
3. Điều kiện tiên quyết: Không
4. Mục tiêu chung của học phần:
• Đọc hiểu và viết được một đoạn văn trình bày
quan điểm cá nhân về các chủ đề quen thuộc
liên quan đến việc làm, cuộc sống học
• Đạt được kỹ năng đọc viết tương đương mức
độ B1
• Cụ thể:
4.1 Kiến thức
4.1.1 Hiểu được các kỹ năng đọc hiểu và nắm
được các thành phần cần có của một đoạn văn
tiếng Anh
4.1.2 Vận dụng được các kỹ năng đọc hiểu như
đoán nghĩa của từ qua ngữ cảnh, đọc lấy ý
chính, đọc lấy ý chi tiết khi đọc văn bản
4.1.3 Vận dụng từ vựng, ngữ pháp và các kỹ
năng khai thác ý tưởng để viết một đoạn văn
hoàn chỉnh.
4.2 Kỹ năng
4.2.1 Có các kỹ năng căn bản về đọc hiểu: kỹ năng đọc
tổng quát tài liệu, kỹ năng đọc nhanh nắm nội dung
chính, kỹ năng đọc hiểu các bảng biểu, kỹ năng xác định
câu chủ đề, kỹ năng xác định ý triển khai, ví dụ minh họa
câu chủ đề, kỹ năng xác định những từ ngữ mà đại từ
thay thế, kỹ năng ghi chú bên lề giấy trong quá trình đọc
bài, và kỹ năng phân biệt được giữa thông tin và ý kiến.
4.2.2 Viết được một hoặc hai đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh: mô tả
công việc, sự thay đổi của một thành phố, thị trấn, sự
thay đổi cuộc sống của bản thân, một kz nghỉ, môn thể
thao yêu thích, v.v…
4.2.3 Phát triển kỹ năng tự học thông qua việc xem lại tài
liệu nhiều lần và hoàn thành bài tập của môn học,
4.3 Mức độ tự chủ
4.3.1 Phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp
4.3.2 Phát triển ý thức tự học
4.3.3 Có ý thức lên kế hoạch tựphát triển
kỹ năng đọc và viết cho bản thân
5. Mô tả tóm tắt nội dung học phần
– Học phần Kỹ năng ngôn ngữ 1B (Đọc – Viết) phát triển kỹ
năng đọc hiểu và kỹ năng viết đoạn văn tiếng Anh cho
người học ở mức độ học thuật, nhằm đạt bậc 3 theo
Khung năng lực ngoại ngữ 6 bậc dành cho Việt Nam hoặc
(B1) theo CEFR.
– Đọc hiểu các bài viết ngắn có nội dung về việc làm, cuộc
sống của người nhập cư, chính sách nghỉ mát của công ty,
nụ cười và stress, thể thao, lời nói dối, trưởng thành, và
mối nguy hiểm.
– Được học cách viết outline, viết câu chủ đề, câu triển khai
{, và câu kết luận của một đoạn văn tiếng Anh hoàn chỉnh.
– Được đọc và nghe các bài đọc để nâng cao vốn từ vựng và
thu thập { tưởng phục vụ cho bài tập viết.
• Cấu trúc học phần
– Unit 1 Business
• What is a good job?
– Unit 2 Global Studies
• Why do people immigrate to other countries?
– Unit 3 Sociology
• Why is vacation important?
– Unit 4 Physiology
• What makes you laugh?
– Unit 5 Psychology
• How do sports make you feel?
– Unit 6 Ethics
• Is it ever OK to lie?
– Unit 7 Behavioral Science
• How are children and adults different?
– Unit 8 Psychology
• What are you afraid of?
– Final exam
• Phương pháp dạy học
– Phương pháp dạy học tích cực (Active learning)
– Giáo viên giảng bài, sinh viên làm bài tập cá nhân,
đôi, nhóm, thảo luận, chia sẻ ý kiến xây dựng bài
– Chia nhóm nhỏ 5 hoặc 10 sinh viên/nhóm
– Sử dụng công nghệ thông tin trong dạy và học và
quản lý lớp
• Yêu cầu của khóa học: Sinh viên phải thực
hiện các nhiệm vụ như sau:
– Chuẩn bị bài trước khi lên lớp
– Tham gia tích cực vào các hoạt động trên lớp
– Hoàn thành tất cả các bài tập trong giáo trình
– Thực hành đọc, viết ở nhà
– Tham dự tối thiểu 80% số tiết học
– Nộp bài tập về nhà và thi kết thúc học phần
• Đánh giá
– Điểm chuyên cần: 10%
– Điểm tham gia phát biểu: 10%
– Bài tập: 20%
• 8 bài đọc hiểu (scripts ngắn)
• 4 bài viết (lập dàn ý)
– Thi kết thúc học phần: 60%
• 4 bài đọc hiểu
• 1 bài viết (viết đoạn văn)
• Giáo trình
– Scanlon, J. (2011). Q: Skills for Success: Reading &
Writing (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bài tập
1. Write four outlines for four topics.
2. Write reading comprehension questions for
eight passages.
Formal Outline

• A formal outline helps you plan the order of your

• There are two main types of formal outlines:
topic outlines and sentence outlines.
• In a topic outline, you write your ideas as words
or short phrases.
• In a sentence outline, you write your ideas as
complete sentences. Choose the type of outline
that you think works best for your essay.
Formal outline
• Write your main idea or topic sentence on the
first line (I).
• Write your supporting ideas in order under
the main idea (A, B, C).
• Smaller details and examples should go under
each supporting idea (1, 2, 3).
• You may also include a concluding idea for the
Formal outline sample
Informal Outline

• An informal outline is a list of the main ideas

that you want to write about.
• You may also make notes about details you
want to include.
• You can do a quick informal outline to help
you put your ideas in order.
Informal outline sample
Unit 1 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write a paragraph
about a job.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “What is a good job?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about a job you want. Describe
the job responsibilities. Explain why the job is right for
2. Write a paragraph about the job you have
today. Describe your job responsibilities. Explain what
you like or don’t like about the job.
• When you write a paragraph, include supporting sentences that connect to your main idea.
• Title
– A Personal Trainer
• Writing
– Structure
• What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences about one main idea. Supporting sentences
give details about the main idea.
– Planning notes
• Main idea: I am a personal trainer.
– Responsibilities:
» 1. I need to be flexible.
» 2. I need to be strong.
– Reasons:
» 1. I like to stay healthy.
» 2. I don’t want to work in an office.
» 3. I like to help people.
– Content
I am a personal trainer. I need to be flexible. I need to be strong. It is a good job for
me. I like to stay healthy. I do not want to work in an office. I like to help people.
Unit 2 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write a paragraph about a
place that changed because of international immigration or
international culture.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit Question,
“Why do people immigrate to other countries?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write about a city or country that changed because of
international immigration or international culture. What are some
changes in business, restaurants, supermarkets, languages people
speak, schools, and families?
2. Write about a specific street in your city or town that
changed because of international immigration or culture. How
does the street look different today? What are changes in shops
and restaurants? What languages do you hear on the street?
• Title
– Texas Immigration
• Writing
– Structure
• What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence connects two simple sentences with conjunctions such
as but and so. When you write a paragraph about a place that changed, use but to
show differences. Use so to show results.
– Planning notes
• Main idea: The State of Texas changed because of immigration.
• In the 1970s:
– 1. Mexican immigrants
– 2. Mexican restaurants and stores
– 3. Mexican music and art
• Today:
– 1. Immigrants from Vietnam
– 2. Vietnamese restaurants and supermarkets
– 3. Vietnamese and Spanish language
– Content
The State of Texas changed because of immigration. In the 1970s, there were a lot of
immigrants, but most of them came from Mexico. There were Mexican and restaurants and
stores. Artists immigrated, so there was good Mexican music and art. Today there are many
immigrants from Vietnam, so there are new Vietnamese restaurants and supermarkets. There is
a special radio station in Vietnamese. English is the main language, but today many people speak
Vietnamese and Spanish.
Unit 3 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write a paragraph
giving reasons.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “Why is vacation important?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about how many vacation days
you need each year. Give reasons to explain what you
want and need to do during your vacation.
2. Your school or workplace wants to reduce the
vacation time. Write a letter to your editor. Do you
think less vacation is a good idea? Write your reasons
in the letter.
• When you write about reasons, use because to show the reason for a situation or state.
• Title
• Vacation Days
• Writing
• Structure
• What is a paragraph that gives reasons?
A paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. When you
write a paragraph to explain something you want or need, include reasons to support the main idea
in your topic sentence. Include a concluding sentence to end the paragraph.
• Planning notes
• Topic sentence: I need twenty vacation days every year.
• Reasons:
• 1. travel
• 2. family
• 3. rest
• Content
• I need twenty vacation days every year. First of all, I need twenty vacation days because I like
to travel at least ten days a year. I also need them because my family visits me for a week every
year, and I do not want to be at work. Finally, I really need that many days because my job is
stressful. A few extra days will let me rest. For these three reasons, I need at least twenty vacation

Unit 4 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write an
explanation paragraph.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “What makes you laugh?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about what makes you
laugh. Who are you with when you laugh? Where are
you? What are you doing?
2. Think of a friend who makes you laugh a lot. Write a
paragraph about why you laugh a lot with this friend.
Write about the situations that make you laugh and/or
about the things your friend does to make you laugh.
• When you write an explanation paragraph, begin with a topic sentence that
introduces your main idea.
• Title
• Silly Things
• Writing
• Structure
• What is an explanation paragraph?
An explanation paragraph explains when something happens or is true. Introduce
the main idea of an explanation paragraph with a topic sentence.
• Planning notes
• Topic sentence: I laugh when I do silly things.
• Examples:
1. I lose my glasses at home.
2. I make a funny mistake at work.
• Content
• I laugh when I do silly things. For example, I lose my glasses a lot. I don’t put
them in the right place. When I cannot find them, I run around the house. Then I
look in the mirror and see them on my face, and I laugh. I also make silly mistakes
at work. For example, I write the date, but I put the wrong year. It is funny when I
see my mistake. I think I make myself laugh a lot.
Unit 5 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write a
descriptive paragraph.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, "How do sports make you feel?"
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about your favorite sport. When
do you play it? Where do you do it? Why do you like
2. Write a paragraph about a sport that is popular in
your country. When do people watch it? Where do
they watch it? Why do they like it?
• When you write a paragraph, use supporting sentences and details to explain your topic sentence.
• Title
• Feeling Free
• Writing
• Structure
• What is a descriptive paragraph?
A descriptive paragraph describes a topic with supporting sentences about Who? When? Where? Why? and How
often? Details such as examples, reasons, and numbers give more information about each supporting sentence.
• Planning notes
• Topic Sentence: My favorite sport is biking.
• 1. Why do I like it?
• It is exciting.
• It is healthy.
• 2. Where do I do it?
• in the city
• 3. When do I do it?
• early in the morning
• 4. How often do I do it?
• three times a week
• 5. With whom do I do this sport?
• sometimes with my friend Gavin
• Content
• My favorite sport is biking. I like to bike often. I usually ride my bike three times a week. Sometimes I meet my
friend Gavin early in the morning, and we bike together before school. It is exciting because we see different parts
of the city. I like biking because it makes me feel better. I am tired when I wake up, but after I bike, I feel strong
and healthy. It is nice to be outside and free!
Unit 6 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write an opinion
paragraph about the importance of honesty.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “Is it ever OK to lie?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Is it OK to lie online? Write a paragraph that
explains your opinion about this question.
2. Think of a time that you lied. Did you do the right
thing? Write a paragraph to explain the situation and
why you lied.
• When you write an opinion paragraph, use details such as examples, explanations, and facts to
support your reasons.
• Title
• Lying about Your Age Online
• Writing
• Structure
• What is an opinion paragraph?
An opinion paragraph explains how you feel about a topic. It includes reasons and details that help
support your opinion. The concluding sentence often tells the reader the main idea again, but in
different words.
• Planning notes
• Topic sentence: There are several reasons why adults should like about their age online.
• Reason 1: You can’t trust some websites.
• Detail: They don’t explain why they want the day, month, and year of your birthday.
• Reason 2: You need to keep your personal information private.
• Detail: Sometimes websites can give your information to businesses.
• Reason 3: Giving your real age can be unsafe.
• Detail: Bad people can steal your information.
• Content
• There are several reasons why adults should lie about their age online. First, you can’t trust
some websites. Many of them want to know the day, month, and year of your birthday, but they
don’t give you a good reason. Second, you need to lie to keep your personal information
private. Sometimes websites give your age to businesses without asking you, and you cannot stop
them. Finally, giving important details about yourself online can be unsafe. Bad people can use
your name and real birthday to steal your information, and it can cause you a lot of trouble. In my
opinion, you should only give your real age online when you trust a website.
Unit 7 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write a narrative
paragraph about important changes in your life.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “How are children and adults different?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about 3-5 important changes in
your life in the past 5 to 10 years. How is your life
different now than it was 10 years ago?
2. Write a paragraph about events in your life that
made you feel like an adult.
• When you write a narrative paragraph, tell the events of the story in the order that they
happened. Use words such as after and after that to show time relationships.
• Title
• Chasing My Dream
• Writing
• Structure
• What is a narrative paragraph?
A narrative paragraph tells a story. When you write a narrative paragraph, you include important
events that happened in your life and the times that they happened.
• Planning notes
• Topic: Becoming a doctor
• Timeline:
• 18 – went to college
• 22 – entered medical school
• 26 – started working in a hospital
• 29 – became a real doctor
• Content
• Becoming a doctor meant many important changes in my life. At 18, I went to college and I
spent four years studying for a degree in medicine. After that, I entered medical school. I was
always busy. I spent a lot of time in hospitals during the day, and at night, I studied. When I was 26,
I started working in a big hospital. It wasn’t easy because I worked long days, and I still had a lot to
learn. Finally, after three years, I became a real doctor. After that, I felt like a true adult. It took me
more than ten years to chase my dream of being a doctor. It changed my life, and it was the best
decision I ever made.
Unit 8 Writing Assignment
• In this assignment, you are going to write one or more
paragraphs that analyze a fear, place, or situation.
• As you prepare your paragraph, think about the Unit
Question, “What are you afraid of?”
• Choose one of the topics below for your paragraph:
1. Write a paragraph about an unreasonable fear you have
or that you know about. Why is it unreasonable and how
can you avoid the fear?
2. Write a paragraph in which you give an opinion about a
dangerous place (e.g., a dangerous section of your town or
city, dark alleys) or situation (e.g., walking home from
school at night) in your city or neighborhood. Why is it
dangerous and how can the place or situation be
• When you show contrast in a paragraph, use however to introduce an idea that is different from the idea in the
sentence before it. Use comparative adjectives (e.g. bigger, scarier, more dangerous) to compare two people,
places, things, or ideas.
• Title
• My Unreasonable Fear
• Writing
• Structure
• What is an analysis paragraph?
When you write an analysis paragraph, you can analyze whether a topic is reasonable or
unreasonable. Supporting ideas often include facts, examples, and personal observations.
• Planning notes
• Paragraph 1: my unreasonable fear of forgetting important deadlines
• a. homework and tests at school
• b. reports at work
• c. important events with friends and family
• Paragraph 2: why my fear is unreasonable
• a. I use my calendar.
• b. I set deadlines early.
• c. I am an organized person.
• Content
• Forgetting important deadlines is an unreasonable fear of mine. I have a lot of deadlines. I have to complete
homework assignments and be prepared for tests at school. At work, my boss expects me to finish important
reports on time. I also have important events with friends and family that I don’t want to miss. I think I have this
fear because I feel nervous when I am late for an appointment or deadline. Furthermore, I don’t want other
people to think I am forgetful or not responsible.
I think forgetting deadlines is a common fear. However, I think it is unreasonable for me. For one, I am more
organized than a lot of other people I know. For example, I always use the calendar on my phone to remind myself
of homework deadlines, test dates, and important social events. Also, I set deadlines a day or two early just to be
sure I am never late. I think I can avoid this fear and be more reasonable. Whenever I feel nervous, I will remind
myself that I am an organized person. It will take some practice. However, after a little while, I know it will
become easier.
Four writing assignments
• Make formal outlines for four unit writing
Eight reading assignments
• Read the unit video transcripts. There are eight transcripts.
• For each text, make at least five reading comprehension
• The questions should be Yes/No, information and Or
• They should also be discussion questions.
• These links can be accessed with the code you have in your
• ..\Q Skills for Sucess 1 Reading Writing 2nd
• ..\Q Skills for Sucess 1 Reading Writing 2nd ed\Q2e-RW1-iQ
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 1 Video Transcript

• Emergency Medical Technicians Transcript

• Narrator:
– An elderly man in Darien, Connecticut, is having a heart attack. He telephones
9-1-1 1for an ambulance2. Emergency medical technicians3, or EMTs, come to
the rescue.
– They carry the man to the ambulance, take his blood pressure, give him
emergency medications, and bring him to the hospital.
– But something is different.
– These EMTs are high school 4students. They are trained to do the job, just like
– The reporter is speaking to the students’ supervisor, Susan Warren. He asks,
“Can high school students really drive ambulances and take care of patients?”
– “Yes, they can!” she answers.

• 1 911: the number to call in an emergency

• 2 ambulance: a medical vehicle that takes sick people to the hospital
• 3 Emergency medical technician: a person who gives emergency medical help
• 4 high school: a school for students aged 14 to 18
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 2 Video Transcript

• Immigrant Gives To His Community Transcript

• Narrator:
– Most people think about what the world can give them, not about what they
can give the world.
– This is 40-year-old Hamid Chawdry. He came to the United States from
Pakistan and opened a Dairy Queen ice-cream store in a small town.
– One day, he went to the neighborhood elementary school. He spoke to the
principal and asked, “What can I do for your school?”
– The principal, Mr. Watts, was very surprised. Businessmen don’t usually
volunteer1 to help out at schools.
– Hamid Chawdry offered to help make school fundraisers2 more successful.
– Now, Mr. Chawdry also helps soccer teams, baseball teams, and other
community groups3. His store is always busy. He sells ice cream and gives 50
percent, or half, of what he earns to groups.

• 1 volunteer: to work for free to help a group or cause

• 2 fundraiser: an event that makes money for a group
• 3 community groups: groups in a community, like children’s sports teams, art
organizations, or book groups
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 3 Video Transcript

• Children and Summer School Transcript

• Narrator:
– Which is better for children—having the summer off or going to school in the
– Years ago, schools had long summer vacations because the majority1 of
students lived on farms, and during the summer, they needed to help their
parents with work on the farm2.
– Today, most children do not live on farms and do not need to help out with
farm work.
– Many educators today think that long summer vacations are unnecessary. They say
children should be in school all year round 3because they need more time to

• 1 majority: more than half of something

• 2 farm: land and building where people keep animals and grow plants for food
• 3 year-round: all through the year
• year round 3because they need more time to learn.
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 4 Video Transcript

• Laughter Clubs Transcript

• Narrator:
– These people are having a great time. They’re at a meeting of the
Laughter Club1.
– The Laughter Club began about ten years ago in Mumbai, India. A
local 2 doctor told his patients that laughing could make them feel
– He taught them to do exercises that make them laugh.
– Now there are about 500 laughter clubs in India, and they are
opening new clubs in cities around the world. Laughter is a
powerful medicine!

• 1 club: a group of people who do an activity together or who are

interested in the same thing
• 2 local: a place near you
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 5 Video Transcript

• Running Transcript
• Narrator:
– People can experience a natural high1.
– One way to get a natural high is by running long distances. Helen is a
long-distance runner. She runs many miles at one time.
– Helen says when she runs, she works really hard. But she also feels
– As Helen runs, she pushes her body past her usual level of activity. She
runs for many miles on difficult country paths.
– As she runs, her body feels pain2. Her legs and arms send pain
messages to her brain3.
– In response, her brain sends out endorphins4. These endorphins
reduce5 her pain. These endorphins also give Helen a feeling of
happiness and strength.
– Helen says when she runs she feels wonderful. She is feeling a runner’s
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 6 Video Transcript

• Lying In Job Interviews Transcript

• Narrator:
– People search for jobs each day.
– As many people compete for the same job, an increasing number are lying on
their resume.
– They are caught lying about their job titles. They invent employers, add fake
degrees, and leave out jobs from their job history.
– Lies on resumes are up around 30 to 40 percent over the past 3 years.
– It’s a huge jump.
– Chuck Wardell hires people for high-level business. But lying on resumes is
happening at every level and every profession.
– For example, Notre Dame University hired George O’Leary as a coach and then
fired him for lying on his resume.
– CEO Ronald Zarrella faked a master’s degree on his resume. The stock value of
his company dropped by 3%.
– Why do people do it? They want the job. They also believe no one will ever
– But the lies they tell on their resume could actually cost them their job.
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 7 Video Transcript

• ©Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

• Life Coaches Transcript

• Narrator: Michael Wilkie is 23 years old. He’s a personal trainer 1in a health club. About a year ago,
he had a lot of problems. His business was not doing well, and he was also having trouble with his
college classes. Michael didn’t know what to do. Then he had a good idea. He decided to hire a life
coach2. He hired Chrissie Carew. They talked about ways to be more successful. Carew met with or
spoke on the phone with Michael every ten days until he felt more confident. She suggested small
steps that he could take to reach his goals3. One of the steps was to write a new business plan4.
Michael says it was a good idea to hire a coach. His business has been doing much better, and he is
close to graduating5 from college.

• 1 personal trainer: someone who helps people exercise

• 2 life coach: someone who helps people meet their goals
• 3 goal: something that you want to do in the future
• 4 business plan: a list of the things a business wants to do and how it will do them
• 5 graduate: to finish school or university
• Q2e Reading & Writing 1: Unit 8 Video Transcript

• ©Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

• Police in a Small Town Transcript

• Narrator: The small town of Alto, Texas, has a population of only twelve hundred people. Charles
Berrin is the police chief1. He is also a rancher. He can spend a lot of time taking care of his ranch
because he lost his job as police chief when the town cut the budget2 for the police force to zero.
The police cars are locked up. The police station is closed, except for when Chief Berrin comes to his
office to answer the mail. There is still crime, of course. Before, it took three minutes for the Alto
police to answer a call for help. Now, it takes up to 15 minutes for a Texas state police officer3 to

• 1 police chief: the leader of the police force in a town or city

• 2 budget: a plan of how to spend money
• 3 police officer: a person who works in the police force

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