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Teachers should always find joy in their profession through reflective

practices. Teaching is a noble and rewarding profession, but it can also be
challenging and demanding. As teachers, we should take time to reflect on the
positive impact we have on our learners’ lives. We should consider the progress we
have made under our guidance both academically and personally. We should
celebrate their achievements and growth, no matter how small because the learners
are the testaments to our efforts as their teachers.

Teachers should also take time to share success stories with colleagues,
friends and family. We should also have to remember to take care of ourselves and
prioritize self-care. Balance personal life and professional life, to ensure that we
have time for hobbies, relaxation and spending time with families and loved ones.
Truly that teaching is a dynamic profession, and continuous learning and growth
are part of the process. We should let the joys that come with helping young minds
develop and nourish.

On the other hand, explicit teaching is a specific approach where teachers

provide clear and structured guidance to learners. This approach is very applicable
to Kindergarten learners because it involves breaking down clear complex
concepts and skills into manageable steps, offering direct explanations, modeling
the desired behavior or thought process more transparent and more understandable
for young minds, especially when introducing new and challenging topics or
concepts. However, as teachers, it is important to balance the instructional
approaches, as some learners may also benefit from more exploratory and inquiry-
based learning experiences.

The SLAC made me reflect on the difference of a Kinder Teacher to a Grade
School Teacher on their preparation of the examination for students. The teachers
should be familiar with the assessment objectives, understands the procedures that
the learners will be taking up and meet schedules and submission of reports.

HFMD is a contagious viral infection commonly affecting young children 5

years of age. When there are HFMD cases in our school, we teachers play a crucial
role in managing the situation and preventing further spread. Teachers should be
familiar with the symptoms of HFMD and should regularly disinfect the classroom
and surfaces to minimize the risk of transmission of disease.

Lesson Plan

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