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General Chemistry2 L2

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

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Determination of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression

of Solution
A solution describes a system in which one or more substances, the solutes, are homogeneously dissolved in
another substance, the solvent. The proportion of the solute and the solvent in the solution varies with the solvent
usually in greater quantity.
Physical properties are divided into two categories namely (1) extensive properties, such as mass and volumes
which depend on the size of the sample, and (2) intensive properties such as density and concentration, which are
characteristic properties of the substance that do not depend on the size of the sample. There is a third category of
property, a subset of a system’s intensive properties and is called colligative properties applicable only to
When a nonvolatile solute is dissolved in a solvent, the freezing point of the resulting solution becomes lower
while the boiling point of the solution becomes higher than those of the pure solvent. The degree to which the
freezing point is lowered, or the boiling point elevated depends on the concentration of the solute particle.
Properties that depend on the concentration, but not the identity of the solute in solution are called colligative

In this experiment, the following will be determined:
1. compute for the molality of solution given boiling point elevation and freezing point depression; and
2. to explain the other colligative properties of liquids.

A. Equipment B. Reagent
• Triple beam balance • acetic acid
• Bunsen burner • water
• Wire gauze • sugar
• Thermometer
• (250 mL) beaker
• 25 or 50 mL graduated cylinder
• test tube

A. Effect of solute on freezing point of solvent
1. Prepare an ice water bath by filling a 250 mL beaker with ice.
2. Weigh an empty graduated cylinder and record the mass.
3. Fill the graduated cylinder with 4 g of pure acetic acid.
4. Transfer the acetic acid in a test tube.
5. Put the thermometer in the test tube.
6. Submerge the test tube with acetic acid in the ice bath.
7. Record the temperature by which glacial acetic acid turns to solid.
8. Do the process again, this time, instead of using 4 g of pure acetic acid, you will use 1 gram of sugar
mixed with 3 grams of acetic acid.
9. Compute for the molality of the given solution.

B. Effect of solute on boiling point of solvent

1. Heat 50 grams of water.
2. Through a thermometer, record the temperature by which water starts to evaporate.
3. Repeat the procedure using a combination of 10 grams sugar and 40 grams water.
4. The test tube is then clamped and immersed in the hot water bath, and heated gently.
5. Compute for the molality of the solution
Determination of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Solution

1. What happens to the freezing point and boiling point of acetic acid and water when solute is added?
2. How will you explain these result?

Determination of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Solution

3. What are the other colligative properties of solution? Explain each.
4. If instead of sugar, we dissolved the same amount of salts in the solvent, will the resulting freezing point and
boiling point change? Why?
5. Will the concentration of solution affect the resulting freezing point or boiling point? What will be the




Determination of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Solution

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