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Soul CNS Theory Exam

‫‪The Exam was 70‬‬


‫‪Doctors‬‬ ‫‪Number of‬‬ ‫‪Subject‬‬

‫د‪.‬محمد نصير‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Biochemistry‬‬

‫د‪.‬احمد الطريفي‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪Pharmacology‬‬

‫د‪.‬وائل هياجنه‬
‫د‪.‬نصر الربضي‬
‫د‪.‬عثمان الشبول‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪Physiology‬‬
‫د‪.‬احمد الدويري‬
‫د‪.‬محمد العرجاني‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪Pathology‬‬

‫د‪.‬صالح بني هاني‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫‪Anatomy‬‬

‫د‪.‬نور عريقات‬
‫د‪.‬ايمن أبو طبنجة‬
‫د‪.‬محمد علوه‬
‫د‪.‬هاني مساعده‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Microbiology‬‬
?Which one of the following is considered as the major source of energy for the brain (1

Glucose -1

Fatty acids -2

Ketone bodies -3

The triacylglycerols stored -4

Ans 1

:Cheese effect referred to (2

SSRI & tyramine congestion -1

SNRI & SSRI coadministrations -2

MAOI & ingesting tyramine -3

Serotonin syndrome -4

Ans: 3

?Which one of the following is mismatched (3

CMV: Ventriclesand ependymal cells -1

VZV: Thoracic dorsal root ganglia -2

Rabies: cowdry type a inclusion body -3

Polio: Anterior horn cells of spinal cord -4

Ans: 3

?Which one of the following glial cells is responsible for myelin production (4

Astrocytes -1

Oligodendrocytes -2

Ependymal cells -3

Schwann cells -4

Ans: 2
Which one of the following is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in (5

Streptococcus pneumoniae -1

Neisseria meningitides -2

Haemophilus influenzaetype b -3

S. epidermidis -4

Ans : 1

The left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum are connected by white fibers passing (6

The pyramidal decussation -1

Corpus callosum -2

Superior peduncle -3

Internal capsule -4

Ans :2

Which one of the following is located Superior to lateral sulcus and posterior to central (7

Parietal lobe -1

Occipital lobe -2

Temporal lobe -3

Limbic lobe -4

Ans: 1

?Which one of the following layers of the brain contain external band of Baillarger (8

Molecular (plexiform) layer -1

External granular layer -2

External pyramidal layer -3

Internal granularlayer -4

Ans: 4
Which one of the following is considered as the most efferent in inferior cerebellar (9

Fastigial nuclei -1

Dentate nuclei -2

Emboliform nuclei -3

globose nuclei -4

Ans: 1

Which one of the following is responsible for causing pressure on medulla oblongata in (10
?Arnold chiari malformation

Vermis -1

Tonsils -2

Cerebellum -3

Pons -4

Ans: 2

Which one of the following drugs act on mu receptor and work as 5HT and (11
?Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

Amitriptyline -1

Citalopram -2

Phenelzine -3

Bupropion -4


Ans: 5

?Which one of the following is correct about Libofuscin pigment (12

Supporting framework -1

Consists of abundant basophilic clumps -2

Waste of the cell and lysosomes -3

Not one of wear-and-tear pigments -4

Ans: 3
Researcher want to make a lesion to make his subject loses pain and temperature (13
sensation in his right leg ... Suggest the place where the lesion should be to help the

Ans : lateral side of the left spinothalamic tract

?Anterior to pecentral gyrus in the more posterior part of superior frontal gyrus (14

Premotor area -1

Piriform cortex -2

Primary gustatory cortex -3

Inferior temporal gyrus -4

Ans: 1

?Which one of the following lesions will deviate the tongue to the right side (15

Lesion in left hypoglosal nerve -1

Right wallenberg syndrome -2

The Medial Medullary Syndrome -3

Lesion in basal ganglia -4

Ans: 3

? All of the following are result from a Lesion in basal ganglia except (16

Slow movement -1

Rigidity -2

Intension tremors -3

Mask face -4

Ans : 3

? Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to sleep types ( REM and non-REM) (17

Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) IS closely associated with dreaming -1

Rem sleep in elderly More than in children -2

REM deprivation causes a significant increase in the number of attempts to go into REM -3
stage while asleep

Brain energy use in REM sleep, as measured by oxygen and glucose metabolism, equals or -4
exceeds energy use in waking

Ans: 2
?Which one of the following is not true about Rem sleep (19

Lasts 5 to 30 minutes & usually appears on the average every 90 minutes -1

REM sleep is characterized by prominent Delta wave -2

Respiration is relatively unresponsive to changes in blood CO2 -3

High-voltage spike potentials in the EEG called ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes (PGO -4


Ans: 2

?All of the following were develop from the neural crest except (20

1. Retina
2. Malnoctys
3. Chromaffin cells
4. Sensory gangli
5. Autonomic ganglia
Ans: 1

?Which of the following is CCC of Nociceptive pain (21

1. Stimulus-independent
2. Diffuse pain
3. Protective
Ans: 3

? The number of spinal cervical segments (22

7 -1

8 -2

9 -3


Ans :2

?Which of the following is not true of opioid agonists (23

Methadone: heroine detoxification -1

Naloxone: effective for opioid addiction -2

Codeine: antitussive drug -3

Buprenorphine is less effective than fentanyl -4

Mu receptors: analgesic effect -5

Ans: 2
24) One of the following about Superior colliculi is true?
1.associated with auditory reflex
2. associated with sight/visual reflex

Ans :2

?Neuronal waste material and remnants of organelles broke down by lysosome (25

Ans : Lipofuscin pigment

?Which one of the following is correct about multiple neuritis (26

1. Unipolar neurons
2. bipolar neuron
3. Multipolar neuron

Ans : 3

?Which one of the following is located posterior to pons and MO (27

Ans: cerebellum

? Large, egg shaped mass of gray matter , lies either side of 3rd ventricle (28
thalamus -1
hypothalamus -2
epithalamus -3
subthauamus -4

Ans: 1

? Which one of the following is located between two cerebral hemispheres (29

Ans: Falx cerebri

Which one of the following is formed where arachnoid and pia matter are widely (30

Ans : Subarachnoid cisternae

Which one of the following Connect various cortical regions within the same (31

Ans : Association fibers

? Which one of the following is a branches of basilar artery (32

ANTERIOR cerebral artery
superior cerebllar artery
posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Ans : superior cerebllar artery

?Which one of the following is the end of spinal cord in children (33

Ans : upper L3

?Which of the following about increase ICP is true (34

Ans: cytotoxic due to neuronal injury in gray matter

?Which of the following is true about Antidepressant (35

1. NO combination
2. Start with SSRIS then other medication
3. delayed effect for 24 hours

Ans : Start with SSRIs then other medication

?Which of the following is more likely to have a subdural hemorrhage (36

a 3 year old girl living with her mom and stepdad -1

a 16 year old skateboarder -2

a 70 year old racer -3

a 70 year old with Alzheimer -4

Ans : 4

?The mechanism of energy production at maximum capacity in the brain is (37


Beta oxidation -2

Ans : TCA cycle

: Allodynia is (38
increase painfull sensation in response to additional stimulus .1
pain resulting from stimulus that doesn’t normally produce pain .2

ans : 2

area which is responsible for climbing (bilateral movement ) is (39

supplementry motor.1
premotor area.2

: all the following are true about corticospinal tract except (40

orginated from motor and sensory area.1

pass in the middle third in crus cerebri .2
always intervate contralateral lower motor neurons.3
lisions always cause contralateral paralysis.4

Ans: either 2 or 4

:which of the following is similar to corticospinal tract (41

rubrospinal -1

tectospinal -2
reticulospinal -3

4- Vestibulospinal

Ans :1

42)Which of the following is present in the all level of brain stem

1- medial lemiscus
2- spinal lemniscus
3- lateral lemniscus
4- trideminal lemnsicus

Ans: 1

43) question ask about the location of facial colliculus

1.venral of pons
2.dorsal of pons
3.dorsal of midbrain
4.ventral of medulla oblongata

Ans : 2

44)all the following are located in the posterior gray horn os spinal cord except :

1.substania geletinosa
2nuclos propius
3.nucleus dorsalis
5.central group
Ans :5

45)which of the following is wrong about embryo of CNS

1.rhombic lips meet in midline to form dincephalon
2.flexure in neural tube make eyes perbindcular to vertebral column

ans : 1

46) arnold chiari syndrome 2 :

1.Ventricle dilitation
2.Germinal matrix hemorrhage
3.Periventricular leukomalacia
4.spina bifida occulta

Ans : 2 ( not sure)

47)a question about patient about spatial neglet syndrome :

1.most affected - Dominant pariato-occipital association area
2.most affected - Non-Dominant pariato-occipital association area
3.most affected angylar gyrus
ans : 2

48) Which one of the following sentences is false about the sleep cycle?
1) The old people stay less time in Non-rem compired to children.
2) the sleep cycle starts at the rem stage.

Ans: 2

49) which part plays a major role in controlling the cardiovascular system?
1) Posterior and lateral hypothalamus.
2) Anterior hypothalamus.
3) Ventromedial
4) Arcuate nucleus

50)which of the following has major effect in increasing cerebral blood flow :
1.decrease pco2
2.incrase ph
3.increse mean arterial pressure from 80 mmhg to 120 mmhg
4.increase cerebral perfusion pressure from 80to 120 mmhg

ans : 4

51) one of the following is a metabolite of catecholamine metabolism :

1.homovanillic acid

ans :1

52)case about chronic hypertensive (maybe) patient who has a hemorrhagic

stroke and ask about the cause :
1.emboli from heart valve affected by rheumatic fever


53) all the following is true about berry aneurysm except:

1.mainly multiple
2.rapture at apex
3. Rapture at any site of circuls of wilis
ans :1

54) Haloperidol can cause all of the following except :

1) Hallucination
2) Weight gain
3) Extrapyramidal sign and symptoms

55)drug X when given alone there is no effect but when given with ACH in
increase ACH effect , drug x is an example about :
1) inverse agonist
2) neutral agonist
3) biased agonist
4) allosteric modulator

ans :4

56:all the following are true about hypertensive cerebrovascular disease except
1.major chause of intracerebral hemorrhage
2.lacunar infarct in pon and basal gangil
3.acute hypertensive encephalopathy when diastolic blood pressure more than
Ans : 3

57)which of the following is false about benzodiazepine:

1.used as muscle relaxant at low dose
2.used in epilepsy because its partial effect on alpha 1 receptor
3.used in anxiety disorder at low dose and affect alpha 2 receptor
4.used in sleep disorder cuz it affect alpha 1 receptor


58)all the following are true about barbiturate except :

1.they are replaced by benzodiazepine
2.barbiturate are not controlled substances
3.can block glutamate receptor low dose produce sedation

ans : 2

59)which of the following will inhibit liver enzyme :

1.valproic acid
2. Lamotrihine


note:.phenoytoin.carbanzepine .barbiturate : induce liver enzyme

Lamotrihine does not affect liver enzyme
60) the most coomon chuase of meningitis is :

61:which of the following is true about kering sign :

1.flextion of the neck
2.meninges irritation
3.only for bacterial meningitis
4.most common seen in neonate
ans : 2

62:all the following is true about laboratory features of bacterial meningitis : blood cells is absent in non-trumatic procedure
2.opening pressure above 180 mmh2o
3.high protein
4.high glucose
ans : 4

63.vacination help to decrease all the following except :

ans :

64)all the following incolve short-term memory except:

1. accumulation of calcium in the presynaptic membrane that promote
neurotransmitter release
2.transcription of gene

transcription of gene means protein synthesis ehich a physical chande seen in
long rather than short memory
Done By: Laith Rabadi & Osama Tashman

Edited BY: Fahad Almutairi & Abood Alselawi

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