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Since our first lesson in Medtech, I struggled to perform the tasks and catch up with the requirements.
Although I learned many things despite the stress, I still have lots to improve. From the very basic, the
handwashing, repeatedly practicing the proper technique is already a handful. Because of constant
practicing, I instinctively refrain from touching anything with my hands in fear of contamination, and it
became a reflex. Aside from this, nothing can beat the stress when doing blood smearing. I was terrible
at it and unable to produce even one smear. I was on the verge of stabbing myself using the glass slides.

Our instructor showed us a demonstration of how to do a blood smear. She confessed that she is not
good at it, and I relate to her because when it was our turn to do the smearing, I almost threw the slide
away. It was frustrating to unable to make even one smear. I struggled a lot and began rethinking my
decisions. I even considered shifting courses right at that moment. Extracting the blood to be used in the
smearing is also a hurdle. No one around me is willing to donate their blood just for me to practice
smearing. It was a disappointing process, and until now, I still have lots to improve to make one smear.

Everything our instructor taught us helped me understand the value of working in the medical field. I am
pessimistic, so I stress a lot about this course. I am uncertain I can keep up in college with this mentality
of giving up immediately. However, I will get through this all. As I always say, this is merely a step to
becoming a medical health professional.

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