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Activity #2

1. Explain this statement “the key to school improvement is teacher improvement”

 For me teacher’s improvement is the key to school improvement because teacher
is the main model in teaching. It is in his/her, The key to success in learning.
Without a teacher the school cannot stand alone and did not drive the school in
improvement and also teachers are the person who help people to learn so teacher
must be an educated or knowledgeable person because the school improvement
will reflect to the teacher because they are the one who facilitate or manage the
school and that is why teacher attend seminar and training to improve/enhance
their skills and learning to improve the school that they were belong and to teach
their student well and good.

2. How does research bring about positive turn-out among teachers in terms of their
teaching and student’s learning?
 Research can bring positive turn-out to teacher because research can help the
teacher to improve their teaching styles and strategies and to become a better
teacher to help and understood the learning needs of their students.

3. Why is there a need for action research?

 Because action research can help the teacher to improve the quality of their
decisions and action and also teacher use action research to examine their own
classroom, instructional strategies, assessment procedures and interaction with
student -learners in order to improve their quality and effectiveness.

4. The following are the six conditions that foster effective school-based action
research, choose 3 and explain.
 According to Verywell openness to weakness is the individual who
are very low on the trait of openness are often seen as being rigid and close-
minded. They may find it difficult to cope with changes. Individuals who are low
in this traits may pass up opportunities to try new things, including changes that
could lead to academic advancement

5. How does action research lead to school improvement?

 Teachers and administrators can use action research to learn more about what is
going on in their classroom. This procedure develops a decision-making cycle that
drives the school's and individual classrooms' instructional planning.

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