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YaoHui Guo

#2491 High Street, Rio Claro,

Trinidad, West Indies.

27th March 2023

Attention: Admissions Office,

Jinan International University,
Room 404, Administration Building No.601,
Huangpu Avenue, West Tianhe District,
People's Republic of China.

Dear Admissions Committee,

RE: Personal Statement - Application for Undergraduate Admission

(Bachelor’s Degree – Computer Science)

The subject at caption refers. I write with a burning desire seeking entry into
Jinan University to pursue undergraduate studies for the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
Science. Being naturally creative and innovative, and ever since I was initially exposed
to technology, there has been a desire to do something more where I can explore my
imagination in a useful and creative way to the benefit of humanity and society at large.
It is with such a passion that I write to your prestigious and world-renowned institution
seeking admission into the aforementioned program of study.

I have always been a determined individual being very persistent in all my

undertakings not giving up easily in any of my endeavours which I proudly wear as a
badge of honour and which has earned my several certificates for outstanding academic
performance. I am very studious and committed to studies and am always concerned on
how I can continuously improve my academic performance thereby reaching higher
standards bringing me a sense of achievement and personal fulfilment.

Technology is a gateway to a world of infinite possibilities. Advancement in

communication, networking, education, and medicine are just a few areas of life that
recent technological developments have been able to bring much needed relief. As
technology continues to evolve in a dynamic world and also as we live in unprecedented
times of worldwide health concerns and other global issues, I believe that with my
reignited passion that this degree will help me to achieve not only my personal
objectives but also to make a positive difference in the lives of others through ongoing
research and training in this area which this program will expose me to.
In closing, with Jinan University being the first University in China to recruit
foreign students, and myself being of Chinese origin currently residing overseas with
my Chinese parents, this also presents the perfect opportunity for me to add to the
cultural diversity of Jinan University, by learning and uniting with my culture and
mainland China to which I eagerly await.

In light of the foregoing, I thank the admissions committee on reviewing my

application for undergraduate entry into your institution and do remain committed
while looking forward to proudly being a product of such a prestigious and reputable
University and Organisation.

I do hope that my application may find commendation with you, and I do look
forward in anticipation to a most favourable response.

Your warmest courtesies are appreciated.

Yours Sincerely

YaoHui Guo

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