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Omirzakov Abzal, TFL


Learning English has always been popular among people of all ages. I recently started my teaching
career at my language center. Most of the center’s students are school-age children. One of them is
a 10th grade student named Arman. He has been studying at our center for over а year and currently
his level of proficiency in English is elementary. The purpose of his study of English is studying
abroad after graduation, reading literature, watching videos, films in the original language, as well
as the need for language proficiency when traveling around the world. We work with Arman
individually. Like all students, his main priority is to become fluent in English as quickly as
possible. Since his weakness is spoken language, he asked me to pay more attention to this and
work in this direction. Therefore, we made an individual plan with him, and also gave advice on
improving speaking skills on his own. Some of activities are given below.

1. Reading aloud. Reading aloud is an excellent conversation practice. The task is to pronounce
each word correctly, with the correct stress. He can find an audiobook and read the text in
parallel with the speaker, imitating all of his intonations.
2. Watching short videos and repeating what you hear. You Tube is a great resource for
learning foreign languages, and the student most likely already has favorite channels. It is very
helpful to watch short videos in English and memorize them. The key to success with this
exercise is to listen really carefully and focus on words and pronunciation.
3. Retelling the text. In the classroom, I ask him what he learned from the article or book, what is
its meaning, what, in his opinion, the author wanted to say. The main thing is to ask him to use
words and phrases that are new to him.
4. Expressing your point of view. After the retelling, I always ask him to express his opinion
about the text: whether it "hooked" him, whether the described situation is close to him,
whether something similar happened to him, whether he agrees with the author's point of view,
5. Singing in English. Popular song lyrics often use colloquial vocabulary, so you can learn
common colloquial phrases while singing. Human memory is designed in such a way that
memorizing words that sound to music is easier than just memorizing.
6. Replacing regular verbs with phrasal ones. Many English learners, including Arman, cannot
understand why native speakers use so many phrasal verbs, while there are ordinary ones with
the same meaning. I tell him that English has taken a lot from Latin, so there are many phrasal
verbs in it, and if he wants to understand the native speakers of this language, then he needs to
know and use these verbs.

Thus, these are the basic techniques for improving speaking skills that I suggest to Arman. Of
course, the success of a student depends not only on the teacher but also on himself. In this case, the
teacher should motivate and encourage his students to learn.

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