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Includes :

Appendicular Skeleton
 Pectoral or shoulder girdle
 Scapula
 Clavicle

 Upper Limbs
 Arm
 Forearm
 Wrist
 Hand

 Pelvic girdle
 ilium
 Pubis
 ischium

 Lower Limbs
 Thigh
 Patella
 Leg
 Ankle
 Foot
Pectoral girdle (Shoulder)

• The pectoral girdle consists of two bones that attach the

upper limb to the body:

a. The scapula .

b. The clavicle .

A. Scapula

It is a triangular flat bone.

It has
Three process:
• Acromion process
• Spine
• Coracoid process

Two surfaces
• Convex posterior surface
• Concave anterior surface
B. Clavicle
is along bone with slight sigmoid (s-shaped) curve. The clavicle is
important in holding the upper limb away from the body. Each clavicle
articulates laterally with a scapula and medially with the manubrium of
the sternum.

Upper limb Groove

 Arm

It is contains only one bone, called the

humerus, which include:

 Humerus head: articulates with the

glenoid cavity of the scapula.
 Neck.
 Groove.
 Body.
 Capitulum: it is a rounded projection
articulates with the radius.
 Trochlea: it an articulates with the ulna.
 Forearm
Formed of two bones:
A. Ulna is medial bone.
B. Radius is lateral bone.
A. Ulna
 It is the stabilizing bone of the forearm.
 It is the longer of the two bones of forearm.
 Located on the side with the little finger.

B. Radius
on the lateral, or thumb side of forearm.

 Wrist

It is a relatively short region between

the forearm and hand composed eight
carpal bones.
 Hand

Five metacarpals attached to the

carpal bones.
The five fingers of each hand include
one thumb and four fingers. Each
finger consists of small long bones
called phalanges.
The thumb have two phalanges and
other fingers have three phalanges.

Pelvic girdle
Is the place of attachment for the lower limbs.
The two pelvic bones (left and right) articulating
with the sacrum.
It’s formed by paired ring bones called coxae or
hip bone which consist of three parts:

1. ilium: is the upper part.

2. Pubis: is the anterior part.
3. ischium: the posterior part.

Acetabulum cavity : for articulates with the head

of the femur bone.
Obturator foramen: for the passage of nerve and Obturator
blood vessels
Lower limbs bones
The lower limbs bones in general are
thicker, heavier and longer than those of
the upper limbs bones.

1- Thigh
It is contains a single bone called
femur which is the longest and strongest
bone in the skeleton.

2- Patella (knee)
It is articulates with the patellar
groove of the femur.

3- Leg

The portion of the lower limb

between the knee and the ankle,
contains two bones:

 Tibia.
 Fibula.
4- Ankle (Tarsals)
The ankle consists of seven bones, the
Talus articulates with tibia and fibula to
form the ankle joint.
The Calcaneus located inferior and
lateral to the talus, it is supports other
ankle bones.


Foot consists of metatarsals and toe.

The great toe have two phalanges and other
toe have three phalanges.

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