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Effectiveness of Artificial Chatbots as Educational Tools in the Learning and

Performance of Senior High school Students in Sumulong Memorial High School


This study aims to assess the impact of integrating artificial chatbots as educational tools on the
learning outcomes of senior high school students In Sumulong Memorial High School. In an era
where technology is ubiquitous, leveraging chatbots in education offers the potential to
revolutionize traditional learning approaches, creating an interactive and personalized learning
experience to one-on-one teacher-student interaction. The central research problem revolves
around evaluating the effectiveness of artificial chatbots in enhancing the learning and academic
performance of senior high school students. To investigate this, a quantitative descriptive
research approach was employed, allowing for a systematic examination of the phenomenon.
Data collection was facilitated through the use of Google Forms, streamlining the process of
gathering responses from participants within the Sumulong Memorial High School community.
This study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the integration of technology into education,
shedding light on the potential benefits of artificial chatbots as teaching aids, and their role in
fostering effective and engaging learning environments.

Keywords: "what," "where," "when," and "how."

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